Cheap Tickets
How To Save Money On Minnesota Twins Tickets
Posted by Kurt Smith
If a Minnesota Twins game at Target Field is in your plans, good for you. It’s a great ballpark. You will need tickets though obviously, and if you’re on a budget, you’ll want to save money on Twins tickets, or find a great deal on great seats.
I’m here to help! Below I’ve listed a baker’s dozen tips to help you save $$$ on Twins tickets. You can probably find something that will help here. Use that money to try a great food item.
There’s a lot here, so I’ve broken it down for you:
Minnesota Twins Ticket Alerts
The Twins Website
The Twins Box Office
Third Party Tickets (Gametime, SeatGeek, etc.)
Ticket Upgrades
Seek Low Demand Games
Use The Minneapolis Weather
Facebook Groups
Kids Club Memberships
Bring Your Friends
The Twins Pass
Wait Till The Last Minute
The Twins Community Page

You could have known about this just from checking your e-mail!
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #1) Team Ticket Alerts. This is, with any team, my #1 tip for finding deals on tickets. Do this now: subscribe to the Twins’ e-mail ticket alerts. It also doesn’t hurt to request text alerts and follow the team on social media outlets too.
There’s multiple benefits to Twins e-mail alerts. They’ll inform you about ticket deals, of course, but they’ll also tell you about giveaway nights, discounts for certain folks like military members or students, and other specials like $1 hot dog night.
You’ll also know when tickets go on sale for the season, useful when you want to score good seats for a high demand game at face price. For a July weekend game against the Cubs, face price might be your best deal. Always get the ticket alerts, lots of good stuff.

Flo thinks you should check the Twins website too.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #2) The Team Website. Buying from the Twins website is convenient of course, but pay attention to the newsletter for deals. You’ll pay fees of course, so if you want to compare prices with third party sites, go all the way to the checkout screen.
The Twins offer a number of deals for fans, like senior and student discounts, half-price tickets for veterans, and special savings days. The 612 Saturdays (named for the Target Field area code) are popular: $6 drinks, $1 snacks and $2 food items. They list their specials here.
You can filter by month, day, time and opponent to choose a game, which I’ll talk about in a bit. Depending on demand, tickets could still be cheapest buying from the website if you can’t go to the box office.
Speaking of that:

Tickets for HOME games, no less!
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #3) The Twins Box Office. The Twins have an ample number of ticket windows at Target Field; even on game day you shouldn’t have to wait long to buy tickets.
The Twins don’t sell paper tickets anymore, but they will put electronic tickets on your phone through the MLB Ballpark app. They’re very nice and patient with folks who have trouble with the technology.
With no ticket fees (a significant expense), the box office is a cheaper alternative if it’s convenient enough for you. The Twins don’t often sell out, so even on game day it’s usually a viable option.

“Welp, looks like we’re going third party.”
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #4) Third Party Sellers. Again, the Twins don’t sell out a lot of games, so you can often find deals with brokers like Gametime, StubHub, SeatGeek, etc. Gametime is my favorite. See why here.
Remember that most all third party sites include fees. You can usually set the listings to show you the full price. If you can’t go to the checkout screen to compare. The fees DO make a difference.
Usually for low demand games, tickets will cost less on third party sites, but not always. It’s best to shop around and compare with Twins website prices.

This is a good time to demand better in your life.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #5) Seat Upgrades. You need the MLB Ballpark app to get tickets onto your phone anyway; but you can also upgrade your seats once you get into the game.
So try buying the cheap seats, and then see what’s available once you’re in. You might find a better deal than usual on high end seats. This is especially the case for April games, which don’t draw well. Worth a look.

Divisional rival games can be hot tickets…even on Monday.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #6) Choose Low Demand Games. You can find tickets on third parties for well below face price if you pick the right game. The Twins use dynamic pricing, so you might even find deals on their website.
The Twins draw the smallest crowds in April and May, and weekday games sell fewer tickets than weekends. You can also choose games against teams that don’t pack them in. A game against the Rockies or Rays will sell fewer tickets than a game against the Cubs or Yankees.
April games draw so poorly (and probably with good reason) that the Twins didn’t even sell upper level seats in April of 2024. So if you can deal with the cold (I’ll help you with that), April is a great time to save big on third party sites.

Cold day at Target Field? Not in the Truly On Deck restaurant!
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #7) Use That Weather. Minnesota especially features some weather that keeps fans at home, but that can happen in the summer too.
If you live in the area and are flexible about when you can go to games, check around when the weather isn’t conducive to baseball. They have very cold and windy nights in Minneapolis, but they do get some blazing hot days in the summer too.
There’s ways to duck out of the elements, by the way. The Roof Deck in left field has multiple levels of shaded and heated areas. The Twins Pub on the Terrace level is also out of the elements, and you can watch the game from the Truly On Deck restaurant if you snag a spot early.
Premium seat holders might sell their wares too, by the way. And high end seats include access to climate-controlled clubs, great on a cold (or hot) day. Great opportunity to score a deal.

While less savvy baseball fans on Facebook were arguing politics, you scored Twins tickets with a private entrance.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #8) Facebook Groups. Season ticket holders can’t go to all the games, and a few of them unite to spare buyers from ticket fees that no one likes.
You can join a couple of Facebook groups where Twins season ticket holders sell their extras without fees. Here are three: the Minnesota Twins Ticket Marketplace, the Minnesota Ticket Exchange, and Minnesota Twins Tickets.
I presume they vet their sellers and verify them, but obviously exercise caution. That said, you can very often find a decent deal if you check on game day. (Remember the low demand and weather tips.)

Half price tickets, and selfies with a Twins-themed Mickey.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #9) The Kids Club. The Twins have a T.C. Sluggers Kids Club for your little ones. For a small price, the kid gets cool swag like a backpack, sunglasses, and a lanyard. Most of all, they get ticket discounts.
Membership includes a free ticket for every April home game except Opening Day, and half price tickets for Sunday games through the year. You need to be there with the kid obviously, but that’s still a savings over full price for both of you.
Besides that, Sundays are great days for the kids, especially with running the bases after the game and half off kids meals.

You could schmooze the guy at Group Tickets HQ, but online works just as well.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #10) Bring Your Friends. If you can persuade your fellow Twins fans to go to a game with you, the Twins will help you out. In addition to slightly cheaper tickets, they don’t charge fees for groups of 20 or more.
The Twins also offer cheaper prices for 501c3 organizations and student gatherings too, so if you’re involved in a charitable function, maybe you can suggest a game and talk up discounted tickets for Twins baseball.
On top of that, if you’re a group organizer, you get all kinds of other perks too. Take some batting practice!

Just tell them the secret code!
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #11) The Twins Pass. This one’s for locals, but it’s a great value. The Twins Pass allows you to attend every home game for a month for one reasonable price.
The Twins say you can “watch the game from any of Target Field’s variety of outdoor and indoor social spaces on all levels of the ballpark”. In other words, it’s a standing room ticket.
But there will probably be empty seats you can use, and the Twins aren’t tough on seat poaching in the upper level especially. There’s also the roof deck in left field too, with plenty of good spots.
And remember the upgrade. You can check for a deal on a better seat once you’re in the ballpark.
Even as standing room, the Twins Pass pays for itself with four or five games. Go on all the giveaway nights, and you’ll make out pretty well.

Don’t tell the Twins I told you, but they do still sell tickets on game days.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #12) Wait Till The Last Minute. As game time gets closer (say, about an hour before first pitch) and season ticket holders can’t sell their extras, tickets can drop significantly in price on third party sites.
Some third party sites (I believe StubHub does this) will drop the prices automatically at a certain time before the game. Gametime also specializes in last minute tickets, but you can find deals elsewhere too.
This strategy works best for one or two people, and if the game you have in mind isn’t that important. Single tickets especially are easy to find deals for as game time gets close.

Getting more kids in the game! You know, when they’re there.
Save Money on Twins Tickets, Tip #13) Check The Community Page. Most people probably don’t think of this, but for Twins tickets, try checking the Twins’ Community page. Sometimes you may find something that you can use, while helping your fellow human to boot.
For example, as I write this sentence, you can apply for Twins tickets through a grant for underprivileged kids to attend games. There’s also a program called Learning Through Baseball, that include a BOGO ticket deal for a 2024 game.
And the Twins love military folks as much as the rest of us, with ticket offers for veterans.
You could also sign up for the Twins Community newsletter (the form is on the Community page); they might hold charitable events and programs that include tickets.
Who knows, you may be encouraged to coach youth baseball.

Not only do the Twins win, but you win too!
There you go my friends. A baker’s dozen ways to save money on Twins tickets, and enjoy Target Field with some extra money for the great food items and souvenirs.
Feel free to drop me a line with any questions or comments, and check out other great tips on this blog, like how to find your ideal seat at Target Field, and some of the great food options.
Be sure to Follow Ballpark E-Guides on Facebook and Pinterest for new posts.
Fenway Park Guide | Best Boston Red Sox Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
Here it is my baseball fan friends, your complete, incredibly useful and necessary Fenway Park guide. I’ve put together my best tips for visiting one of my favorite ballparks, and I’m sharing them with you to help you not only save money at Fenway Park, but also get the best bang for your ballpark buck. Whether you’re a frequent or a first time visitor, there’s plenty of useful information here for you.
Fenway Park, I often tell people, is not for amateurs. I learned from my first couple of games there that there are lots of pitfalls to avoid: insanely priced tickets and parking, obstructed views, distant seats, crowded trains, game day traffic, you name it. Think of anything that’s exasperating about going to a ballgame, and Fenway’s got you covered.

Baseball as it is meant to be watched.
But when you know what you’re doing, Fenway is one of the greatest experiences in baseball. It’s an opportunity to take in the experience the way fans have for over 100 years, surrounded by beautiful green walls and red seats, in a space with location-necessitated dimensions, most notably that imposing 37-foot wall in left field.
This essential Fenway Park guide will help you avoid the pitfalls and fully enjoy a memorable Red Sox baseball experience. I’ve broken it down into parts for your easy reference:
Find Deals on Red Sox Tickets
Choosing The Best Seats
The Best Ways To Get To Fenway Park
What to Eat at Fenway Park
Fenway Park With Kids
Photo-Ops and Must-Sees
So after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started.
Gametime has your cheap Red Sox tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts.
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here.)

You’ll need these, just saying.
Fenway Park Guide, Part 1: Finding Deals on Red Sox Tickets
There are, of course, multiple ways to get tickets to a Red Sox game, and it may take a little effort, but if you plan properly you can save a lot of money on tickets. If you really want to get detailed about it, I’ve written this much more in-depth guide to finding cheap Red Sox tickets, but for this guide I’ll keep it relatively simple.
A big part of the equation is the game you plan to see. High demand games at Fenway are any games against the Yankees, July and August weekend contests, and Opening Day. The Red Sox are aware of this, making tickets available for low demand contests first before the season starts. Low demand contests are games during the week, non-Yankees games in April and May, and September games if the Sox aren’t contending.

Ah, there’s still a few available.
So if you just want to visit Fenway, choose a midweek game in April or May. Go for a day game if you can, because you’ll likely want to be in the sun in Boston during those months. Try to choose a game against an opponent that is over 1,000 miles away and not doing well.
If you choose a low demand game, definitely go through a third party rather than through the Red Sox. I have paid a third of the face price for pretty good seats at Sox games doing this.

Now you know what gift to get for lady Sox fans.
However, if you want to pay as little as possible for a July weekend game against the Yankees, going through the Red Sox website (or the box office if you can, to avoid the fees) might be your best bet.
You need to plan way ahead for this. Sign up for the Red Sox ticket alert newsletter so you know exactly when tickets go on sale and get them at face price, which is probably the cheapest that you’ll find them. The newsletter will alert you to any specials, too.
The Sox also sell multi-game packs of tickets, so you can see a Yankees game if you’re willing to pay full price for a midweek game against Oakland. They’ll let you know.

It’s tough waiting in line just steps away from sausage vendors.
If you live in the Boston area or know someone who does, you can get your tickets at the box office and avoid the “convenience” fees, which are considerable at Fenway.
It’s well-known to Sox fans that the Sox always have a handful of tickets available on game day, and a line usually starts forming well before game time. That’s well well well before game time for Yankees games.
I know several Sox fans who use this option all the time and haven’t been turned away. If you don’t mind the wait, it’s a good way to see a high demand game. Kind of a tradition here.

They actually don’t even use this. It’s just there for Yankees fans.
Again, if you’re just looking to visit Fenway and you’re flexible, choose a weekday over a weekend, and try a game against a far away team that isn’t good. These are your best contests for third party seller tickets. My friends at Gametime are my favorite resource for third party tickets; they often have the best deals and ticket guarantees, which is why I made them an affiliate.
But shop around a little bit. When comparing prices through third parties, be sure to go all the way to the checkout screen and know what you’ll really be paying.

So to find scalpers, don’t go to Gate C.
There are plenty of scalpers around Fenway, and they are very skilled hagglers. Usually they are legit, but check the date and opponent on your ticket, and if you see anything fishy or your gut tells you something isn’t right, don’t buy the tickets. Be willing to walk away or even wait until after the game starts; both could lower the price. In the scalp-free zone, ticket holders with extras can sell them at face price or less, so try that out first. It’s usually at Gate C.
Most importantly, do NOT buy a ticket that says “OV” on it. More about that in a bit.
I say the same thing to people about buying Red Sox tickets on Craigslist. Treat them like scalpers and be careful. If you’re willing to take the risk, you might find the best deal out there. (More about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here.)
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your Boston Red Sox gear:
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Here’s where you really see the oldness of Fenway Park.
Fenway Park Guide, Part 2: Choosing The Best Seats
When choosing a seat at Fenway, the goal is to get the best seats that are within your budget. The smaller that budget is, the more careful you have to be to avoid a seat you won’t like.
The most expensive seats at Fenway Park are mostly behind home plate; the Dugout Box and Field Box seats on the field level, and the two tiers of club seats on the mezzanine. All of these offer very good views, cushioned seats in many cases, and usually club access where the food is better. Depending on the type of ticket you get, it may include a parking pass. Whether that’s worth the price is up to you.

Green Monster seats at Fenway…where you pay more because you can.
Green Monster seats are also among the most expensive and are difficult to come by. This is another case where you’ll need the help of your newsletter to know when they’re going on sale.
Incidentally, if it’s a good view you want, avoid the Green Monster seats. They’re more for the experience than the view, which would be the worst in most ballparks. If you’re not in the first row, you’ll lose a good portion of left field in the view.

Still close enough to hear the crack of the bat (eventually)!
This is similarly the case with the right field Ultimate Deck seats. They’re very far away and the view isn’t great, so for the price the Red Sox throw in access to a bar and tables to sit at for eating or drinking.
This space is popular with ballgame socializing types, so maybe you could meet a future Red Sox fan mate here, since a ballgame 500 feet away isn’t likely to be a distraction.

Red seats = no blocked views.
If your budget isn’t quite that expansive, the Loge Box seats are very good, and cost significantly less than the Field Box seats in front of them.
The only slight problem is that Rows AA-CC are “walkway advisory” seats, meaning you’ll have people walking in front of you a lot. With MLB cracking down on people finding their seats during at-bats, this is less of a problem than it used to be.

Not too bad without multiple levels of suites under you.
Similarly, since the mezzanine/upper deck at Fenway isn’t that high at all (support poles are your friend). Pavilion seats offer a great bird’s eye view at a fairly affordable price compared to most seats here.
If you want to save a few bucks more on even that, you can go for Pavilion standing room, which offers a counter and a nice view, better than most standing room here. You might even be able to snag a seat if someone leaves.

Be sure to sign the foul pole!
The Right Field Box and Right Field Upper Box sections are also a decent value for the buck at Fenway. They’re down the right field line past the Field Box sections, and they’re the cheapest seats that close to the field in foul territory.
The seats face the outfield, so you’ll be turning your neck, but it’s not that big a deal. If you’d like to be a step above the cheap seats, these might be the best deal for you.
So now we get into cheap seats, for those of you on a budget, and we’ll start with the Grandstands.

An intimate setting where every fan is your close friend!
The Grandstand seats are behind the field level seats, and they’re covered by the upper level. They’re wooden, small, and tight with little leg room, and of course, there’s those support poles that will likely block your view of some portion of the field (more about that in a minute).
That said, they’re very inexpensive by Fenway standards, and in the middle of a hot or rainy day, you’ll appreciate the cover. It can be a good deal, but you have to work for it.

Note the complete absence of shade.
There are a lot of Bleachers seats in the outfield, and in some cases a Bleachers seat might be preferable to a Grandstand seat (for more details on that, see my seating guide for Fenway).
There’s up to 50 rows of seats in some Bleachers sections, so many seats are very far from the field, and sitting there you could have the sun directly in your eyes in the late afternoon.
There are some advantages, though. Bleachers seats are close to the bullpens, and also close to the Big Concourse if you like better food selection. If you are going for a Bleachers seat, try to get as low as you can.

You probably won’t catch a foul ball back here either.
Finally, the cheapest standing room tickets basically just get you into the ballpark. You are limited to spaces behind the concourse walkways even.
You will have a very hard time finding anything resembling a decent view. Paying whatever amount you need to for an actual seat will almost always be a better alternative.

Ah, here’s the trick…just sit in FRONT of the poles!
Avoiding obstructed views: If you’re going for a Grandstand seat, there are ways to minimize the obstructed view and not have the support pole be too annoying. I go into much more detail about that on this page, but for this Fenway Park guide I’m going to keep it simple.
If you can find a ticket in the first row that doesn’t say “OV” on it, you will likely have a great view, since the pole is usually in the first row. “OV” means Obstructed View, obviously, but it has to be really bad before the Red Sox will admit to it, so avoid “OV” tickets at any cost.

The obstructed view seat is a perfect place for your bag.
Otherwise, in most sections (the right field corner excepted), if you get something between Rows 5-10, and avoid low-numbered seats if you can, you should be okay.
Again, these rules don’t apply to the sections in the right field corner; honestly, take a bleacher seat over those. It’s cheaper and the view is better.
Believe me, you can get much more scientific about this, and I can’t guarantee that you won’t have ANY view problems following this advice, but use the 5-10 rule if you can’t get the first row.
Something in Rows 5-10 and even seats numbered 5-10 is often the best policy for avoiding poor views. Any higher rows may start losing the view of the scoreboards to the overhang.
Click here if you’d like to know more about the dreaded obstructed view and how to avoid it.

Once you get to this point, you’re good.
Fenway Park Guide, Part 3: How To Get To Fenway Park
If you’re a Fenway newbie, I highly recommend against driving to the ballpark, for several reasons. I’ve written this very helpful and detailed guide to getting to Fenway via transit if you need help.
Traffic is extremely slow closer to game time, it’s difficult to get around Kenmore Square, and parking is scarce and extraordinarily expensive. I’ll talk about what to do if you want to drive in a bit, but for your first time, take the T.
The MBTA (called the T in Boston) runs trains on their Green Line to Fenway Park; all but the “E” train stop at Kenmore station, which is a block away from the ballpark. You can park your car much more cheaply at just about any perimeter station, and get to Fenway with at most one transfer.
Easy peezy, and this is how most fans get to the ballpark. So to avoid sardine-level packed trains (and I am not joking about that), leave as early as you can.
Remember, use the Kenmore station, not the Fenway station on the Green Line.

Yes, what they said.
One key thing, get enough value on your trip card for the way back. A crowded station is not a place to be trying to put more money on your card, and it will take a while.
If you don’t mind a bit of a walk and would prefer a less crowded train, you can use the ill-advised E line after all and get off at the Prudential station, where many Sox fans park their car cheaply to get to Fenway. It’s just under a mile walk, and it’s not bad on a nice day.
There’s also the Lansdowne station of MBTA’s Commuter Rail, on the Framingham/Worcester Line. This station is just a fly ball from Fenway, so if you can easily catch this train it’s a nice ride, and you’ll likely have a seat.
The station is in the same spot as $50+ parking lots, to give you an idea of its convenience. The Back Bay station is on this line; I’ll explain the advantage of that shortly.

Yes, they stack cars on top of each other. You’ve been warned.
OK, so you have two viable train lines to get to Fenway, but if you still want to try driving, I’ll help you as much as I can.
As you can imagine, traffic in Kenmore Square gets super slow on game day. It’s a given that you should arrive as early as you can. Most routes to the ballpark involve Storrow Drive, so avoid that if possible.
Keep in mind that if you park close to Fenway, it’s likely going to take you a fairly long time to get out, and there will be pedestrians everywhere.

Yes, you read that right.
For almost any parking within a block or two, and even for some lots a half mile away, you’re going to pay at least $50-60. You can, if you’re willing to walk a bit, drop that price quite a bit, and this is a great time for me to tell you about pre-paid parking.
Here is my number one, most important tip for driving to Fenway Park: Book. Your. Parking. In. Advance.
I have a favorite money-saving trick for this: book your parking at the Prudential Center or at the 100 Clarendon Street lot. You can use my friends at SpotHero for great Red Sox parking, including that garage.
It’s about a 15-20 minute walk from there to Fenway (I usually walk it); but if you don’t want to do the walk, the Back Bay Commuter Rail station is right there and it’s just a couple of bucks to get to Lansdowne station.
You save quite a bit of money, ride a much less crowded train, and can get off the train right at Fenway at a spot where people paid three times as much to park.

Your helpful parking landmark!
It’s also easy to find your way back, with the very tall Pru Center visible from inside the ballpark.
There are some fairly close streets where you can park for free, especially on Sundays. More about that in my detailed guide for Fenway parking.

Keepin’ it green at Fenway.
If you’re a green sort or just like riding a bicycle in a city where even cars barely fit on the streets, the Red Sox reward you with a free bicycle valet service. The valet stop is at 73 Brookline Avenue.
You also have the Bikeshare option; Bluebikes has close to ten stations very close to the ballpark. (Not sure about the bicycle availability after the game, but I presume it would be okay given the number of stations.)

The perfect size vehicles for Boston streets.
And finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Boston Pedicabs, cyclists who pedal rickshaws from numerous destinations in the city, including the aforementioned Prudential Center. You can flag one of these guys down if you’re tired after the game, and it’s a fun experience riding through Boston.
Never Drive To Fenway Park Without A Plan…
Book Your Parking Spot NOW With My Friends at SpotHero!

Outdoor dining at its best.
Fenway Park Guide, Part 4: What To Eat at Fenway
For a while, Fenway had some interesting food selections, like the Lobster Poutine Stak, but they’ve scaled them down a bit. Still, you have some perfectly good options for Fenway Park grub, especially when you include the famous sausage vendors outside.
If you’d like the much more detailed edition of the menu, check out this guide to Fenway Park food. But for this guide, I’ll just go over some classic items and some new ones.

The Monster-sized Fenway Frank, still unequaled.
The Fenway Frank (and the much larger Monster Dog edition) is still the go-to food item at Fenway; it’s a Kayem hot dog served on that famous mushy white bread. The Monster Dog is close to a footlong, so bring an appetite for that one. It’s well worth it.
The Red Sox close off Jersey Street before and during games, making it accessible only for ticket holders. They need to feed all these people of course, so there are several worthwhile stands selling classic Fenway stuff and some unusual items.

For the record, no, that’s not Luis Tiant.
Most notably, El Tiante, named for Sox star Luis Tiant, was (I think) the only spot in Fenway where you can get a Cuban sandwich and Luis Tiant’s autograph (Tiant has passed away unfortunately). Jersey Street offers most of the non-hot dog food items.
In addition to Jersey Street, the Big Concourse area beyond right field also has a wider variety of food selection than most stands. You can find unusual items here, like the Bloody Mary Burger, Grillo’s Pickles, and a “Franken Bean” hot dog.

This is your favorite part of this guide, isn’t it?
Lobster rolls are another classic at Fenway; they used to be made by Yankee Lobster Company but I think Sox fans may have had enough of that.
The Lobster roll is cold by design, and obviously given that it’s seafood in a ballpark it’s expensive, but the fans still get them. It’s Boston after all.
There’s always pizza at Fenway Park; currently the provider is Sal’s. Sal’s has numerous locations in New England, and in 2022 they offered a free small pizza with the purchase of a large following a Red Sox victory (at their restaurants, not Fenway). I’ll keep you posted if that changes.

Burgers AND fries? Sold!
Burgers and steak tips sandwiches at Fenway feature beef from Savenor’s, who was once voted Best of Boston by Boston magazine, so you know it’s good quality beef.
In addition to the aforementioned Bloody Mary Burger, at the new Truly Terrace behind the Bleachers, you can get a Truly Awesome Burger, with (deep breath) Savenor’s Butter Smash Burger, melted Vermont cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, red onion, and Thousand Island dressing on a brioche roll. (Okay, maybe that’s not that awesome, but I like the butter smash bit.)
There were a couple of new items that I definitely want to give a mention to. One solid addition in the ballpark food realm is the Mings Bings, created by Chef Ming Tsai.
Mings Bings are vegan pockets with a brown rice wrapper, filled with vegan-based cheeseburger or sausage and peppers. They’re a healthy snack that you can easily carry around and eat in a ballpark, and gluten-free to boot.
There’s also Fluffernutter Fries: sweet potato fries topped with crushed peanuts, peanut sauce, and marshmallow cream. I loved Fluffernutters as a kid and cannot believe no one has ever thought of this.
If you are looking for more adventurous food selections, Jersey Street and the Big Concourse are your best destinations.

A chicken teriyaki sandwich with Inner Beauty hot sauce. Because you.
Now then, I can’t ignore the outside sausages, and neither should you. Surrounding Fenway Park on game day are numerous sausage carts that sell hot dogs, sausages, and chicken and steak tips sandwiches.
Lansdowne Street is the best spot for these, being in the path from the Kenmore station.
I talk more about these different vendors in my much more detailed Fenway Park food page, but I’ll just tell you that The Sausage Connection is my favorite. They offer a good value, tasty sandwiches, and their amazing Inner Beauty hot sauce, which is a mustard-style hot sauce that goes great on any sandwich.
Visit the yellow stand and tell them Kurt sent you.

You can bring in a much smaller bag. If you’re not hungry.
You can bring food into Fenway Park, but the Sox now only allow a small bag – 5*9*2 inches as I write this, and they will search it. (Killjoys.) You should be able to pack a sandwich from an outside vendor into a bag that size, but adding a drink with it might be tough.
Finally, there is a wealth of restaurants walking distance from the ballpark at Fenway, and some of them can even be reasonably priced.
There’s a lot of good grub at Fenway Park, but don’t feel like you have to get the feedbag on at the game, especially since you might have to wait a while after the game to leave anyway.

Get your picture taken with a seating chart!
Fenway Park Guide, Part 5: Bringing The Kids to Fenway
If you’re planning to bring the little ones, check out Red Sox Kid Nation. The Sox offer a free game ticket with their free membership (I presume they are still doing this, but I’ll keep checking).
The paid membership is even better. It includes a backpack, a jersey and chances to get other stuff. Well worth the price. You still have to buy a ticket for you of course, but a free ticket to the most expensive ballpark in baseball is a nice thing.
As I’ve mentioned, you should subscribe to the Red Sox newsletter, and part of that will be promotions dedicated to kids, such as Star Wars Day.

If they lock your kids out, you can at least take a selfie.
Fenway wasn’t always much of a kid-friendly ballpark, but it’s gotten much better with entertainment and face painting and such on Jersey Street. Also, in the Big Concourse there is a play area called Wally’s Clubhouse open after the 3rd inning. Use the Gate K entrance, it’s designed for the young ones.
The kids’ area features a virtual reality batting cage, face painting, beanbag tosses and a visit from Wally the Green Monster. They can even sign a mock-up Pesky’s Pole. There is no view of the game though, so decide for yourself if you want the kids to be aware of this.
When taking kids keep in mind their restlessness; not that kids won’t enjoy the game, but it’s tight quarters and you may have an easier time in the Pavilion or Roof Box seats.
Keep a close eye on them in crowded areas, and the Big Concourse and Jersey Street are less congested if they need to walk around.

Sometimes employees will try to score some of the swag. You can’t blame them.
First-timers at Fenway get some small gifts at the Fan Information Booth; last I checked it was a sticker, a free photograph and a welcome message on the scoreboard. And a Fenway bingo card. And you’ll want a memento of your first trip here.
You can get free diapers or sunscreen at booths at Gates D and E should you need them, and the family restrooms have changing tables.
The Sox have also added nursing areas at Fenway (and NO, I don’t have photos of that). They’re also in the family restrooms. They’re not sweet lounges like in Cincinnati or Washington, but they’re there.
The Red Sox designate games where kids can run the bases after the game (my kids love this). They will tell you which games on their promotions page.

This number is called “25 Or 6 To 4”.
Fenway Park Guide, Part 6: Photo-Ops + Extra Tips For Newbies
Finally, there’s a few more things you should know about your first (or next) visit to Fenway.
Fenway Park is cashless, so no need to bring along a wad for the inside vendors. I’m pretty certain the independent sausage stands will still take cash, though. Incidentally, MasterCard holders get occasional deals, so at least bring your MasterCard.
Keep in mind the New England weather. There’s a very good reason that April and May Red Sox games are the cheapest. Dress very warmly, especially if you will be sitting in the shaded Grandstand, and have a place to go to warm up if you need to.
Here are some of my favorite photo-ops at Fenway:

You’re pretty much right with the world in this spot.
The Green Monster. When my wife surprised me with Red Sox tickets for my birthday, my father recommended sitting in the Right Field Box seats for that solid view of the most iconic feature of Fenway. He was right.

Very well guarded as you can see.
The Big Papi Lego Statue. David Ortiz is one of the greatest heroes in Boston sports history, so of course someone took the time to build a Lego edition of him. It’s in the main concourse.

I would love to have the set for this. With instructions of course.
The Fenway Lego Model. This is located in the concourse in the left field corner: a Fenway Park built with Legos. Can I buy the set?

I had to hold the camera sideways.
Big League Brian. He’s the guy on stilts wandering around Jersey Street before the game, posing and playing catch with fans. Pretty easy to find him; look for the stripes on his pants.

Wally likes to let his guests have the spotlight.
Wally Statue. This one’s popular with the kids, Wally even sits perfectly still for your shot.

Enjoy the game!
Well, that’s a wrap. Hopefully this detailed Fenway Park guide is of some use to you. As I’ve said, it’s well worth knowing how to avoid the pitfalls, even if the difficulties are part of what makes Fenway Park great.
If you’d like to know more, I’m happy to help! Check out my much more detailed guide to getting the best deals on Red Sox tickets, this complete guide to Fenway Park seating, the complete menu of food both inside and outside of Fenway, and my very helpful Fenway parking guide. And feel free to drop me a line and let me know what you think!
Please support my sponsors and help this website help baseball fans. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you at the yard!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Get more knowledge below from your favorite Fenway Park Expert!
How To Score Cheap Atlanta Braves Tickets | Truist Park
Posted by Kurt Smith
Hello baseball fans and Braves game goers! I’m back again with a bunch of insider tips for how to buy cheap Braves tickets, for your next baseball game at beautiful Truist Park. (formerly SunTrust Park)
Not trying to brag, but I have extensively researched the topic, and compiled my best money saving tips for you here. Below are your options to find the best deal on tickets for your next visit to the home of the Atlanta Braves.
I suggest you read through this entire post if you can, because it’s all helpful. But I’m happy to break it into parts for you:
Using The Atlanta Braves Website
Buying From Third Party Sites
Buying From Facebook Forums + Craigslist
Get A Seat Upgrade
The Braves Box Office
Join The Kids Club
Find Low Demand Games
Wait Until The Last Minute, Maybe
Use The Atlanta Weather
Bring Your Friends
Help The Community
When All Else Fails…Use The Cheap Seats
Ready? Okay, here we go, after this highly applicable bit of advice from our sponsor!
Gametime has your cheap Braves tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)
How To Buy Cheap Atlanta Braves Tickets, Tip #1) Using The Braves Website.

The Braves don’t make their website URL obvious, but they do share a helpful search phrase.
Buying tickets through the Atlanta Braves website is, of course, the easiest and most trusted way to buy Braves tickets. You will need the MLB Ballpark app on your phone, and the Braves will send your tickets there. To my knowledge, they don’t do paper tickets anymore (I don’t know any team that does).
Here is my most important tip for saving money on Braves tickets: sign up for the Braves’ ticket alert newsletter. The Braves will frequently send you a special offer or three, as well as info about giveaway nights and other benefits.
Perhaps more importantly, they’ll tell you when tickets go on sale; which is usually the best time to get tickets for high demand games. If you’re looking for tickets to a game against the Phillies in July, buying through the Braves on the day of sale will probably be cheapest. The Braves offer multi-game packs that include high demand games, so if you can go to a few games that could be a swell deal. Give away your extras as Christmas presents.
The Braves use dynamic pricing, which means that ticket prices rise and fall according to demand. In my experience, ticket prices don’t usually drop much, but they can often go up a fair bit. So that’s all the more reason to check your ticket alerts.
I’ll talk more about third party providers in a bit, but currently the Braves feature a link to SeatGeek on their tickets page, as their official reseller. The Braves sell premium seats to season ticket holders only (and there are a lot of premium seats), but you can usually find something on third party sites for single games.
Before you buy tickets on the Braves website, check their ticket specials. As I write this you can take advantage of Coca-Cola Wednesdays, Blue Moon weekdays, and the T-Mobile Value Pack. The Braves offer discounted tickets to military personnel and first responders, and it’s a great deal. Again, they will almost always let you know about these deals in their ticket alert newsletter.
Finally, one last piece of advice that’s pretty important. If you’re comparing ticket prices on the Braves site with third party sites, be sure to go all the way to the checkout screen and know what you’re really paying. You might find a better deal elsewhere when you add in the fees.
It wouldn’t hurt to follow the Braves on your favorite social media platform too, just saying.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #2) Using Third Party Sites.

Windows closed? Time for Plan B.
I mentioned the Braves linking to SeatGeek for resales on their tickets page. But you can usually find a similar selection of Braves tickets on other third party sites, including StubHub, Vivid Seats and several others.
Gametime is a favorite of Ballpark E-Guides (full disclosure: they’re an affiliate). In my experience, they offer slightly better deals than most. Gametime curates the best ticket deals for you, you can toggle “all-in” pricing to see the fees included the price, and they’re great for last minute tickets (a key tip I’ll talk about shortly).
Third party sites are your best chance at finding a single game ticket in the premium seats, like the Delta Sky 360, Xfinity Club or Chop House seats. Get access to that exclusive Chipper Jones lounge (no, he doesn’t hang out there). These are exclusive to season ticket holders, and few of them go to every game. If you search closer to game time, you might find a steal on Gametime.
For high demand games, say, a contest against the Yankees on a July weekend, hopefully you’ve bought tickets from the Braves in advance. Face value will still probably be your best bet, so try the Braves website first. If this is in your plans, it helps to plan ahead as much as possible.
If you’re looking for a better deal than what the Braves ask, you might have some luck searching around for low demand games. Try a weekday game in May against Colorado. Again, very important, with third party sites especially, go all the way to the checkout screen! (Usually that’s the screen that has a “Place Your Order” button or something similar.)
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #3) Buying From Facebook Forums + Craigslist

In Atlanta, baseball fans look out for each other.
This is actually a little-known option to a lot of fans. There are Facebook groups where season ticket holders sell their extras to people…without the fees. Braves Ticket Marketplace is one, Atlanta Braves Ticket Exchange is another. You can also search for “braves tickets” or something similar on Facebook.
That said, there is some inherent risk with buying from a Facebook group. It is similar to Craigslist (or buying from scalpers back in the day, but there aren’t any of those anymore).
You probably won’t get scammed, and the moderators do their best to ensure no one does, but take some precautions. Find out as much as you can about the seller, and don’t go for an offer that looks too good to be true.
Buying from season ticket holders is your best bet for access to premium areas like the Chop House seats. Couldn’t hurt to look. In addition, season ticket holders, depending on their section, get all sorts of perks like parking passes, merch discounts, and access to climate-controlled clubs.
As far as Craigslist, A-List members sell their wares there too. I’ve written more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here. Again, there’s no guarantee in place there, so treat Craigslist sellers like scalpers; verify whatever you can.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #4) Get An Upgrade You!

Try it tomorrow, too!
I personally love this idea. Did you know that you can upgrade your seats once you’re in the ballpark? Yep…since you’re using the MLB Ballpark app to store your tickets anyway, you can level up on the app after buying a cheap ticket, and potentially save a bundle on the face price for much better seats.
I’ve read several accounts from Braves fans who scored sweet ticket deals doing this. That said, I wouldn’t expect to move from the 400 level to the Truist Club seats for 20 extra bucks. The Braves are smarter than that. But on a low demand night, grab the cheap seats and then see what’s out there once you get in.
I’m not sure that you’ll get access to the exclusive experience clubs, with complimentary food and drinks and all that (you can read about those on my Truist Park seating page), at least not for a small increase. But you can definitely improve your view cheaply with this if seats are available.
The Braves don’t specifically say when this ends during the game. I have read 15 minutes before first pitch. If you want to try it, go for it as soon as you check in at the ballpark.
Never drive to Truist Park Without A Plan…
Book your parking now with my friends at SpotHero!
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #5) The Braves Box Office.

Your reference point. And maybe a nice pre-game spot.
Yes, as I write this sentence you can still go to the box office for your Braves tickets. The ticket windows are across from the Coca-Cola Roxy Theatre, in the Battery Atlanta.
This isn’t a bad option if you live or are near the ballpark. The Braves don’t charge fees when you buy tickets at the box office (the price of tickets might be slightly higher, but you’ll probably come out ahead). If you go early enough, you can park for free for a couple of hours in the nearby Red Deck, but you’ll have to move before the game unless you want to pay a hefty amount.
Unfortunately at the moment you can only buy tickets on game days; the Braves open their windows a few hours before the event. Hopefully they’ll change this policy in the future, but for now it’s game days only.
Keep in mind also that while you’re at the game, you can also get future game tickets at the windows inside. They close after the 6th inning. If you can land future game tickets at face without fees, score.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #6) Join The Kids Club.

When they have someone behind the sign, ask about it.
If you have little ones and are planning a Braves game, definitely make them members of the Braves Kids Club.
Membership currently is free (although that could change), and includes lots of nice stuff. You get a discount on tickets for Kids Club Sundays, and it also includes free games in Hope & Will’s Sandlot. Kids can also run the bases after the game on Kids Club Days, which you’ll want to get in line early for.
The Braves say that they’re working on a bigger and better Kids Club, so check back on this. In my experience, most teams’ Kids Clubs are well worth the cost. In the past paid memberships included a buy one get one ticket offer and some cool swag, so the Braves could bring that or a similar deal back at some point.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #7) Find Low Demand Games.

Hmmm, must be the Rockies tonight…
If all you want is to see a game, or if you’re a thrifty ballpark road tripper who just wants to visit Truist Park, it’s well worth the trouble to look for a low demand game. This, combined with waiting to buy your tickets and using third party sites like Gametime, can save you a bundle.
The Braves draw very well, since as I write this they offer a high-quality product. But they draw less on Monday through Wednesday, and they draw fewer fans in April, May, and September than they do in June, July and August. Once July hits, most games get close to sellouts, but weekday games might drop in attendance a bit.
The New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, and Philadelphia Phillies bring in bigger numbers, and the recent resurgence in Baltimore has turned up new crowds of Orioles fans. If the Nationals are good, you’ll probably see larger crowds for that too. That said, the month and day of week matter more than the opponent.
April is the best month for low demand games if you can swing it. Weather wise in Atlanta, it shouldn’t be bad at all. Try for a weekday game against another team than who I’ve listed here.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #8) Wait Until The Last Minute, Maybe.

Don’t get shut out of the ballpark, just saying.
One of the reasons I suggest Gametime for your third party tickets is that they’re great for last minute tickets, and in some cases you can score a sweet deal even after the game starts. I know, I don’t like missing baseball, but it’s a great option if you’re already late.
Waiting until the last minute can work well for low demand games. If you are searching for two tickets to a May game against Oakland, there can be some precipitous price drops some hours before the game, including for the high end tickets.
This is, however, a strategy for games that aren’t that important to you. I wouldn’t try it for a specific game you want, weekend contests in July, or if I was going with more than two people. But for one or two tickets, there’s often great opportunities for deals as people get desperate to unload their extras. You could find something at half the price or less than what the Braves ask for it.
If you want to see this for yourself, check Gametime a few times, and compare their prices to the Braves website just before first pitch. You can get an idea of this phenomenon in action.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #9) Use The Atlanta Weather.

In July, a lot of those seats in the sun could be available.
Speaking of the weather, it’s a genuine factor in your enjoyment of a game at Truist Park. There’s a reason for that big roof over the 400 level seats. Finding shade can be a big factor in choosing your seat here.
You can, though, use this to your advantage. If it’s a sweltering day, people with tickets in the outfield seats, seats on the third base side of the field, and maybe even premium seats, might decide to enjoy the game in the comfort of their homes instead. Team spirit has its limits everywhere.
So if the weather doesn’t seem to be conducive to enjoying baseball, have a look at resale ticket prices on Gametime. You might score a steal. The Braves draw well even in the Atlanta summer heat, but plenty of people complain about it too.
Remember that if you do land a premium seat, that you’ll have access to some sort of climate-controlled area where you can duck out of the elements. If not, you could also try the upgrade option.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #10) Bring Your Friends.

“Come on, we’ll all fit in my truck!”
If you live in the Atlanta area, you may know someone who’s put together a group of people for a Braves game. So you know, that’s a smart fan. (And a pretty cool person, of course.) You have to plan well ahead for this for the best deals, so start looking for 19 other fans to go now.
For just regular seats, the Braves give a discount on tickets, and the higher the ticket price, the bigger the discount. The real benefit though is no per-ticket fees…the Braves charge one single fee for your order, as opposed to per-ticket fees. That’s a big savings with a larger group if you can swing it.
Truist Park also has multiple options for gathering spaces to watch games. (I will post about that someday.) Have your group sit under the Chop House, at the Hank Aaron Terrace, or on a Rooftop patio. And incidentally, some of these spots are pretty sweet.
If you organize a gathering, the Braves might throw in added concessions value, play tokens for the kids, discounted parking passes, stuff like that. You can find out more about your options here. If you like enough people that you work with to spend a night at the game, it’s a great way to save a few bucks on your own tickets.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #11) Help The Community.

Look for the Braves’ Giving Gazebo!
If you have a few moments sometime, have a look at the Braves Community page. If nothing else, you’ll learn about blood drives at the ballpark, 5K runs, and other things you can participate in to help your Atlanta area neighbors.
But on occasion, the Braves offer tickets for certain things. As I write this, the team is featuring special days for breast cancer and prostate cancer awareness, and for both games cancer survivors get a free ticket and t-shirt, and their family members get ticket discounts. If you know a breast cancer survivor, they deserve a Braves game.
For another example, right now you can nominate a hero you know for four free tickets to a game through the Braves’ “Dream Seats”. Which is worth doing anyway, so summon some skills. Not that you should do it just so they’ll take you with them, but they probably would.
I won’t say you’ll often find free or cheap ticket opportunities with this, but it doesn’t hurt to look through the Community page, or sign up for the Braves Community newsletter. You may find an opportunity to help your fellow human, and enjoy a game cheaply doing it. Underrated tip, in my opinion.
How To Buy Cheap Braves Tickets, Tip #12) When All Else Fails…Use The Cheap Seats

Well, finally, I know this isn’t a money-saving tip per se, but there are a large amount of seats at Truist Park that are in the price range of tightwads like me. The cheaper sections are the 400 level, the outer edges of the 300 level, and Coca-Cola Corner seats. These start at a very low price, and buying through the box office without the fees makes for cheap Braves tickets. Remember, the Braves sell tickets during games until the sixth inning.
You can find out more information about the cheap seats in my comprehensive Truist Park seating guide, but just for the record…the 400 level seats are almost entirely covered by the roof, so shade won’t be something you’ll worry about, which is nice. The left field corner of the 400 level is general admission, and they’re the cheapest seats in the ballpark.
If the game isn’t well attended, you should be able to improve your position a little bit, especially if there are only one or two of you. In the 300 and 400 levels especially, ushers aren’t terribly tough, and you can at least look for something in the shade.
And there’s always the upgrade opportunity, which could net you a great seat for a fraction of the cost!

You’re in? Fantastic…my work here is done. Check back anytime!
There you go my friends, my best tips for scoring cheap tickets for Atlanta Braves games. Or for any Truist Park special events. I hope you find these tips useful and they save you a few bucks…or help you afford an opportunity for great seats with lots of amenities. Any questions, feel free to drop me a line.
Be sure to check out my Truist Park seating guide, and Follow Ballpark E-Guides on Facebook to see any new Truist Park tips…thanks for reading, and for supporting our sponsors!
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your Atlanta Braves gear…
Order your caps, jerseys, and more now at and save!Click here to order your Braves gear today!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission. All at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
10 Ways To Buy Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets | Wrigley Field
Posted by Kurt Smith
Whether you’re going to your first Cubs game at Wrigley Field, or you’re a Cubs fan regular, it’s always a challenge to find cheap Chicago Cubs tickets. Actually, maybe “cheap” isn’t the right word. Cubs tix are often among the most expensive in baseball, so I’m here to help you find the best deal, and save money on your next visit to the Friendly Confines.
(Plenty more great Wrigley Field tips on this site…check out my complete seating guide, what you can eat at Wrigley, the best ways to get there, and this useful parking guide. More coming!)
Saving money on Cubs tickets takes some effort. You should plan ahead, know your ticket avenues, and be patient. I’m going to list all of your options for buying tickets here, and a few strategies to use, all of which have their own merits.
It’s a lot, so I’ll break this down for you.
The Chicago Cubs Website
The Wrigley Field Box Office
Third Party Sites
Ticket Agencies
Facebook Forums/Craigslist/Scalpers
Choose The Right Game + Opponent
Wait Till The Last Minute, Maybe
Use That Weather
Bring Your Friends
Use The Cheap Seats
So read through this post, know your options, plan ahead, and shop around. Let’s get started after this quick and applicable word from our sponsor…
Gametime has your cheap Cubs tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

Unfortunately I can’t help you pay 2015 prices for Cubs tickets. But trust me anyway.
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #1) The Cubs Website. The team website is your first and easiest option, but it’s not always the cheapest of course. The Cubs do not sell paper tickets; you’ll need the MLB Ballpark App to access them.
The Cubs apply “dynamic pricing” to ticket prices, meaning prices rise and drop by demand. They have a very nice virtual map of the ballpark on their site, and you can click on the seating and pricing chart to see ticket prices for every section.
When buying tickets, you can also enter the opponent you’d like to see, the section you’d like to sit in and the day of the week you can go, and the Cubs will show you all of your available options. This is quite helpful for reasons I’ll explain.
The most important advice I can give you for finding deals on Cubs tickets is to sign up for the Cubs’ ticket alert emails. The Cubs will let you know what day regular season tickets go on sale (a very important thing to know), and what sort of bargain nights they’ll have. In addition, if tickets for an upcoming game get released, you’ll be the first to know.
It doesn’t hurt to follow the team on Facebook or X (Twitter) either; sometimes the Cubs offer exclusive deals on X especially.

Or wherever you get your important news!
Knowing when tickets go on sale for the season is very useful…on occasion the Cubs will have pre-sales exclusive to email subscribers, where you can get high demand tickets at face value, which is often the best price for such games. Incidentally, the Cubs only accepted MasterCard for pre-sales in the past, so I would order one if you don’t have one.
Should I mention that you should already have an MLB account before you order? I didn’t think so. You can also order tickets by phone (!), but you’ll still be paying all of the fees.
One last piece of advice, and this applies to any outlet you use…always go all the way to the checkout screen to see what you’re really paying for Cubs tickets. There isn’t just fees, there’s a Chicago “entertainment tax” too (sigh), and the fees can be very different in the final price.

Even in the early days of Cubs baseball, there were “fees”.
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #2) The Wrigley Field Box Office. If the Cubs box office is where it was in my last visit, it’s on Clark Street north of the iconic Wrigley marquee. As I write this, it’s open from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM on weekdays, and 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM on weekends. They also open two hours before each game.
You need a credit/debit card, no cash. Since tickets are paperless, the Cubs will be putting them on your Ballpark app. They’re very helpful and will show you how to do it.
The Cubs don’t charge the service fees at the box office, so if you’re going to pay face price you might as well try at the box office, especially when tickets first go on sale. It’s good if there’s still tickets left for a high demand game, but you’d do well to check the third parties first.
But remember, there will be fees with the third parties too. Compare with the Cubs website, and remember, go to the checkout screen on both. You will still pay that Chicago entertainment tax at the box office.
In other words, if you’re already at the ballpark, and the Cubs are offering the best or close to the best deal online for tickets, go to the box office rather than buying online. You’ll save yourself the considerable fees.
Never drive to Wrigley Field without a plan…
Book your Cubs parking spot now with SpotHero!

If you can’t find the trailer, just go online!
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #3) Third Party Sellers. The Cubs allow season ticket holders to sell their extras on SeatGeek, so in theory that should be the first third party site for you to try when searching for the best price on Cubs tickets.
In reality, you can find Cubs tickets on a variety of third party outlets like StubHub and Vivid Seats. My favorite is Gametime (full disclosure: they’re my affiliate), because they very often have the best deals, they curate all of their best offers, and they’re fantastic for last minute tickets, which I’ll talk about in a bit.
Here’s a pro tip buying from third parties: remember bleacher seats are general admission (except in the postseason), so you don’t need to buy the exact quantity. If you’re looking for four tickets, try searching for the best deals on two or even one ticket and use a combination of them.
The policy of when third party sites must stop selling tickets changes frequently, but currently you can buy them right up until game time, which is the best time for great deals. I would check the policy though; sometimes it’s two hours before game time, and it’s been as much as five hours.
I’ll talk more about it in a bit, but buying as close to game time as possible is usually when you find the lowest prices on third party sites.
Remember, go to the checkout screen to see the actual price!

You can just call on the phone too.
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #4) Wrigleyville Ticket Agencies. Ah, the ticket agencies…they were once a fixture in Wrigleyville. Many of them closed up their brick and mortar stores when Cubs tickets went electronic.
However, many of them are still selling Cubs tickets, and you might actually find some sweet deals through them. A few of them are: TicketsAlways (a.k.a. Box Office Tickets), Gold Coast Tickets, Ticket Chest, and Sitclose.
I reached out to a few of them to ask about their process these days. Steve Buzil at Sitclose got back to me and explained it. Sitclose carries a stock of tickets, and will put the tickets on your Ballpark app for you.
Buzil told me that this can actually be your best route for finding Cubs ticket deals…many of his clients are corporate entities who buy tickets in groups, so Sitclose has built a reputation that way. I’m not sure about the rest of the agencies, but Buzil assured me that Sitclose won’t be undersold, so there you go.

Serving Cubs fans since there were actual tickets!
Some of the agencies don’t sell tickets directly through their website, but if you’re looking for a deal, try calling Sitclose or another agency and see what they can do for you.
TicketsAlways (Box Office) also got back to me and said that they do set up a game day location near Rizzo’s bar, across from Gallagher Way. Again, if you have time, you can check with them and see what they offer; they told me they source tickets at wholesale prices, which could be a great deal.
Most of the agencies have their own websites, so if you’re using Gametime or another outlet in your search for tickets, and the seller has the agency’s name, check their website. I’ve read that some agencies will list their tickets on both outlets, but it will be cheaper on their own site.
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your Chicago Cubs gear…
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“Let me hear ya, who’s got tickets?”
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #5) Facebook Forums, Scalpers, and Craigslist. There are in fact several Facebook groups where people unload their Cubs tickets. Here are a couple: Chicago Cubs Tickets *Verified Sellers*, and Chicago Cubs VIP Bleacher Season Tickets. They have thousands of members, who resell their season tickets without the fees.
I hope these folks don’t get mad at me for mentioning them in the same section as scalpers. I probably shouldn’t, since they do a lot to verify things. They seem very much like they simply want to help Cubs fans avoid the fees everyone hates. There’s many more forums, by the way, and you can search them.
You do have to join the groups and they’re private, which you would want obviously. So it might be better for frequent Wrigley attendees, which I wish I were.

“Look for the yellow ice cream truck. I’ll have my hat on backwards so you can find me.”
If you love the thrill of a non-guaranteed ticket, you might be able to score a great deal through scalpers or Craigslist. Wrigleyville isn’t crawling with aggressive scalpers like it once was, but I’m told they’re still out there. I’m guessing they can email you tickets or transfer them to you some other way.
Scalpers are tough here, but once the game starts they’ll likely drop the price. I know, I hate missing baseball too, but by about the third inning you can find a sweet deal. Not every game sells out, in case you are intercepted before you get to the ticket window and told as such.
I’ve written more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here; basically treat Craigslist sellers like you would scalpers. These days, I would have a backup plan in case the tickets have been voided somehow, which does happen to people, but there are plenty of legit sellers too.
The fewer tickets you’re looking for, the better; a single ticket is your best chance for a bargain.

Get ’em while they’re cold!
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #6) Choose The Right Game + Opponent. I can’t stress this enough, dear baseball fans. It’s key to finding the best deal on Cubs tickets. The difference in average ticket price between high and low demand games can sometimes be in the hundreds of dollars.
If all you want is to see a Cubs game at Wrigley Field, don’t pick a game against the St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers or New York Yankees. Choose a game against the San Diego Padres, Colorado Rockies or another distant opponent whose fans don’t travel well. (Usually that’s any bad team, but there’s other factors.)
Similarly, it’s easier to find the deals on Cubs tickets during colder months, especially April, than it is for July and August games. Weekend games are in more demand than weekday games, but if you must go on a weekend, go for a Sunday. Most baseball travelers are gone by then.
A weeknight game in April against the Athletics can cost a third as much or even less as a summer weekend game against the Cardinals. Remember what I’ve told you about dynamic pricing. Even through the Cubs, picking the right game can save you a lot of cash.
Again, Rockies or Marlins over Cardinals or White Sox, weekdays over weekends, and April and May over July and August, if you can deal with the cold. (This is one reason the sunny bleachers are very popular here.)

When you’re at this point, it’s pretty close to go time on getting tickets.
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #7) Wait Till The Last Minute. This is a tip that a lot of Cubs fans will pass on to you; ticket prices for low demand games especially will drop as game time gets closer, especially on third party sites. If you’d like to see this phenomenon in action, check ticket prices starting a week out on Gametime, up until game time. You’ll see.
With so many ticket sellers having their own apps, you can literally just buy a ticket on your phone as you get off of the train at Addison Station. I saw a lot of Redditors recommend the Gametime app for this…they even offer deals after the game starts, great if you’re late anyway.
As valuable as this tip is, don’t go this route if a) the game is high demand and very important to you, b) you need a larger quantity of tickets, say more than four, or c) you want to sit in the bleachers. Remember the Wrigley bleachers are general admission and extremely popular. For a good seat you are looking at arriving three and a half hours before game time at the least. Not kidding.
Waiting till the last minute also probably affords you less time to shop around, but if you can, remember…go all the way to the checkout screen! (Have I said that enough?)

Note the absence of shade for bleacher seats. A key thing.
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #8) Use That Weather. This one’s for locals, of course, or at least people within a couple hours of the ballpark (e.g. Brewers fans!). If you have flexibility, check for tickets on days where the weather doesn’t look great.
If you live there, I don’t need to tell you that Chicago weather isn’t always conducive to enjoying live baseball. But what that also means is that season ticket holders sometimes will unload tickets if the temps drop. Or, honestly, if the temps are through the roof in the summer, which does happen.
You can always duck out of the elements temporarily in the team store, the concourses or even the bathroom. (True…I found the men’s room at Wrigley to be an excellent place to warm up if you don’t mind the social discomfort).
Shoot for the bleachers on cold days, which face away from Lake Michigan wind. Or at least avoid the shaded seats. My complete guide to Wrigley Field seating should help here.
Heck, you might even find a season ticket that includes some club access very cheap.

Shout your Cubs fandom from the rooftops! (Just not the Wrigley rooftops.)
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #9) Bring Your Friends. The Cubs offer sweet deals on group tickets. Best of all, you only need to find 14 friends or co-workers interested in going to a baseball game. If you can’t pull that off in Chicago, find a new place to work without such killjoys.
The Cubs include a group discount calendar on their website. You can choose the cheapest games of course, but best of all, (pay attention here) the Cubs waive the ticket fees! According to Megh, the nice Cubs rep that informed me of this, that works out to a discount of about $10 per ticket on average. If you can get 250 fans to go, they’ll even throw in tickets to a future game. Bet you weren’t expecting to learn how to get FREE Cubs tix here!
The Cubs’ newsletter (remember to sign up!) should tell you what discounts for groups are happening. Find out well in advance.
Incidentally, the Cubs will help you if you’re doing a Cubs game as a fundraiser too. They’ll donate $4 back to your organization for each ticket you sell through a dedicated link. It’s not technically a way to get cheap tickets, but it’s something to consider for your non-profit.
Unfortunately, the “amusement tax” is still included, but it can still be a heck of a deal.

If you just sit between those poles over there, you’ll be doing all right!
Cheap Chicago Cubs Tickets, Tip #10) Use The Cheap Seats. If you only care about getting into the ballpark, you can try SRO or seats on the outer edge of the upper deck. Not great seats of course, but they go cheap, especially for low demand games.
The Cubs sometimes offer steals on the cheap seats for low demand games (check your newsletter). Use the box office if you can and avoid the fees.
I don’t endorse people moving into seats that they haven’t paid for (even though I sometimes do it). But even if I did, Wrigley isn’t an easy place to improve your lie during the game. The ushers can be pretty tough from what I’ve read, especially in the lower level.

At the Friendly Confines, you’re never far from the action!
That said, for cheap seats, the Friendly Confines does offer some of the better views in MLB. You could sit at the top and not be as high as in Milwaukee or the South Side. Yes, the views tend to be not so great further into the outfield. But there’s far fewer acrophobia-level seats at Wrigley.
Other cheap seats at Wrigley include those infamous “obstructed view” seats…and there are ways to minimize that. Here’s some helpful tips.
The Cubs say that they will make a limited number of standing room tickets available on game day. You could try the box office early.

You’re in? Great! No need to thank me, it’s all in a day’s work for Ballpark E-Guides!
There you go friend, all my valuable advice for finding deals and saving money at your next Chicago Cubs game. Be sure to check out my complete guide to the Friendly Confines. By the way, I have a lot of tips for the White Sox ballpark too, if you’re out this way.
I hope this post saves you enough for at least a Wrigley hot dog at the concession stand. Please pass the word and support our sponsors, and thanks for reading!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission. This is at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Complete Nationals Park Guide | Washington Nationals
Posted by Kurt Smith
So you want to visit Nationals Park? You came to the right place my friend…this complete Nationals Park guide will tell you everything you need to know, especially about how to save money at Nationals games, on everything from tickets to transportation to food. These are my best Nationals Park tips, both for newbies and regulars at the Washington ballpark.

The home of the 2019 World Champions, in all its glory.
Nationals Park Guide Sections
I’ve broken this extensive Nationals Park guide down into parts, so you won’t want to break me into parts:
Finding Cheap Nationals Tickets
Choosing A Seat At Nationals Park
The Best And Other Ways To Get To Nationals Park
Nationals Park Food
Bringing The Kids
Nationals Park Accessibility
The President’s Race and Other Stuff
Gametime has your cheap Nationals tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)
OK then, let’s get you started with some killer Nationals Park tips!

I’ll bet you would surprise the crap out of an operator by actually calling and asking about tickets.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 1 – Finding Cheap Nationals Tickets
Finding cheap Nationals tickets – or at least finding the best deal – is all about choosing the right avenue for buying them.
Say you’re looking for a high demand game…such as Opening Day, July 4th, or when the Yankees, Phillies, or Orioles are in town on a weekend. Your best bet is usually to pay face value for tickets, either through the Nationals website or their box office.
So do this right now: subscribe to the Nationals e-mail newsletter here.
The Nats will make you aware of ticket deals, pre-sales, fan club memberships, giveaway nights, etc. It’s a very easy way to score much better deals on Nationals tickets.

Well worth the effort to park a bus in D.C.
Here’s just a few things the newsletter has informed me about: free tickets for military members; the very cool NatsPass; Value Days with discounts on everything for families; sweet deals for group tickets; you get it. It never hurts to check your newsletter.
If you’re confident the game won’t sell out, visit the box office on game day and save considerable cash avoiding online fees.
For low demand games – weeknight games, April games, etc. – you can often save on face price through a third party, like StubHub or TickPick.
One caveat though. Don’t buy from third parties before tickets go on sale to the public. The only seats available will be from people that have bought from pre-sales, and prices could be ridiculously inflated. Your best bet with third parties is to generally wait until game day a few hours before the game.

Counterfeit merchandise? You mean the peanuts aren’t real?
As for scalpers, you can usually find quite a few of them, especially on Half Street leading to the ballpark from the Metro station. Treat scalpers with common sense, especially for high demand games…check the date and opponent and look for anything amateurish.
And if you’re considering trying Craigslist for tickets, check out my advice here about that.

Never mind the view from the seat. Check out that price!
Here’s a great Tightwad Tip…as of this writing, the Nats still offer a limited amount of $5 tickets at the box office, on game day, for almost every game. The seating is in Sections 401-402, among the worst seats, but you should be able to move to a better upper level seat. Nationals Park also has some of the better standing room in baseball. (More about that in a minute.)
Five dollar tickets can’t be beat, especially in an expensive town like D.C.!
So remember, subscribe to the newsletter, check TickPick, and use the box office instead of the website if you can.

The Nationals apparently forget about the demographic that just wants to know where Ben’s Chili dog is.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 2 – Choosing A Great Seat
There’s a wide variety of seating sections and prices at Nationals Park. I have provided helpful advice elsewhere on this site…check out this about the cheap seats, or this post about expensive seats, or this post about what to avoid and the great standing room.
But for here and now, I’ll just break it down into budget levels.

You wouldn’t pay more for seats this size on an airplane, but in a ballpark? Heck yes!
Really expensive seats at Nats Park include the Delta Club seats behind home plate, PNC Club seats behind them, and the recliners in the Dugout Club that you need to lose a lot of money in a casino to get.
All of these include access to really fancy clubs and great food, in-seat wait service, all of which is nice. In my opinion, though, they’re overpriced for any team, and if you’re looking to score a seat in these sections try looking elsewhere, even though technically the Nats don’t allow resales of premium seats. If you can score a deal, it’s worth it, especially with parking thrown in.

Unfortunately this nifty scoreboard is gone, but the Infield Club still has made-to-order nachos AND carpeting!
The mid-range priced seats at Nationals Park include Infield Club on the mezzanine level, and most of the field level seating, especially in the infield.
Given D.C. weather in the summer, I would choose having access to a climate-controlled club to field level seats if you’re comparing similar costs. It gets very hot in this place. Plus the Infield Club features great eats with shorter lines, such as brick oven Enzo’s pizza, sushi, a carvery etc., all with places to sit and enjoy.

Field level tickets do offer proximity to NatPack girls. And Screech.
But seating on the field level does offer some fine views, and this is a place where you’ll want to stay low. If you can score tickets in, say, Sections 118 or 127, you can almost reach into a premium seat holder’s lap and grab a hunk of “complimentary” grub that they paid twice the price for. (Don’t actually do this. I’m just saying.)
Low budget seating includes outer mezzanine seats, upper deck (Gallery) seats, scoreboard porch seats, etc. There’s a large number of cheap seats here, but most of them aren’t great.
The outer mezzanine seats aren’t bad for the price and offer decent shade for afternoon games, but you need to make a trek up or down to find any concessions, so just be aware of that and grab your grub before you sit.

At least they make sportswriters sit further back.
In the upper deck, the 300 level seats cost significantly more than the 400 seats, but they’re worth it. The 400 level here is sky high, and it also involves much more climbing of steps. It’s not for the acrophobic.
That said, if you’re on a budget, I prefer 400 level seating in the infield to outfield seating…especially the Right Field Terrace and sections in front of the scoreboard, both of which are very far from the action. The lower level outfield seats under the right field overhang are probably the worst seats in the ballpark, except in the rain…you will have no view of the scoreboard or fly balls.

And in mere seconds after finishing your beer, you can be back at your seat!
One cool thing about upper outfield seating, though, is that it’s close to the upper level outfield concourse that is among the best in baseball…there’s a couple of bars (with drink specials even), and eateries like the Shake Shack and a BBQ joint that shouldn’t be missed. If you’re a ballgame socializer, it’s not a bad spot.
Finally, there’s lots of quality standing room at Nationals Park, should your seat not meet your dreams. In the upper outfield level especially, there are counters to rest your elbows and your grub, mist spraying fans, even some stools if you’re early enough.
If you’re on a strict budget, try the aforementioned $5 ticket and stake out a spot.

It’s what Nats fans do.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 3 – Fastest, Cheapest, and Some Unusual Ways to Get to Nationals Park
Driving to Nationals Park isn’t the worst as big city ballparks go, but it’s expensive, and chances are you’ll be sitting in traffic if you don’t arrive early. Most people recommend the Metro, but we’ll cover all the bases here. (Check out this post if you’re coming from Baltimore.)
The Navy Yard – Ballpark station on the Green Line of the Metro (officially the WMATA, but it’s called the Metro by everyone here) is just steps away from the ballpark. It’s also a neat approach, probably by design, with the inside of the ballpark in full view from Half Street and a plethora of cheap peanuts and non-alcoholic drinks vendors lining the path to the entrance. It’s baseball as it should be.

Wait! You forgot your cheap peanuts!
You’ll need a “SmarTrip” card both to ride the trains and pay for parking at a station. Needless to say, have enough value on it for the trip back, rather than wait in line behind folks who can’t figure out the machine. (There’s always one, take it from me.) Parking at Metro stations is relatively inexpensive and free on weekends.
If you’re planning to drive to the game, let me start with this extremely key suggestion: book your parking beforehand. (Check out the coming widget for using my friends at SpotHero.)
OK, now then. The Nationals provide directions from every direction on their website, along with this nice interactive map to help you get to the game easily.

“Keep driving. I know there’s an R lot somewhere.”
Currently the Nats run seven official lots: the Geico (formerly the “B” lot before the B people pulled out) and C lots attached to the ballpark, which are ultra-convenient and ultra-expensive; Lots L and H a block away on Half Street which cost almost as much; and the more distant T, U, and W lots east of the ballpark. You can buy parking passes through the Nats, but you’ll pay a fee for that. Check your third parties; you might find a deal.
The W lot is the cheapest, most tailgate friendly, and one of the easiest to exit back onto the highway, but it’s a good hike away.

“Yeah, pay Marc. He’s that guy in the phone booth with the funny mask on.”
There are a few independent lots too. The former HH lot some blocks north on South Capitol is still there last I checked, and it’s among the cheapest you’ll find. Long walk, though…longer than the W Lot even.
The best deal for something less than a half mile away is probably off of Tingey Street east of the ballpark. Just east of Lot W are more and cheaper lots, but again, they’re also a lengthy walk.
Want to try free street parking? Don’t. Or at least, I highly recommend against it. The city of Washington works hard to ensure you pay out the wazoo for meters during games.
Again, Nationals Park is a place where I would seriously recommend booking your parking beforehand.
This website, by the way, is all about what you didn’t think of – Here’s a few cool and unusual ways to get to a Nats game:

Less crowded than a subway car, cheaper, and a better view. But slower.
The D.C. Circulator bus is a cheaper way to travel around the city; great if you’re making a day around town. The Circulator’s Blue Route stops at the Navy Yard/Ballpark Station entrance. The Blue Route (but only the Blue Route) extends service on game days.

It doesn’t look like much, but they’ve cornered the market on Nationals Park shuttles!
The Ugly Mug is a tavern on 8th Street about a mile from the ballpark. They will run you to the game in a golf cart with a proof of purchase, and they have game day specials. Parking is not free or easy to come by, though, so this is best for folks wanting a meal and a drink before or after the game.
There is a specific location for Lyft and Uber riders, on the west curb of New Jersey Avenue between M and N Street. Ride sharing is expensive here, especially with surge pricing. If you can get someone to go in with you on the cost, though, it might work for you, and you won’t have to worry about service being available after the game…like you sometimes will with Metro.
You can even take a water taxi from Alexandria or nearby docks, courtesy of the Potomac Riverboat Company. The price for two is reasonable…about what it costs to park at the game. If you print out the ticket online, parking at the Chadwicks Restaurant is free.

A bicycle valet may be nice, but a rented bike allows for a quick escape without tipping!
Should you decide to bicycle to Nationals Park, the Nationals actually have a bicycle valet in Garage C. It starts two hours before gametime and closes one hour after the last pitch. The Riverwalk along both banks of the Anacostia makes for a swell bike ride, but I have read about some incidents, so keep your wits about you. I’m told it’s very cool lit up at night, if you’re comfortable cycling then.
Finally, you can borrow a bicycle from Capital Bikeshare; there are several stations near the ballpark, including right across the street.
Finally, I’ve gone into much more detail about the Metro and other ways to get to a Nats game in this post…well worth a read for important tips!
Never Drive To Nationals Park Without A Plan…
Book Your Parking Spot NOW With My Friends at SpotHero!

I’ll take the table by the window, and watch the grounds crew.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 4: Food + Drink
Since the Nationals Park food menu changes so frequently, I’m just going to cover my favorite mainstays here. Here’s the truly good stuff…if you want some more options, check out this Nationals Park food post:
The Budweiser Brewhouse is the restaurant behind the red seats in left center field. It has indoor and outdoor seating, and it’s best to go either just after the gates open or around the fifth inning if you want a seat.
The Brewhouse sells quality food like steak salad or jerk chicken at ballpark prices. The menu changes a lot, and there’s usually something unusual. It all can be washed down with Bud-owned microbrews like Goose Island and Shock Top. Upstairs is the Bud Light Loft, with a full bar, misting fans, and a bird’s eye view of the game from left center.

This chili dog will escalate your opinion of Nationals Park.
The Chili Half-Smoke from Ben’s Chili Bowl is a spicy sausage, with Ben’s special recipe chili piled on, along with cheese, chopped onions and yellow mustard. It’s a truly amazeballs chili dog, just grab some napkins and maybe a spoon for the abundant chili. Ben’s also has chili cheese fries, and they don’t skimp on the chili or cheese.
While we’re talking encased meat, Haute Dogs & Fries has some truly innovative offerings of gourmet beef dogs on New England rolls, including the Haute dog with brown onion relish, mayonnaise and celery salt, and a Banh Mi dog with jalapeno, carrots, cucumber slaw, cilantro and sriracha mayo. That’s just some examples…they might be different when you visit.

And you thought Max Scherzer was a good acquisition.
I’ve loved me some smothered tater tots at See. You. Tater., named for Bob Carpenter’s signature home run call. Get a bowl of tots covered with Buffalo chicken and blue cheese, crab meat and crab queso, or whatever else they may be offering.
Steak Of The Union stands still manage to hang around Nats Park, selling the classic Philly cheesesteaks, and they keep it simple: just beef, onions, peppers and Cheez Whiz. Or get some cheesesteak nachos. I would get a fork for the spillage either way.

This dude knows good pizza.
For pizza, Enzo’s serves up decent pizza in my opinion, at least by ballpark standards, with thin crust and ample pepperoni. It’s greasy stuff though…pat it with a napkin if you care about that.
The Scoreboard Pavilion in right field is home to some cool spots:
The Shake Shack is a Citi Field staple (there’s one in Philly now too) but it is equally popular here; lines get very long for the Shackburger, a fresh beef patty topped with lettuce, cheese, tomato and Shack Sauce on a potato roll. There’s also milkshakes excellent enough to have a separate line, and I can vouch for the quality of the fries too.

Even the sign looks appetizing.
But if you like fries, Box Frites (another Citi Field delicacy, SMH) is it…crispy boardwalk-style fries with several dipping sauces that change periodically. You might find smoky bacon or black pepper parm sauce or something like that. Try the garlic parmesan fries…you’ll thank me.
The Old Hickory BBQ Grill is fairly new, but Nationals Park’s BBQ has always rocked it. Old Hickory has smoked hot sausage with slaw and BBQ sauce, pulled pork and brisket sandwiches, and pulled pork nachos with house made chips.
You also have some healthy choices of course:

Featuring Kevin Costner as Ray Kinshallot. (Admit it, you laughed a little bit at that.)
There’s a Field of Greens stand with mushroom burgers, salads, wraps, and hummus; it’s a good spot for vegan sorts. They also have a Gluten Free Grill in the center field plaza, featuring hot dogs with gluten-free rolls, burritos and pizza; Nats Park has a larger selection than most ballparks with GF stuff.

Is it appropriate to have gelato at a ballgame?
Finally, if you want something different for dessert, try Leilani’s Shaved Ice or Dolci Gelati…Dolci has gelato in multiple cool flavors like “Stracciatella”.
I’m really just scratching the surface here; Nationals Park has a seriously long menu. But I still want to talk about beer and drinks very briefly.
You can find some excellent brews at District Drafts from local breweries like Atlas, DC Brau, Mad Fox and others. Atlas created a special brew sold only at the ballpark called 1500 South Cap Lager, named for the address of Nationals Park.

This is right there at the $5 section…so your craft brew could cost twice as much as your ticket. Baseball’s weird.
Or try the Devil’s Backbone offerings at their lodge in the upper left field corner. They’ve developed a brew exclusively for Nats Park called “Earned Run Ale”…a light IPA with a lemon and grapefruit taste to it.
For other mixed drinks, there’s some cool offerings at Distilleries of the DMV and District Coolers spots. Or at any of the bars around the concourse and in the clubs.
Thanks for sticking with me; here’s some Tightwad Tips for Nationals Park food…

Notice the people walking past the vendors? You’re about to be smarter.
$ – You can bring your own food into Nationals Park; they allow a 16*16*8 bag (no backpacks). Coming from the train station, there’s a bunch of vendors with hot dogs, peanuts, bottled water etc. I always fill up a goody bag with a big bag of peanuts and a few big waters for less than $10. Well worth it.
$ – If you’re ordering tickets through the Nationals website, you can add concession credit to your ticket, and they’ll give you a few extra bucks’ worth. Not big savings, but there’s no reason not to use it.

Not even the Budweiser sign scared off these gentlemen from an ice cold $5 ballpark beer.
$ – In the upper outfield concourse behind the Big Board, the bar features a Happy Hour with discounted beers ($5 as of this writing) that ends 45 minutes before game time. Well worth getting to the ballpark early, even if it’s Budweiser products.

The real Nats Park “Rookies” are the adult fans that paid more than $5 for beer!
Nationals Park Guide, Part 5: Bringing The Kids
I’ve dedicated a separate post to bringing the kids to a Nats game, but here’s a few things worth knowing.
The Family Fun Area has simulated pitching and batting cages, a nice kids’ playground area with a jungle gym, a picnic area, photo booths and penny press machines. The racing presidents greet fans here and pose for photos.
Kids can run the bases after Sunday games, and if you enter the kids in the Jr. Nats MVP Club, they’ll get front of the line privileges for this (and believe me, that’s worth the price). Kids club membership also includes team store discounts, a lanyard, and lots of other cool stuff. Definitely look into it for your offspring.
You can get your kid tagged at Guest Services just inside the center field gate, in case he decides to migrate. If it’s the kid’s first game, ask for a certificate.

Now featuring the seal of approval from Mrs. Ballpark E-Guides.
Recently the Nats added a nursing lounge on the first base side, a private area with comfy chairs, a play area for toddlers, and TVs for busy moms to watch the game. My wife tested it out some years ago (she was legitimate) and had nothing but nice things to say about it.

Thankfully, they placed the disabled seats in front of the counter.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 6: Accessibility
There are handicapped seating areas all over the park, with folding chairs included. There are also plenty of elevators to get to the upper level, and you’ll need them. You can also borrow a wheelchair at the Guest Services locations.
The Ballpark Metro Station is fully accessible, with a brand new elevator. Should you require the elevators elsewhere on the Metro, check WMATA’s website before you go, since they do have occasional issues with them.
You can drop off people by car at most entrances, but after the game, they can only be picked up from South Capitol Street on the first-base side. There are no curbs between O and P Streets on South Capitol, but there is a walkway on South Capitol to ease crossing the street.

He may not win much, but Teddy is clearly the most jovial of the Racing Presidents.
Nationals Park Guide, Part 7: The President’s Race And Other Stuff
The President’s Race in the middle of the fourth inning (and the 13th, if the game goes that long) is always entertaining, although it was a little more fun when Teddy Roosevelt never won for various reasons. Teddy’s long losing streak finally ended in 2012, not coincidentally the first year the Nationals won the NL East.
Remember, once the visiting team is finished batting in the top of the fourth, get your camera/phone out to video the event.
Throughout the season the Nationals have theme nights, like “Pups In The Park”, “Stitch N’ Pitch”, LGBTQ “Nats Night OUT”, or Georgetown cupcake night among many others. Special nights are listed on the Nats website, and they’ll be in your newsletter.
Before Sunday games, two Nationals players will sign autographs for about 20 minutes, so get a voucher at Section 103 (free) and arrive early.

Just in case anyone forgets the words.
There is a cool cheer for when the Nats score: a group behind home plate in the upper level chants “N-A-T-S Nats Nats Nats Woo!”, and repeats it twice for two runs, three times for three runs, etc. The words are now displayed behind Section 313, but it’s grown to other parts of the ballpark and it’s unique to D.C.
Finally, I can’t think of a ballpark I’ve been to with nicer staff than at Nationals Park, and I expect it’s part of their training. Everyone is extremely courteous and friendly and willing to help with any sort of need; and they’re plentiful to boot. Kudos to the Nats for this.
Planning a trip to Washington D.C.? Save a bunch of money on hotels, flights and rental cars…book your trip with my friends at Hotwire! (It’s still Kurt’s favorite!)
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There you are my friend…your complete, detailed Nationals Park guide, for fans who do live baseball right. I hope this helps you save some money and enjoy a much better experience; thanks for reading and supporting my sponsors!

You’re welcome…see you at the yard!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, this website earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Ultimate Camden Yards Guide: Parking, Food + More
Posted by Kurt Smith
Here you are my baseball fan friends, your complete, detailed, and extremely helpful Oriole Park at Camden Yards guide! I’m here to help you save money on Orioles tickets, find the best seats at Oriole Park for your budget, learn how to get to Camden Yards and what to eat at the Baltimore Orioles ballpark.
Whether you’re taking a trip, bringing the kids, or are a visiting fan…heck, even if you’re a regular…this Camden Yards guide is full of useful tips for you.
Oriole Park at Camden Yards Guide – List of Tips
Finding Cheap Orioles Tickets
Choosing A Great Seat
Best Ways To Get To Camden Yards
What To Eat At Camden Yards
Camden Yards With Kids
Photo-Ops + Other Tips

You’ve arrived.
So now after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started! (+ thanks for your support!)
Gametime has your cheap Orioles tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

Unfortunately the Orioles still have people checking to see if you have a ticket.
Camden Yards Guide, Part 1: Finding Cheap Orioles Tickets
So your first task is, of course, to find your cheap Orioles tickets.
The most common route to buying Orioles tickets is on the team website or through the MLB Ballpark app. This is perfectly fine, although you can often find better deals through a third party like Gametime. We’ll get to that.
If you’re planning a trip to Camden Yards, or even if you go regularly, sign up for the Orioles’ ticket alert newsletter. The Orioles will inform you about pre-sales and when tickets go on sale, and you’ll want to know about this. Face price when tickets go on sale is often the best price for games against the Yankees or Red Sox (and sometimes the Nationals, Mets and Phillies too).

Just in case you didn’t know, the Orioles have a website.
The newsletter will also inform you about discount and giveaway nights, and the O’s offer some cool swag like Hawaiian shirts. It’s well worth the couple of minutes to sign up.
If the Orioles are contending, September games can be in high demand, but normally July and August weekends and Yankees and Red Sox games are the most expensive tickets. So if all you want is to visit Camden Yards, try for a weekday game in April or May if you can. You might score a great deal then.

Yes, believe it or not, they still sell paper tickets. Which make great souvenirs, incidentally.
There’s also the Orioles box office, which I usually prefer because a) there’s no “convenience” fees, which are significant, and b) I like having a ticket for a souvenir.
For most games you should be able to walk up to the box office on game day and pick up whatever seats suit your taste, and again, it’s cheaper without the fees. You might have to stand in line a bit, but the wait isn’t usually long.
Then there’s the third party market, and you should always shop around if you’re buying tickets online. Gametime is my favorite outlet (and an affiliate of mine); they usually have deals as good or better than others, especially when fees are added.
Speaking of fees, if you’re comparing prices between third parties (and the team website, for that matter), go all the way to the checkout screen to know what you’re actually paying.

You sometimes might find a broker hiding behind this sign.
If you’re looking for scalpers or people with extras at Oriole Park, you might find stragglers north of the Eutaw Street entrance, in the retired numbers plaza (where the Babe Ruth statue is). The sign says it’s illegal to resell tickets on “Stadium Controlled Property”, which I suppose means you can simply walk across the street and sell your extras.
People with extras can also sometimes be found at Pickles Pub or Sliders near Gate F (left field) before the game. There’s always a crowd there and you can ask around.
For non-prime games like a weekday game against Oakland, this is a buyer’s market, and you can wait until just before game time and make an offer that suits you.

The Orioles consider this a high demand game. Plan accordingly.
Finally, if you’re considering Craigslist for Orioles tickets, I’ve written about that here, but quickly, treat Craigslist sellers like scalpers…check the tickets carefully, especially the date and opponent, and if something doesn’t feel right don’t buy them. Sometimes you can find a great deal, but remember that there’s no protection from you being scammed. If the deal seems too good to be true…you know the rest.
So now you have some idea how to save money on Orioles tickets…there’s a different avenue for getting tickets that works best for demand. Just plan ahead and compare. With a little effort, you can score a great deal for a game at one of baseball’s best ballparks.
Incidentally, the Orioles offer some of the better prices on the high end seats in baseball; if you want to splurge on Club seats or Field Box behind home plate on your ballpark trip, Camden Yards is the place to do it.

It looks a whole lot more complicated than it is.
Camden Yards Guide, Part 2: Choosing The Best Seats
Camden Yards truly doesn’t have many poor seats, but there are a few you should probably avoid, and some sections are better than others. (If you really want the knowledge on landing a great seat here, check out this complete Oriole Park seating guide!)
Here’s a bit about what the best seats are for each budget level:

For just an extra $100, sit in the shade behind these folks!
Money Is No Object Budget: Believe it or not, if you have the means you can get a suite at Camden Yards for a single game for you and your buddies; and it’s actually not a bad price. Food isn’t included, but you can have things catered for a fee.
If I were going to try this, I would do it in April or July when a climate controlled room behind your seat is a very welcome feature. There’s TVs and couches inside to watch the game on TV if you need a break from the weather.

This is why you put in the overtime.
Large Budget: The Field Level seats between the bases are cushioned and comfortable, and they’re reasonable by ballpark standards. All of these seats are good; whether you want something closer to Eutaw (first base side) or a straight ahead view of the warehouse (third base side) is your call; either is great.

“Relaxing here isn’t it? How about a crab cake sand…oh crap! I forgot there’s a game here!”
The club level seats are among the most expensive, but they include access to the spacious climate-controlled Camden Club, with excellent food choices, a full bar and a lot of cool Orioles memorabilia. If you’re interested in club access but don’t have endless cash, try to find a deal on the All You Can Eat seats in left field, which also includes access.
Club seats here are worth splurging for, but check and see if you can score a deal on a third party site first of course, especially for low demand games.

Okay, it’s not technically an obstructed view, but by Ballpark E-Guides standards, it counts.
Medium Budget: Terrace Box and Lower Reserved are more affordable seating, but there are a couple things to be mindful of. Terrace Box can be a great deal for the money if your row is low enough, but in the higher rows the overhang blocks your view of the scoreboard and such, and part of the appeal of Camden Yards is the great views.
The lower level seating past the bases is noticeably cheaper than seating between the bases, but it’s still more expensive than the upper level, so if you like being behind home plate (as I do), you’ll probably prefer upper level seats.

The Orioles usually draw better than this. Well, okay, maybe they don’t. But the view is still very good here.
Cheap Seats: The upper level at Camden Yards is as good as any deal in baseball; they’re not as high as in many ballparks, and they offer a sweet view of the warehouse, skyline and city for your baseball backdrop. Interestingly, only the upper box (lower rows between the bases) cost more than the bleachers, and they’re significantly better seats IMHO.
As you get past the bases, though, especially in left field, upper level seats get less appealing…outer sections are farthest away and don’t have angled seats…although in right field there’s great people watching on Eutaw Street if the game bores you.

Proximity to Boog’s is never a bad thing.
The Eutaw Street Bleachers are among the cheapest seats in the ballpark, and usually feature loud fans of both teams on the field. They’re close to Boog’s BBQ and other Eutaw Street attractions, but there’s no view of the big scoreboard or the out-of-town scoreboard, which is a bummer. One plus is that they’re real seats, not benches like in many ballparks.

Prime home run territory, even since the departure of Esskay.
Standing Room: If you’re trying standing room at Camden Yards, behind the right field scoreboard is a popular location, but left field has some okay spots behind the bullpen too. You can watch pitchers warm up there and there’s a picnic area. The concourses aren’t open here, so unfortunately you can’t watch from behind home plate.

See the game the way the center field camera operator does!
If you’re a socializing sort, the Roof Deck above center field is a happening spot too. There’s a full bar (no view of the game there, however), and some seating with counters along the wall that is reserved these days. It’s a decent standing spot, but I don’t know if I’d pay the price for seats that far away.

It might be miserably hot and blinding, but it looks nice.
Finally, as far as shade, the sun sets on the third base side, so the bleachers and right field seats are the last to see shade on a summer day. Baltimore can get very hot in July and August especially; be prepared with water, shades, UV protection, all that noise.
That said, there aren’t many sights on the planet more beautiful than Oriole Park at sunset.

Featuring a helpful photo of the ballpark!
Camden Yards Guide, Part 3: Best Way(s) to Get to Oriole Park
There’s a few ways to get to Camden Yards; which one is best for you depends on where you’re coming from, and whether you’re a tightwad like me. We’ll cover as much as we can here.
Despite its location in the heart of downtown, Camden Yards is actually surprisingly easy to get to by car. Well, most of the time. It’s right off of I-95 and not far from I-83, and there is sufficient parking in most cases.

You’ll see these when you get close.
Coming from I-95 it’s simple; exit onto I-395, which becomes Cal Ripken Way heading to the ballpark. It’s a little tricky getting to the Orioles lots and neighboring lots at the Ravens’ stadium (lots you should probably use from this direction); just after getting on I-395, get off at MLK Boulevard and use the ramp towards Lee Street; there’s plenty of parking there.
I-83 is best coming from north and west of the ballpark, but traffic can get very heavy heading downtown at rush hour, especially on Friday nights when the Inner Harbor becomes a destination. You might want to exit a few stops before the end of the highway; on Friday I might consider the Light Rail instead, which follows basically the same path.

You basically can’t miss at this point.
There’s plenty of parking lots and garages in the ballpark area, and the Orioles offer helpful links with directions to get to each one on their site. In addition to the Orioles-owned lots, there’s a bunch of garages north and east of the ballpark a short walk away, and in some of these you can find a really good deal, especially if you’d like to enjoy the Inner Harbor before a game. The Orioles’ lots don’t open until an hour before the ballpark gates do, so you’ll need to use a garage to enjoy other stuff in the area.

A great spot to visit Camden Yards and/or the Inner Harbor.
So now for my most important tip for Oriole Park at Camden Yards parking: book your space ahead of time. You can save yourself some money and a LOT of time, putting a pre-paid address in your maps app.
Seriously, definitely do this…I speak from some highly annoying experience of looking for an affordable parking garage in the agonizingly slow traffic of downtown Baltimore.
The Orioles offer pre-paid passes as well, and I would definitely go for lots B or C if you can (plan ahead), since for the price and proximity it’s a great deal. There’s also ample parking at the Ravens’ stadium that is affordable, especially south of the stadium, although this can be a bit of a hike from the ballpark.
The Inner Harbor area east of the warehouse is heavily traveled and parking is more expensive in that direction, and west and further north of the ballpark can be a less neighborly area, so avoid them if you can.

I highly recommend you check this view out for yourself.
There are a few lots on Eutaw Street, most prominently the Marriott or Redwood Street lots. Walking south from a Eutaw Street lot offers arguably the best incoming view of a ballpark you’ve seen. You’ll also pass by some outside vendors with cheap grub coming from this direction…more about that in the food section.
You might find street parking where you could feed the meter cheaply until 6:00 PM, and there is a Horseshoe casino about a 15-minute walk away where I believe parking is free, but this being Baltimore, it’s not something I would do especially for a night game. Better to just book something ahead of time fairly close to the ballpark. Parking isn’t super expensive here.

Whoops…forgot they play football here too.
One last thing about driving to Camden Yards by car: if something is going on at M&T Bank Stadium or the Royal Farms Arena on game day, get to your pre-paid spot VERY early, or use the soon to be discussed Light Rail. I speak from hard experience on that too.

Don’t want to drive? Baltimore’s got your back.
OK, about this Light Rail. The MTA Light Rail Line has only one route that travels north and west along the I-83 path, but it’s got a lot going for it. The Light Rail is cheap to ride, parking is free at many of the stations, and it drops you off literally at the ballpark.
There’s even a couple of stations a short walking distance away, which you can use after the game for a better chance of having a seat on the train. Try getting on at the Convention Center if you’re heading south or the Hamburg Station if you’re going north.

No, there’s no one hiding in the machine, although that would be pretty cool.
The Light Rail can get crowded on game days especially after the game, and locals refer to it as the “White Snail”, which should give you an idea how long it can take to trudge through red lights in Baltimore at street level. Still, most people consider Light Rail to Camden Yards worthwhile and once you get to wherever you parked, you won’t be dealing with traffic hassles…which can be significant here, especially north of the ballpark.

No, I’m not washing D.C.
There is also a MARC train station right there at the ballpark; the MARC’s Camden Line starts there and goes all the way to Union Station in D.C. Unfortunately this is a commuter train and is only good for weekday games, but if you can use it it’s a great deal coming from D.C.
Baltimore also offers a free-of-charge Charm City Circulator bus that goes to popular destinations…including the Penn Station and Amtrak trains…but these buses get very crowded and you probably won’t be sitting. You can also use Light Rail to get to and from Penn Station, and it’s probably worth the few bucks by comparison.

Get here early to grab a prime spot!
The Orioles have a bunch of bicycle parking; there are bike racks near the Babe Ruth statue off of Howard Street, and there are also corrals near the east side warehouse entrance of Dempsey’s. There isn’t a bicycle share program as I write this, though, and I don’t know if I’d ride through parts of town.
The O’s list Pratt Street between Eutaw and Greene Street north of the ballpark as their Uber pick up location…personally I don’t know if I would use a rideshare, since that spot is in the heart of Baltimore and again, traffic is very slow there. It would be expensive with the meter running.

Ah, there it is! Just need to look through the trees.
So to sum this up, if you’re coming from I-95, driving and parking is generally easy enough, but definitely book your parking beforehand, and check to see if other events are happening in nearby venues. The Light Rail is also a viable and inexpensive option, and I prefer it to driving in on I-83 and dealing with downtown traffic. Either way works fine; just plan ahead.
Never Drive To Camden Yards Without A Plan…
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Plus you get to meet Boog and all that.
Camden Yards Guide, Part 4: What To Eat at Camden Yards
Like most ballparks these days, Oriole Park at Camden Yards food offers several local favorites…which here means crabs just like Philly means cheesesteaks.
Since some things have changed since I first published this, I’ve dedicated a separate page to some of the best food choices at Camden Yards. You can read that here, but I’ll cover some other things you should know.

Named for the World Series MVP…oh wait…
Sadly, Dempsey’s is no longer a fixture on Eutaw Street. It’s been replaced by the Superbook restaurant.
Inside the atmosphere hasn’t changed much; it’s an air conditioned sit down meal spot that features a lounge with big TVs and odds boards for people who are into betting on baseball (insert Pete Rose joke here). The menu includes what Levy Restaurants calls “elevated gameday fare“, like tater tot nachos, crab dip pretzel rolls, burgers, sandwiches, and craft brews among other things.
Superbook’s prices are about what you’d expect at a ballpark restaurant; but it’s popular for the food and craft beers and TVs, and you should get here as early as you can if you want to try it. Lines get very long, especially on high attendance nights.

Sometimes, a dog or two is all you need.
The Orioles offer an all you can eat deal with club access, that includes all the dogs, popcorn, peanuts and even salads that you can handle. The seats aren’t great, but it’s a great deal considering that you can duck out of the Baltimore heat.
Another cheap deal the Orioles offer is the $4.10 stand, so named for the Baltimore area code. This stand features inexpensive items like hot dogs and popcorn and peanuts. Good for saving money with the kids, and they won’t care about the size. You can always get more.

Good thing the Ampersands don’t play baseball in Baltimore.
Around the rest of the concourses you can find a few other decent food items…chicken tenders at the Charm City Chicken Shack, Buffalo tenders at the Hot Corner, and of course, O-shaped soft pretzels.
For healthier and vegan/vegetarian choices, there’s the Birdland Market on Eutaw Street, and a Birdland Fresh stand near home plate, with turkey burgers, Impossible burgers, vegan hot dogs and Beyond sausages. And Greek salads.
Again, for the best choices of food at Oriole Park, read this post. (It’s worth the time, trust me!)

This is what baseball food should cost.
Finally (whew!) you can bring your own food into Camden Yards;unfortunately they’ve gotten more restrictive with their policy. You’re allowed a clear plastic bag no larger than 12″ x 6″ x 12″, so you can’t squeeze as much grub as you could in the past.
That said, this is a great ballpark to fill up a goody bag beforehand; there are vendors surrounding the ballpark selling hot dogs, sausages, peanuts, even crab cake sandwiches if you search. That kind of stuff makes baseball great.
My favorite spot for cheap eats is across the street from the left field entrance, where you can find Pickles Pub and Sliders; they set up grills and offer everything from dogs to peanuts much cheaper than in the ballpark. You can also have a couple of inexpensive Natty Bohs there before the game…all part of the Baltimore baseball experience.

And O’s employees even come out on cold days.
Camden Yards Guide, Part 5: Bringing the Kids to Oriole Park
If you’re visiting Camden Yards with kids, you have some advantages – cheap tickets, for one, with the O’s struggling at the gate even in winning times. And plenty of inexpensive parking and outside food vendors.
Here are three things parents should know when bringing the kids to Oriole Park…

I only wish it was free from ’72 through ’79 when I was a kid.
Camden Yards With Kids, Tip #1) Bring The Kids For Free! Yes, you read that right…for each upper level ticket you buy as an adult, you can order two more tickets for kids nine and under absolutely free of charge. This includes every game except Opening Day…including “Kids Opening Day”, which is sometime in April.

Not while the game is going, of course.
Camden Yards With Kids, Tip #2) Go on Sunday. On Sundays the Orioles offer cool activities for the kids, like face painting and autographs. And kids love to run the bases after the game…but get in line early if you can, because it’s a very popular promotion. There are a LOT of kids in the play area on Sundays, but it helps them burn up energy.
And if the kids are into play areas at the ballpark…and they always are…

Because noting gets a little one into Orioles baseball like a birdhouse play gym.
Camden Yards With Kids, Tip #3) Sit In The Right Field Corner. The kids play area at Camden Yards with the moon bounce, pitching and batting cages…and now a “Bird House”, a treehouse-shaped gym…keeps them occupied for a while. It’s at the south end of Eutaw Street, near Gate H. The Bird House is in the shade, while the moon bounce and other activities are in the sun, so you can imagine which is more popular.
They have food stands with smaller portions and prices for the kid in the Kids’ Corner, but you can find the kids’ portions anywhere in the ballpark now.

Watch the kids race up the steps…and then back down the ladder!
One more thing…don’t forget the little one’s “first game” certificate, which you can pick up at Guest Services on Eutaw Street. The Orioles can also tag your kid here for you so that the little one doesn’t get lost.
Family restrooms all have diaper changing tables. You can check in strollers at the Guest Services locations, and the Orioles will let nursing moms use a private room on the Club level.

The one ballpark that was built exactly right.
Camden Yards Guide, Part 6: Photo-Ops and Other Tips
As you probably know, Camden Yards started it all…the modern sports venue boom that is arguably out of control these days. Here are a few of my favorite photo-ops at the classic and beautiful downtown Baltimore ballpark:

The Warehouse, the Bromo Seltzer tower, Eutaw Street, capture it all in one shot.
Camden Yards Photo-Op #1) Eutaw Street From Above. If you go to the upper level and stand at the end in the right field corner, you can capture the amazing shot you see here, and see happy baseball fans walking in wonderment along Eutaw Street next to the warehouse.

The Gold Glove is so obvious, but I still love it.
Camden Yards Photo-Op #2) Player Statues. It’s difficult to imagine it even for thirty-somethings these days, but the Orioles were indeed once a very good team. There’s Eddie Murray, Jim Palmer, Frank Robinson, Earl Weaver and of course, Cal Ripken Jr.
You have to go outside the ballpark to see Brooks Robinson and his Gold Glove along West Paca Street, but it’s worth it.

Imagine a time when antacids were a popular enough commodity that they could put their name on a city building.
Camden Yards Photo-Op #3) The Bromo-Seltzer Tower. The view of the vintage Baltimore tower is blocked by the large Hilton these days from much of the seating, which a lot of fans complain about, but you can still capture it from the right spot.

The most durable player in baseball history.
Camden Yards Photo-Op #4) Retired Number Statues. There are large numbers in the plaza at the north Eutaw Street entrance, and if you’re an older O’s fan you can tell people whose numbers they were. Incidentally, there’s a statue of native Baltimorean Babe Ruth here as well.

All is good and right with the world.
Camden Yards Photo-Op #5) The Warehouse at Sunset. Few things I have witnessed are more striking that seeing the sun shine on the huge warehouse in the early evening. Don’t miss that.
That’s just a few, but you’ll probably break your camera out a lot here.
Finally, just a few more Camden Yards tips…but they’re pretty important ones.
Baltimore weather reaches all the extremes, and it can be brutally hot in July and August here. If you’re sitting in the upper level on a hot day, you might find yourself moving to an upper row just to be in the shade of the roof. Shoot for the third base side for a hot night game, where the shade comes in earlier.

They have the same stuff one gate over!
Giveaway nights are popular at Oriole Park, and people arrive early for their swag. If you want the free stuff, enter the ballpark at Gate G, a short walk from Gate A on Eutaw Street (the Light Rail gate)…it will be far less crowded.
If you take a walk on Eutaw Street (and you should), look down: you’ll see small baseball-shaped plaques in the cement where home run balls have landed.

The other reason to visit Baltimore.
The Inner Harbor two blocks west, with its museums, views, restaurants and shopping, is worth a visit. Don’t venture too far from the Inner Harbor or ballpark area though. There are less than ideal parts of downtown just a few blocks north and west, like the strip club littered East Baltimore Street, and it’s not a place you’ll want to be at night.
Baltimore fans are more polite than most to opposing fans, although this may be a by-product of being frequently outnumbered by them. For the most part, Orioles games are a pleasant environment for visiting fans. But if you’re coming from Boston or New York, don’t call the ballpark “Yankee Stadium South” or “Fenway South”, lest you bring bad karma on your team.

You’re most welcome!
Get all that? Seriously, I hope this Camden Yards guide has been helpful to you, and that you can use the tips to save money and have a blast at your next Orioles game. Feel free to contact me with any questions, and if you’re adding a Nationals game to your baseball trip, I’ve written a helpful guide for that place too.
Thanks for reading this complete Oriole Park at Camden Yards guide, and for supporting our sponsors!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Want to know more about Camden Yards? Check out the links below!
Progressive Field Guide | Cleveland Guardians Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
Here it is baseball fans, your complete and extremely helpful Progressive Field guide! Your favorite ballpark expert is here to help you save money on Guardians tickets, choose the best seats for your taste and budget, learn the best ways to get to Progressive Field (including great parking options), and choose from the truly amazing menu of Guardians game food. It’s all here, and you’ll be a much smarter fan armed with these tips.
There’s a lot to review here, so I’ve broken it down for you:
Finding Cheap Guardians Tickets
Choosing A Great Seat
Best Ways To Get To Progressive Field
What To Eat At Progressive Field
Progressive Field With Kids
Photo-Ops + Other Tips

I’ll help you get around the place. The food’s really good.
Okay, we’re mostly done with the key phrases to make Google happy (well, almost done: Progressive Field Tips!) so after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started.
Gametime has your cheap Guardians tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

You didn’t get tickets yet? OK, we need to back up a bit.
Progressive Field Guide, Part 1) Scoring Cheap Guardians Tickets
Your first task going to a Guardians game is to order tickets of course, so I’ll talk about each method and its advantages. Pay attention here…this can save you a lot of money.
The first and most expeditious route is to use the Guardians’ website or the MLB Ballpark app to buy tickets from the team; the first thing you should do is sign up for the Guardians’ ticket alert newsletter. The newsletter will alert you to pre-sales, giveaway nights, discounts, and other worthwhile deals. Sometimes they do cool stuff like waiving ticket fees.

Just in case you happened to have brought a few bucks.
The Guardians use “dynamic pricing”, meaning ticket prices go up and down according to demand, but they claim that tickets are cheapest when they first go on sale. If you’re looking to go to a high demand game such as Opening Day or a weekend game against the Yankees or Cubs, it’s best to get tickets as soon as they go on sale, since there will likely be a markup on these later.
If all you want is to visit the ballpark, the lowest demand games are easily in April (you’ll see why), but if you’re coming in the summer, try to get a weekday game if you can. Choice of opponent doesn’t matter too much, but the Cubs draw pretty big crowds so plan ahead for that.

Four windows open? Must be April.
If you don’t want to pay the online fees, which are considerable, you can get tickets at the box office at the ballpark; you can also pick up tickets at the team store if you want to avoid lines. There are ticket kiosks at the ballpark, but they do charge convenience fees for using them.
On non-game days the box office is only open from 10:00-2:00 on weekdays, and it’s closed on weekends, so you need to time it to save on the fees. They also charge a small day-of-game fee too, but it’s not as much as the convenience fee.

In case you didn’t bring your smartphone.
Then there’s the third party route, which can save you significant cash if you plan it right. The lower the demand for the game, the cheaper tickets will be, especially since the Guardians offer a lot of multi-game deals that leave people with extras. Closer to game time on a mid-week April game, you could find a steal on good seats.
I love Gametime for Guardians tickets, but if you’re comparing, just be sure to go all the way to the checkout page to see what your tickets really cost. Those fees are a b***. Generally, Gametime seems to offer better deals than most, just saying.
Remember that for high demand games, it’s usually cheaper to buy from the team when tickets go on sale; but if you haven’t planned ahead, try waiting till the last minute when prices can drop. Just don’t wait too long; typically sites shut down sales around two hours before the game.

If they don’t know the name of the team, that’s probably a red flag.
The Guardians prohibit re-sale of tickets at any price, but of course you will see scalpers and people with extras on occasion, especially on the E. 9th Street and Ontario Street sides of the ballpark where most people enter.
I’m not sure if it’s just that I’ve gone on low attendance nights, but I don’t recall being pursued by brokers too much in my visits to Cleveland. Maybe it’s my “I’ve already got tickets” look.
Finally, I’ve written more about buying tickets on Craigslist here…but the short version is that while you might score a great deal on tickets, there’s no checks in place, so treat a Craigslist seller like you would a scalper. Check the date and opponent on the ticket and look for smudge marks or uneven scissor cuts. If your gut tells you not to buy the tickets, don’t.

There are many thousands. You should be able to find a good one.
Progressive Field Guide, Part 2: The Best Seats You Can Afford
OK, so you’ve found a route to get Guardians tickets; so choose your seats carefully.
I’ll talk about seats for every budget level here and what you should know. I’m skipping the suites, including the Dugout Suites, since they’re mostly for corporate types, but here’s the skinny for the rest of us. (If you really want to get in depth, check out this much more detailed post…)

If you pay enough for your seat, you won’t have to sit in it.
Money Is No Object Budget. The Guardians’ premium-priced seating includes the Diamond Box seats and the Field Box Front seats behind home plate; the Field Box Front seats are slightly more expensive than the Field Box seats behind them.
Field and Diamond Box season ticket holders have access to the swanky Lexus Home Plate Club; an indoor club with a full bar, some of the great new food items (more about that in a bit), and a glass enclosure to view the game.

Don’t let the empty seats fool you, they’re good seats too.
That big mezzanine section that juts out on the first base side is the Club section, with padded seats, drink rails, and access to the Discount Drug Mart Club, which is climate-controlled…no small thing here. Club seats include food from multiple stations, including build your own burgers, a meat carving station, nachos, pizza, etc.
Food and non-alcoholic drinks are all included with your ticket, and the seats offer a terrific view of the field and the Big Board. These seats come in three price ranges, and you can definitely save a few bucks with the “outfield” club seats without sacrificing much in view.

Just sit somewhere on this side. Not under that overhang.
Large Budget. If you care at least a little bit about what you’re spending, you can sit in the back rows of sections between the dugouts, or in closer seats past the bases and out to the foul pole. They’re still very good seats, but don’t include Club access.
If you’re sitting in the lower level, I prefer the first base side for its straight ahead view of the left field scoreboard, one of the most striking features of this ballpark, and the Cleveland skyline beyond it. However, you need to get a low row…with the Club section creating a big overhang, anything from Row AA up could lose the view.

You can even sit in front of the bullpens and let pitchers heckle you!
Medium Budget. The Guardians don’t start calling lower level seats “Lower Reserved” until you get into right field. These seats are about half the price of Field Box seating, and they do have some advantages despite being outfield seats…for one, they’re close to the Right Field District, and some amazing food offerings, and Section 103 is close to the bullpens; watching pitchers warm up and offering encouragement is always fun.

Stay warm in the lower seats!
The upper level seats at the Prog are divided into three price levels, four if you count the “front row” increase…View + Upper Box (400), and Upper Reserved (500). With the open concourses and suite levels, the upper tier is pretty high up, which is likely why these seats are cheaper than most lower level seating. It can also be cooler up here, so bring a jacket for the cooler nights.
Despite the height, I’ve sat on the first base side in the upper level a number of times and have always enjoyed it…the view of the scoreboard and skyline are superb, even if you’re not very close to the action. Not bad at all for inexpensive seats.

There is a secret escalator to get to the mezzanine, in case you don’t want someone to find you.
Cheap Seats and Standing Room. If you’re going as cheap as possible or want to bring the family without breaking the Venmo account, there’s several ways to do it.
The Family Deck is a similar level of seating to the Club area, but it’s in right field and doesn’t offer Club access. It’s great for families though…tickets are cheap and there’s a great indoor-outdoor play area that I’ll talk about in a bit. If you choose this spot, use the escalator in the right field concourse, and bring sunglasses, sunscreen and a hat.

“Too high? What does that mean, too high?”
The bleachers in front of the scoreboard are among the cheapest of Guardians tickets, but the team actually sells season tickets to this spot, so it’s popular among fans. The bleacher seats have backs, so they’re more comfortable than at Wrigley, but I would still bring a cushion to sit here. The closer rows cost more than the back rows, so shoot for Row L if you’re going cheap.
Unfortunately, John Adams, the team’s drummer, has passed away. RIP John.

Underway at the Corner of Carnegie and Ontario.
More so than most teams these days, the Guardians offer some really sweet standing room options, and they sell a District Ticket that includes a beer for a very nice price. Both outfield corners feature standing spots with counters, and there’s a good spot behind the bullpens too if you’re into heckling.
In the right field corner is the two-level Corner Bar, a nice spot to duck out of the cold even if drinks are pricey. Visit the very cool fire pit upstairs to warm up; it’s a pretty happening spot on cold nights. (I’ve even almost had conversations with women there!)

Cleveland’s got you covered if you like some haze with your baseball.
Finally and probably most importantly, the first base and right field sides are the last to see shade for night games, something to be mindful of on a hot day…or a cold one.

See Guardians baseball, with both right and left handed hitters!
Progressive Field Guide, Part 3: The Best Way(s) To Get To Progressive Field
It’s easy enough to take your car to the Prog for a game, and you can usually find a good spot for parking. (More about your best Guardians game parking options here.) But there’s public transit options and shuttles too, and we’ll talk about all of that.
But first, driving to the ballpark and parking. Progressive Field is easily accessed by I-90/I-71 from the southeast and I-77 from the southwest, but the ballpark exits lead to streets you probably want to avoid if you can, if you’re getting there an hour or less before game time.

Hopefully you’ve programmed your GPS for a parking spot…you can’t park here.
To avoid traffic, try using exits that approach the ballpark from the north or west, like the E. 14th Street exit from I-77 or the E. 22nd Street exit from I-90/I-71. The Shoreway (OH Route 2 from I-90 east of the ballpark and U.S. 6/20 west of the park) is sometimes an easier approach. It might be easier to exit going north and using I-90 to get to I-77 or I-71.

Note the presence of an arena just inches away on the map.
Remember that the Cavaliers play here too. If there is a Cavs game or other event going on in the Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse that night (and you should check), either get to the ballpark very early or use the soon-to-be-discussed RTA.
I’ll talk about some popular parking spots here, but my #1 tip for Guardians game parking is to book it ahead of time.
Here are some parking tips, after a highly applicable word from our sponsor:
Never drive to Progressive Field without a plan…
Book your parking spot now with my friends at SpotHero!

The bridge to the ballpark is gone, but the parking lot is in the same spot. Much harder to move a garage.
The Gateway East Garage is the closest thing to an “official” garage; it’s right across the street and fairly reasonable by near the ballpark standards. Definitely reserve this one beforehand, though.

$20 parking, but no parking anytime! Hmmm…
The East 9th Street lots east of the ballpark are right off of I-77 and allow for a pretty easy exit, but you’ll pay more for the privilege. You can usually find cheaper lots if you go north a couple blocks.

If you can handle the goofy ramps, it’s not a bad deal.
The Tower City Garage is a bit of a walk and not any cheaper, but the walk is mostly through an indoor covered walkway until you get to the Cavs arena. Not bad on cold nights, and an easier out after the game.
There are plenty of other choices for parking, just consider where you’ll be coming from, and book something ahead of time!

Might not be worth saving a few bucks.
Be warned that as you get north and west of the ballpark in the Prospect/Bolivar/E. 14th St. area, it’s a less safe part of downtown, and you’ll see signs like the one above. If cheap matters to you more than convenience, try going east of the ballpark on Carnegie Avenue.
If you’d like to beat the man and park for free at Progressive Field, there are some streets where meters are inactive on weekends, like Carnegie Avenue east of the ballpark. You’ll need good timing to land one though. Or you could try the numbered streets north of the ballpark; many spots are free after 6:00 PM and weekends; you can feed the meter cheaply if needed.
The city is tougher on street parking for high demand games, so I would avoid trying it then. Like I always say, street parking is at your own risk.

Worth getting up early for on game day.
Finally, here’s my favorite parking tip for Guardians games, if you can pull it off: if you’re making a day of visiting Cleveland (and there are plenty of reasons to), find a lot that offers an “early bird” special…there are a few around the Euclid-Prospect-Huron St. area.
Park your car for $5 for the day, visit the Science Center or Rock and Roll Hall, and easily get back to your car and to your cheap spot after the game. Just be sure they’ll let you stay through the game, some lots might kick cars out before gametime.

Stand here long enough and some sort of transit will take you back to your car.
RTA transit trains are also a perfectly easy way to get to a Guardians game, if you can reach a station easily enough. Parking is free at most stations, the train ride is cheap and comfortable by big city public transit standards, and the train drops you off at Tower City, a ten minute walk to the ballpark. Most of the walk is through a covered walkway.

Clearly labeled to avoid confusion with an “ambleway”.
Some things to know about using the RTA: for one, you pay your fee downtown, getting on or off. Also, if demand isn’t great, which is often, the RTA will sometimes substitute buses for trains to get to the outskirts of the Blue or Green lines.
The RTA is especially useful for high demand midweek games, or when the Cavs are playing and traffic gets heavy. Enough fans ride the RTA that you can follow them back to the station after the game, but you shouldn’t have a problem finding a seat.

No time like the present!
The RTA has some other options you can use for getting to games, like their eco-friendly Healthline buses and the free downtown trolleys that run during the day on weekdays.
I can’t think of an advantage of using the Healthline unless you’d like to enjoy some nightlife on E. 4th Street after the game and need a bus that runs all night. Similarly, there are only a small handful of weekday games, but if you can park for free near a trolley station it’s a nice deal. Try it if you’re going to Opening Day.

Without the logo, you’d almost feel like a secret agent.
You can also use a shuttle to get to the Guardians game. The Flat Iron Café is located on Center Street near U.S. 6/20; there is a very inexpensive lot nearby but you shouldn’t have a problem finding free street parking there, especially after 6:00 PM and on weekends.
At the Flatty, you can enjoy a less expensive Irish pub meal and couple of brews, get a free ride to the game and back, and enjoy an easy exit afterward. I don’t know if I’d say it’s a well-kept secret, but everyone I talked to in my visit to the place loves this option.

I like the picture so I’m including it.
The Great Lakes Brewery used to run their Fatty Wagon to game and back from its location near the West Side Market, but as I write this it isn’t in service. This may change, so it doesn’t hurt to check if you like a quality burger and brew and a ride to the game.

Cleveland’s got a lot of people on it when it comes to bicycling in the city.
Finally, you have some bicycle riding options, believe it or not. There is a “Bike Rack” facility a short walk from the ballpark where you can use the outside racks for free or pay a small fee to secure your bicycle inside. They have showers and everything.
That said, the Prog is in an area heavily trafficked by cars. The Bike Rack people describe it as being for “intermediate” or “experienced” cyclists. It’s pretty heavy traffic around here, and bicycling isn’t something I’d recommend doing with your kid if they’ve just shed the training wheels.

This picture is what I call an “attention getter”. Now let’s talk some Cleveland ballgame grub.
Progressive Field Guide, Part 4: What To Eat At A Guardians Game
Progressive Field has so many fantastic food options that I’ve dedicating a separate post just to the best of the Progressive Field menu. But if you don’t want to go through all of that, I’ll list some of my favorite choices here…including an important bit about Ballpark Mustard.
So first, sit down restaurants.

Fine dining and bar service with a view of the outside world. And nachos.
I’ve already discussed the Club Lounge in the seating section, and it’s a great deal if you have the means. The Club Lounge offers chef-prepared stuff, including from Asian, pasta, and carving stations, and they’ll sometimes offer regional stuff based on who’s in town. (I was there for a game against the Mariners where they had Space Needle Grilled Beef. Sounded good anyway.)

At least no one screams “Down in front!”
There’s also the Terrace Club, on the mezzanine level in the left field corner. It’s a meal with a great view of a ballpark, although the view of the actual action isn’t great. You can order pre-game or during the game reservations, but with pre-game seating you’re only allowed there for 90 minutes.
Still, the Terrace Club is definitely a cool experience, and the Indians have high-end buffets available for an amount of money that you could spend on inferior food around the ballpark. Aside from the buffet there is a high end if somewhat pricey menu with food that by most accounts is very good.
Outside of the restaurants the team has created several “Districts” that showcase some of the iconic eats in Cleveland. I’ll briefly cover the selections here; lots more detail on my Progressive Field food page (coming soon!).
In the Right Field District:

This sandwich barely stayed intact long enough for this photo.
Melt Bar & Grilled has a variety of grilled cheese sandwiches made with Texas Toast; try the chorizo and potato or the mushroom sandwich with grilled onions…that might be the best vegetarian meal I’ve had at a game.

This might have been the best thing I’ve eaten at a ballpark.
Barrio allows you to build your own tacos, or at least suggest to the person behind the counter what to do. Their tacos get high marks but I can tell you their nacho plate is truly awesome. Very salty chips though.

I remember the dark days of only Budweiser available at ballgames. You kids have no clue how good you have it today!
The Great Lakes Brewery is known for their craft beers (as they should be), but they have some cool food offerings too, like brats covered with onions, peppers and Ballpark Mustard.

Enough said.
Cleveland Dogs & Shakes isn’t based on a local eatery, but if you like extra stuff piled on your hot dog, this is the spot; ten inch dogs covered with things like pierogies, bacon, banana peppers or other stuff. Get your dog on a pretzel bun here.
Just getting warmed up here…
In The Infield + Left Field Districts:

Just this description has me planning a trip to Cleveland.
The Brew Kettle is mostly about their craft beers, but they also carry the Wisconsin Brat Burger: a spicy pork burger with Swiss cheese and their homemade kraut relish on a pretzel bun.

Not sure how people are walking by, although it could be the nachos.
If you’re into high end pizza, Dante’s Inferno is a creation of chef Dante Boccuzzi, and at the Prog you can get a hand crafted pizza with spaghetti and meatballs on it, or the spicy Inferno pizza with sausage, pepperoni, olives and hot peppers.

Because great ballpark food goes best with craft beer.
At the appropriately named Fat Head’s Brewery, get your big appetite on with their “Headwiches”…sandwiches the size of your head (almost). Try the Fat Italian or the Southside Slopes – a kielbasa with pierogies, American cheese, grilled onions and horseradish sauce

Get froot loops on your hot dog. Only in Cleveland.
Happy Dog might be my favorite of the fancy food eateries at the Prog…for no other reason than they’re the first outfit I could think of to put Froot Loops on a hot dog. True. They have lost of other unusual options for baseball’s classic food here, so check it out.
Not done yet! The Prog is a great place to get your Mexican food fix on, even if I wouldn’t argue that Barrio is more than good enough for the task:

Now that’s some nachos!
Momocho has nachos and quesadillas; with made to order chips and homemade guac and salsa. Top your chips with chicken, pulled pork or sausage. It’s a great plate of nachos, although I still slightly prefer Barrio’s.

They even made a bigger tray for the street corn. Ohio City Burrito don’t play!
Ohio City Burrito is your destination for baseball’s most underrated food, the burrito. They fill your burritos with beef, pulled pork or chicken and the standard fillings, roll them with outstanding accuracy, and serve them with homemade salsa.

You’d be amazed at how difficult it is to get a charred dog at a ballpark. But not in Cleveland.
As you can see, pardon my French, but the Prog offers a kick ass menu with your baseball, and that’s not including the generic stands that sell very large hot dogs. I’ll just mention a few other things here:
In my last visit there was a Charred Dogs stand; I think it’s behind home plate. If you want your hot dogs blackened on an open fire grill, check this spot out.

At many ballparks, footlong dogs are just stretched. The Guardians, on the other hand, care about their fans.
Speaking of those hot dogs, they’re still made by Sugardale; and at the also aptly named Sausages & Dogs stands, you can get the really hefty half pounders. These are like the footlongs you find at a lot of ballparks, only thicker…and with peppers, onions, and Ballpark Mustard piled on, it can be a great value by ballpark standards.

I don’t know why I don’t just get one of these. I’d use it.
OK, so let me talk about the Bertman’s Mustard briefly. Joe Bertman’s spicy brown mustard served at Guardians games has been part of Cleveland since the 1920s; Bertman’s takes pride in not watering down their Dijon-style mustard and using the vinegar, and you can definitely taste the difference.
Some folks, myself included, have picked up “Stadium Mustard” in Cleveland area markets thinking it was the same thing, and it’s not…it’s a very similar version that I’ve read was created by a former associate of Bertman’s. They’re very similar, but Bertman’s is the real thing if you’re interested in ordering some…and it’s definitely the best mustard I’ve tried in a ballpark.
If you’ve ever witnessed an inane Twitter argument, you might like this…someone who refused to identify himself emailed me about this and angrily accused me of spreading “mustard propaganda”, and who knows, he might be right, even if I laughed MAO at the accusation.

If you happen to be in the West Side Market, pick me up a bag. I’m good for it.
I’m just glossing over the impressive food selection at Progressive Field, but just one more note. You can bring your own food into the ballpark. The Guardians allow a 16*16*8 bag, and they don’t specifically prohibit food, although they do say you can bring in one sealed bottle of water.
You can add some eats to your bag at several shops in Tower City if you’re using the RTA, and there are peanut vendors across E. 9th Street from the ballpark, and Aladdin’s Bakery on Carnegie Avenue has gyros and halal sandwiches. You get the idea.

I got my certificate!!
Progressive Field Guide, Part 5: Bringing The Kids
Few ballparks are as kid-friendly as Progressive Field these days. They’ve added the Kids Clubhouse on the mezzanine level, and this has become a two-story interactive play area with a big slide and everything, and parents can watch the game while kids play. As I’ve said, the Family Deck is a good spot for families, but definitely bring sunscreen.

This pitcher’s pretty good. Nothing hit out of the infield yet.
Also on the mezzanine level, the Rookie Suite and Slugger’s Sandlot are playgrounds for kids of varying ages, including a “Little League Park” wiffle ball field (with a short porch for your young slugger), a climbing wall, video games and batting cages among other fun stuff. You need to sign a waiver for the kids. They’ve even included a nursing room in case Time Magazine’s cover girl shows up.

Is it me or does this mascot not exactly strike fear in opponents?
Most of the play area is in the outfield near the secret escalator (it’s behind the right field seats), with interactive baseball games and a mock-up of Slider, the team mascot, sitting on a bench (sometimes the real Slider or hot dog mascots will make an appearance). This is a very popular place for families (it’s air-conditioned in spots), so be prepared.
The Guardians offer discounted tickets for kids with the purchase of an adult ticket, and the Guardians have a fan club for kids that includes some cool Guardians swag, discounts on gear, and exclusive experiences for a price that makes it worth it.

The cool part is high-fiving a third base coach.
Sundays are Kids Days, with animals or other attractions in the plaza on Eagle Avenue; kids can actually interview players and are allowed to run the bases after the game. The run the bases promotion is very popular, so you may want to bring the kid to the first base side early. They also set up a Kids Play area with bounce houses and such on Kids Days.

Hey, I get excited about Sugardale too.
The Indians run Sugardale Hot Dog Races after the fifth inning of each game. The hot dogs are Guardians employees disguised as franks covered with various condiments. Ketchup wins a lot of races, but is known to cheat. When not racing, the Sugardale dogs will greet fans in the concourse areas.
At Guest Services you can put a tag on your kid with the seat location, and get them a first game certificate they’ll file away forever.

I haven’t been there since they changed the team name, but I’m sure the scoreboard is just as impressive.
Progressive Field Guide, Part 6: Photo-Ops + Other Tips
OK, we’re almost done…thanks for sticking with me this far! Just a few things…starting with a few of my favorite photo-ops here:

Hitters hated facing him almost as much as the Japanese did.
Progressive Field Photo-Op #1) Player Statues. You can find statues of Indians greats Bob Feller, Jim Thome, Larry Doby and Lou Boudreau outside the ballpark in their classic poses, including Feller’s high leg kick windup. Good meeting spot for fans too.

Cleveland has some cool baseball history. Not just the movie “Major League”. Although that counts.
Progressive Field Photo-Op #2) Heritage Park. The Heritage Park area in the outfield commemorates Cleveland baseball greatness, including a statue of Frank Robinson and a dedication to Ray Chapman, an Indian who died from being hit by a pitched baseball. It’s worth a look for baseball history buffs; get there early to avoid the crowds.

Smart move to add a skyline view to a ballpark. Probably have the Orioles to thank for that.
Progressive Field Photo-Op #3) The Big Board + Skyline. I’ve said earlier that the view of the huge scoreboard and Cleveland skyline is worth sitting on the first base side of the field; its especially impressive from the upper level. I haven’t been there since the team’s name change, so this is the latest edition I have of the view.

Wide highways, as far as the eye can see…the vision of Ohio is indeed a grand one!
Progressive Field Photo-Op #4) The Upper Concourse View. Even if you’re not sitting in the upper level, take an escalator up and have a look at the surrounding area from the upper concourse. It’s pretty boffo, especially at sunset.

Chicks dig the blog!
Progressive Field Photo-Op #5) Hot Dog Race Mascots. Before the game you can usually find the hot dog mascots that will be running in the race, and they’re happy to pose with fans as shown with this lanky goofball.
Progressive Field is a beautiful ballpark…there’s a lot of great spots to point your camera.

The obviously not so secret escalator, but secret enough.
Getting around the ballpark, it’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll) of the Prog, so there are several escalators to use; the impressive main escalator is near the team shop on the first base side; the other is the previously alluded to “secret” way to get to the mezzanine in right field. Escalators go up only, but you can use an elevator at Section 559 to get down.
Gate A is the most popular entrance, being near the box office, play areas, and home run porch. If you want to avoid long lines at the gate, you’re better off with Gate D near Broadway Avenue. Or use the redesigned Right Field Gate, with the impressive statue of Bob Feller. This gate is the first to open; for the first hour or so fans are confined to the outfield, but with the food selection there that’s all good.

Don’t mention it. The menu was worth it.
Whew! No idea there was so much to know, right? Anyway, I hope you’ve enjoyed this Progressive Field guide and that the tips I’ve shared here help you save money, time, and aggravation, and enjoy the wonderful experience that is baseball in Cleveland. If you’ve got any questions, by all means drop a line…and there’s more stuff below if you’d like more details, by the way.
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Citizens Bank Park Guide – Best Philadelphia Phillies Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
Planning a Phillies game? Visiting Philadelphia for some baseball? This highly detailed and useful Citizens Bank Park guide will help you land cheap Phillies tickets, choose the best seat for your budget, find a good parking spot, and choose what to eat from the impressive Phillies game menu. It’s all here…everything you need to know.
I live about 20 minutes away from the Phillies ballpark; I’ve been there many times and know all the tricks. Stick with me; I’ll help you save money at Citizens Bank Park and get the most bang for your buck at your next Phillies game.

Welcome to the first capital of the United States.
I’ve got a lot of great and helpful tips for you, so let’s break this down:
Finding The Best Deals on Phillies Tickets
Choosing A Great Seat
The Best Way(s) To Get To A Phillies Game
What To Eat At Citizens Bank Park
Bringing The Kids To A Phillies Game
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops + Other Tips
So after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started!
Gametime has your cheap Phillies tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

It’s almost like they don’t want you to know there’s a box office.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 1: How to Score Cheap Phillies Tickets
You have a number of ways to get Phillies tickets…and finding the best deal on tickets is a function of choosing the right avenue and contest. If all you want is to visit the ballpark, low demand games are in April and May, and September if the Phillies aren’t contending. Friday and Saturday nights are the toughest tickets; midweek games are much easier.
If you really want to see the Mets, Yankees, Red Sox, or fireworks nights, plan ahead and try getting tickets when they first go on sale; it’s a good idea to subscribe to the Phillies ticket alerts. They’ll let you know when tickets go on sale, where face value is often the best price. The newsletter will also alert you to theme nights, giveaway nights, etc., so it’s well worth it.

A World Series game is usually a “premium” game.
But if you just want to visit the ballpark, try a game against a West Coast opponent (other than South Jersey native Mike Trout’s Angels, who always draw a crowd); the Marlins only have about 60 fans so they are almost always a cheap game too.
There are several advantages to gathering a group of folks to go to a Phillies game…certain games are available much more cheaply and the group leader will get tickets to a future contest. If you know a lot of Phillies fans, try looking into this.

Just because she doesn’t look enthusiastic doesn’t mean it’s not a good deal!
The Phillies have a “Fightin’ Phils Fan Club”, where for a small membership fee you get a decal, a hat, discounts on merchandise, and best of all, game tickets and pre-sale opportunities. It’s well worth the price, especially if it can get you into a game against, say, the Red Sox at face value.
So that’s a short primer for buying tickets online.

Go straight ahead, and then make a right, where the old McFadden’s used to be.
The main ticket office is at the third base gate, and there are other ticket windows around the ballpark. You won’t pay fees at the box office, and that’s a considerable chunk of change. If it’s not a high demand game, you shouldn’t have a problem getting tickets.

Neither one is any easier for left handed people.
There are also ticket kiosks at the box office where you can buy and/or print your purchased tickets, and I don’t think you’ll pay the convenience fee using them either. Definitely beats waiting in line for tickets…or paying fees.

You forgot to sign up for the newsletter, didn’t you? Sigh…
If you’re going with a low demand game or failed to plan ahead, include third parties in your search; Gametime is my favorite because they often have the best prices around, and they only show you the better deals. If you want to compare prices with the Phillies website or another third party, be sure to go all the way to the checkout screen to see what you’ll really be paying for tickets. It can be a big difference.
With third party sites, most of the time tickets will become cheaper and more available closer to gametime, so wait until the last minute if you can…remember, though, that ticket sales shut down two hours before game time. If the game is important for you to attend, keep checking for a deal you can live with starting about a week before.

These seats should be very cheap on a hot day.
If you’re flexible and can go to a game on a moment’s notice, and demand being what it is for Phillies tickets when they’re good, try waiting for a hot, muggy day or perhaps a cold day in April, when season ticket holders might decide against coming to the ballpark. You might score a worthwhile deal on Gametime especially then. You can also usually land a great deal on a cold day in September if the Phillies are out of the race.

No, the bar codes do not recycle after 12 years. This ticket is no longer valid.
Even though it is illegal and the Phillies make this clear, I have seen scalpers practically right at the gate of the ballpark. They frequently hang out around the marquee across from the Mike Schmidt statue, and they get desperate to unload their tickets as game time approaches.
When the Phillies are good, scalpers can be tough negotiators, but when the Phillies aren’t performing well brokers are less plentiful and more eager to unload, and you might score a great deal. It’s at your own risk of course, check your tickets for the date and the opponent if you try it.
I’ve written more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here. The sellers there aren’t all crooks and you might score something, but treat them the same way you would a scalper…again, check the date and opponent on your ticket, and look for smudges or other irregularities. Trust your gut, especially with a high demand game.

Go ahead, just pick one. They’re all good.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 2: Choosing A Great Seat
There is a general opinion among forum dwellers that most all of the seating at the Bank offers an acceptable view of the action. I don’t disagree; I’ve had what could definitely be called bad seats and have never been terribly unhappy. In most all cases, seats are angled towards home plate, and very little of the field is obstructed even in the furthest seats.
When buying tickets on the Phillies website, you can now choose individual seats on their seating map, which is great for landing aisle seats or two and two in front of each other, whatever works.
I’ve written a much more detailed guide to the seating at Citizens Bank Park here, but I’ll keep it simple and break it down by budget here for you.

Cushioned seats and cup holders say “We care”.
Premium Phillies Game Seats: Diamond + Hall of Fame Club
As premium seats go, the high end club seats at Citizens Bank Park are fairly reasonable by MLB standards. A full season package in the Hall of Fame Club works out to about $65 a game, and if you pick the right contest you should be able to get a great deal on Gametime. Try for a midweek game against Miami or Colorado.
The Diamond Club seats are directly behind home plate; in the front rows you’re closer to home plate than the pitcher. The seats are padded and wider, and you can order food from your seat.

Nothing says “you’ve made it in life” like a meal in a ballpark club.
Diamond Club members have access to the Diamond Clubhouse Lounge, a beautiful climate-controlled spot with gourmet chef-prepared dining (the burgers are all that). Most of the food and drinks aren’t free, but there are some complimentary side dishes like pasta salads. The Clubhouse also features a view of the batting practice cages.

Because we should all have better seats than sportswriters.
The Hall of Fame Club seats are on the 200 press level, just above the suites. In addition to a nice bird’s eye view of the action, these seats are also wide and padded with more leg room. (That matters to big dudes like me.) There’s only a few rows in each section, so it’s easy to get to your seat.

Just in case they run out of baseballs during the game.
The large Club behind the seats is also climate-controlled, and includes food and bar stations. The food isn’t included, but this privilege allows folks to wait in short(er) lines for food items (including Chickie’s and Pete’s fries), which can come in handy in a rain delay.
Again, you can sometimes find good deals on third party sites for Club tickets; remember my “uncomfortable weather” tip; I’ve seen tickets available for less than half the face value on low demand nights.

Popular seats as you can see, even out of the shade.
Large Budget: Field Level Seating
The Infield and Baseline seats at Citizens Bank Park are not cheap, but there isn’t much of an incline and the view is great from just about anywhere. There is a notable price decrease as you move towards the outfield; Section 115 is significantly cheaper than Section 114, for example. The Phillies charge more for the front few rows in the infield sections.
The most important thing I can tell you about the lower level seating here is that the sun beats hard on the first base/right field side late in the day especially. If your timing is wrong it can be fairly miserable on a hot day; I’d go for the third base side.
That aside, most of the lower level seats here are great, and the Bank is a place where lower seating is preferable, for reasons I’ll get to in a minute.

The plentiful ushers might have tissues in the event of a nosebleed.
Medium to Small Budget: Terrace Level Seating
The upper deck seats at Citizens Bank Park are called the Terrace (300 sections) and the Terrace Deck (400 sections). Like in the lower level, the price drops as you get further from home plate.
With the suites, the Hall of Fame level, and open concourses pushing things up, upper levels here are pretty high, and these seats aren’t for the acrophobic. I’m not saying they’re bad seats by any means, though; the Phillies did a nice job of angling upper level seats for a great view of the field.

This is the easy part.
Another thing to keep in mind in the is that the 400 seats (Terrace Deck) require about a dozen steps just to get to your section. Try to get your food and take care of nature’s call beforehand, because this can be a pain. If lots of steps are a problem for you, spend a couple of extra bucks for the 300 sections.
Incidentally, if you need to duck out of the weather (Philadelphia gets both ends of weather extremes), the High & Inside Club on the upper concourse is a good spot. The game is on TV there.

The Scoreboard Porch, so named for its lack of view of the scoreboard.
Small Budget: Outfield Seats + Scoreboard Porch
The outfield seating is typical of any ballpark here, but it does have the advantage of being close to Ashburn Alley and the world class Philly food items that I’ll get to in a bit.
The Scoreboard Porch seats are just below the scoreboard; these are pretty far from the field and obviously don’t offer a view from the scoreboard. (There is a smaller scoreboard in right field that works just fine for needed info, however.) These and the upper seats in right field are my least favorite seats in the ballpark, but the Porch is a popular spot for groups if you’re interested.

“Hey pitcher! Your mom is inconsistent!”
In right field, the outfield seats are also close to the bullpens, where you can offer Philly-brand encouragement to opposing pitchers. Remember what I’ve said about the sunlight; right field is the last place to see shade for night games.

For people ready to catch a 600-foot home run.
Tightwad Budget: Rooftop Bleachers + Standing Room
The Rooftop Bleachers section is a small makeshift-style grandstand above Ashburn Alley in right field, below the neon Liberty Bell; it’s made to look like the stands people built on rooftops across from Connie Mack Stadium. They are, I believe, the cheapest seats in the ballpark, and with good reason…they’re quite a distance from the field. If the game bores you, it does offer people watching in Ashburn Alley.

You know it’s a good spot if it’s where ushers hang out.
Standing room in Citizens Bank Park is a pretty good deal. There are counters around the concourses everywhere in the ballpark to lean on and rest your food, and you might even land some barstool seats in center field if you’re early enough (good luck with that). If you get tired from standing late in the game, the folks at Harry The K’s might let you take a seat.
The Phillies offer a standing room only Ballpark Pass; for a reasonable fee you can attend every home game for a month. Well worth it if you use it a few times.

This is the point where you can shut off your GPS.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 3: The Best Ways To Get To A Phillies Game
In most cases, driving your car is the best and easiest way to get to Citizens Bank Park. There is ample parking in the sports complex, and traffic generally isn’t terrible for a ballpark.
If you’d like to get into some detail about parking at Phillies games, including tailgating, the Taxi Crab and other stuff, check out this much more detailed guide to Citizens Bank Park parking!
The only exception is when there is another event going on, especially an Eagles or Flyers game…if you can’t get to the ballpark very early on such days, you might prefer the Broad Street subway. If there is another event, your best bet is to approach the ballpark from the north on Packer Avenue.

Coming from Penrose Avenue offers advance warning for when you’re about to see some serious parking.
Penrose Avenue from the west, I’ve learned through experience, is a good route to approach the park, since it’s accessible from I-76 and I-95 and you can turn onto Pattison Avenue towards Penrose getting out, away from the frequently used exits that get backed up after the game.
If you find yourself with tickets for a Friday night game during the summer months, don’t even try to use I-76 eastbound. The traffic headed to the Jersey Shore could well make you miss half of the game. Use I-476 and I-95 north to get around it all, or look into using a Regional Rail train and just make sure you can get back.

A helpful and detailed map to help you find parking at the ballpark, once you’ve parked.
The lots owned by the Phillies are all north of Pattison Avenue and mostly west of the ballpark; pre-paid lots for season ticket holders are close but don’t offer any kind of easier out. You can buy a pass ahead of time from the Phillies, but if you’d like something cheaper, easier to exit, or more tailgate friendly, read on.

Don’t let a little rain stop your pre-game party!
Tailgating is not permitted in the Phillies lots; for pre-game partying you can use the lots south of Pattison Avenue. Lincoln Financial Field (Eagles) has sizable lots; the Linc is the most popular of tailgating spots. There are ample port-a-potties, and large solar panels covering rows of parking that provide cover or shade from the weather.
East of Lincoln Financial is the Jetro Warehouse, also a popular tailgate destination. Jetro doesn’t offer the “car ports” that the Linc lot does though, and it isn’t any cheaper except from a good distance away, so if tailgating is your thing and you’re early, try the Linc lot first.

If you use my Penrose suggestion, you won’t be too tired from the traffic to pay someone else to park your car.
The Xfinity Live! complex west of the Linc lot offers valet parking for about the same price as other parking (although you’ll probably tip the valet guys a few bucks). It’s just steps away from the ballpark and good if you want to hang out here for the party afterward.

Colorful shuttle buses are a part of baseball.
Chickie’s and Pete’s on Packer Avenue valet parks your car for a bit less than what Phillies charge, and they run a free shuttle called the “Taxi Crab” that will take you from their restaurant to the game and back. I’m a fan of this option if you’re making a day of it…enjoy a somewhat less expensive meal at a popular local institution, avoid waiting in line for their famous crab fries, catch a ballgame, and generally avoid the traffic leaving. (Please don’t drink and drive, at least not in that order).

Just so you know what it looks like, in case you follow my next suggestion.
There is a church (the Stella Maris Catholic Convent) on 10th Avenue north of the ballpark that is cheaper than the Phillies lots, and it’s also an easier out. Not too long of a walk and a nice view coming towards the ballpark, just use caution crossing Packer Avenue. This spot is just a five minute walk from Oregon Steaks, incidentally, if you want a popular Philly cheesesteak.
Off of Pattison Avenue east of the ballpark, you can often find lots that are a few bucks cheaper and easier to exit.

With bicycle racks at the front entrance for an added level of security.
The lots behind Lincoln Financial Field are further and aren’t any cheaper, but there is also a lot behind the Jetro warehouse that offers a cheaper rate. This one is a hike and dark at night, however, and they claim to prohibit tailgating.

Get any closer and I’ll ticket you, I mean it!
If you love to beat the Man and park for free, your best bet for free street parking might be on the western side of 7th Street north of Packer Avenue; I saw cars parked there and employees of the team coming from that direction. I’ve done this without a problem, but you need to be early and it’s a bit of a hike.
People used to park on South Lawrence Street, but the city started handing out $50+ tickets for this, so I wouldn’t try that one.

You’ll want to be closer than this.
Speaking for myself, in my opinion the cheaper parking at Citizens Bank Park isn’t worth the considerably longer walk, unless you’d like to get out more easily. My favorite lot is Lot G south of Pattison; it’s almost across the street from the ballpark and it’s easy to exit going west on Pattison towards Penrose.

Remember when they called them “stadiums”?
The Distant Second Best Way to Get to Citizens Bank Park: SEPTA
The Broad Street Line is a SEPTA subway line that drops off fans at the NRG Sports Complex Station, a short walk from the ballpark. Because of the crowds, the subway is considered generally safe for games, but I would avoid going north of City Hall.

Gangway! Philly sports fans coming!
SEPTA runs a Sports Express service to and from Citizens Bank Park on game days; these trains make for a much quicker ride. Usually there are 4-5 of them starting about an hour before the game. Coming from the PATCO Line in South Jersey, the Express will take you straight to the ballpark non-stop from Walnut-Locust. If you get a chance to use the Express, do it. You’ll thank me.
The Broad Street Line isn’t the most pleasant train you’ll ever ride (it probably won’t even make your top 20), but it is good for avoiding traffic, which can be very slow. It’s popular especially with people visiting Philadelphia and staying in the heart of the city, but it doesn’t get too packed like NYC or Chicago ballpark trains do.

Well yeah, I guess some Phillies fans live in NJ.
Coming from South Jersey where I live, the Broad Street Line is easily accessible from PATCO. Riders can take PATCO to the 12th/13th Street or the 15th/16th Street station, and from there follow the orange signs to the Broad Street Line, about a five-minute walk. Coming back, exit the SEPTA train at Walnut-Locust.
Here’s a Tightwad Tip for PATCO: You can get a discounted round trip transfer ticket that includes the Broad Street ride at the PATCO station, which is slightly cheaper than two SEPTA tokens and considerably cheaper than driving and parking from NJ.

If you live somewhere on this map, you can take a train or two to the game.
All of SEPTA’s Regional Rail suburban train lines stop at Suburban Station, about a 5-10 minute underground hike to the Broad Street Line. Regional Rail is a much nicer ride from most areas of southeast PA, but check the schedule if you do this and know when the last train leaves.

The tricky part is making that left turn in ballgame traffic.
Citizens Bank Park isn’t in an area that would be a short bike trek for most people, and I don’t recommend bicycling in the area, but should you make the trip on two wheels, there is a bicycle rack on the north side of the ballpark, and Packer Avenue nearby has a bicycle lane.
Philadelphia has a shared bicycle rental service called “Indego”, and there’s a station next to the NRG subway station. It even has some electric bikes, but there isn’t a large quantity there, so I wouldn’t depend on there being one after the game.

This is why you come to Philadelphia.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 4: What to Eat at Citizens Bank Park
If you’re really interested in making a solid food choice at a Phillies game, I go into much more detail about the menu in my Citizens Bank Park food post here, but here’s a shortened version of all of that. I’m not bothering with the Club items, I’ve already talked about that a bit.

If you’ve never had cream of artichoke soup before, here’s your chance!
Harry The K’s is named for the Phillies’ late broadcasting legend Harry Kalas. Harry’s has an outdoor but covered seating area behind the left field seats and serves adequate tavern fare at reasonable prices for a ballpark.
Each season the Phillies introduce new food items to Harry’s menu; they might have unusual hot dogs or different kinds of turkey club or roast pork sandwiches. Harry’s is a good spot to find healthy items; I enjoyed a fairly good vegan cheesesteak there some years ago.

This nation was founded so people could eat good pizza at the ballpark.
Then there’s Pass and Stow and the Shake Shack, sit down eateries that took over the space once occupied by McFadden’s restaurant. Pass and Stow is mostly for outside libations, but they do have a brick oven pizza on their menu, and Shake Shack of course features the ever-popular Shackburger, fries and shakes, all of which I can testify are very good.

This is a Campo’s “Heater” chicken cheesesteak sandwich with the “Works”. Ask for it by name.
If you want to enjoy the taste of Philly stuff at Citizens Bank Park, head out to Ashburn Alley in center field…that’s where you’ll find the two iconic cheesesteak sandwiches: Tony Luke’s and Campo’s. I’m a Campo’s guy, but Tony Luke’s does have a good roast pork and provolone sandwich with broccoli rabe. For a great and spicy cheesesteak, get the “Heater” from Campo’s. (Ask for it with the “Works”!)

No need to get your donuts at the state level.
But don’t pass on the other Philly favorites here…there’s P.J. Whelihan’s and their flavorful boneless wings, amazing Federal Donuts and their chicken sandwich, and of course the popular Philly favorite…

Tell them you want the ones that spilled out too.
Chickie’s and Pete’s crab fries…crinkle-cut fries with crab seasoning, one of the most iconic food items in Philly. I’ve talked about Chickie’s and Pete’s on Packer Avenue earlier…at the restaurant you get two cups of cheese sauce, here you have to pay extra for that. Might be worth using the Taxi Crab, just saying.

Mr. Manco likes to make pizza with his alter ego.
Manco & Manco’s Pizza is new but long overdue; it’s a very popular pizza shop from Ocean City NJ’s boardwalk, and it’s much better than the generic pizza. (Philly area folks don’t excuse bad pizza.) Colbie’s Southern Fried Chicken has chef-inspired fried chicken sandwiches, and they’re part-owned by former Phillies slugger Ryan Howard, so you’re supporting local baseball.

Here’s your tip of the day.
Finally, don’t miss Bull’s BBQ, named for 1970s Phillies slugger Greg Luzinski, who chats and poses with fans most games. The large BBQ area in the left field corner serves up first-class pulled pork, big turkey legs, addictive mac and cheese, and the “Bull Dog”, a huge glazed kielbasa. You can create a nice sampler plate. As ballpark BBQ goes, it’s one of my faves.
Just about everything I’ve tried in Ashburn Alley has been great; it’s worth the few extra bucks to get your Phillies game grub on there. Get there early; it gets crowded.

Hopefully this helps you find the hot dogs at Citizens Bank Park.
The rest of the concourse areas mostly feature generic ballpark items; aside from Hatfield hot dogs (another local legend), the cheesesteaks, fries, wings and other stuff is adequate but unremarkable. The sausage and pepper sandwiches are very good. Of course, you can get Richman’s ice cream in a small Phillies helmet.
The Phillies occasionally have Dollar Dog Nights; it’s a popular promotion but lines can be long.

Nothing gives a deli credibility like a decorated van.
Finally, you can bring your own food into Citizens Bank Park (in a 16*16*8 bag), and there’s some decent selections not far away. I’ve already talked about the Taxi Crab from Chickie’s and Pete’s; bringing takeout crab fries will save you a few bucks.
If you’re using the Taxi Crab, the Chickie’s plaza also has a popular deli called Pastaficio’s, it’s a prime spot to order a high quality and cheaper sandwich you can bring in with you. (You can take my word on that.)

Check them out…they ain’t kiddin’!
My favorite trick as a South Jersey native is to go upstairs after exiting the PATCO train, and stopping at Nuts 2 You, which is in the path to the Broad Street subway. They have an amazing selection of fresh roasted peanuts, snacks, and candy, and the still warm peanuts keep me fed all night for just a few bucks.

Parents aren’t allowed in the habitrail, but it doesn’t stop them from trying.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 5: Bringing The Kids
The home of the Phillies is one of the most kid-friendly ballparks I’ve been to; there are two play areas here that are both great fun for little ones. The Phanatic Phun Zone features a habitrail that makes me jealous when I see my kids running around it, and The Yard in the left field corner has a wiffle ball field shaped like a mini-version of the ballpark.
Kids can also pretend to operate a concession stand, and get started young living the dream of being a ballpark concession worker. The Phillies smartly placed only one entrance at the Phun Zone, so parents can safely wait there.

It’s not actually 401 to straightaway center; unless that’s some metric measurement.
The Yard in the left field corner is an artificial turf (normally frowned upon in baseball, but probably a good idea here) wiffle ball field that’s made to look like a miniature Citizens Bank Park. And it’s got a short porch in left…if you get a hold of one, you can easily reach the scoreboard with it!
You have to wait in line to get your licks at the plate, but the kids can play in the field as much as they like. It’s a great opportunity to teach your child the value of strong defense up the middle. The Yard gets crowded pretty fast, so try to get there when the Left Field gates open (a half hour before the rest of the gates).

Phillies employees can put a curve on a wiffle ball pitch with the best of them.
If you’re bringing the kids, the first base side is usually better, since the Phanatic Phun Zone is near the first base entrance and the Yard is in the right field corner. It’s also a better view of the Phanatic dancing on the Phillies dugout. However, keep in mind that this spot can see some serious sun; if that’s a concern try the third base side, or bring water and sunscreen.
If you want to save a few bucks on tickets for the kids, check out the fan clubs. Membership is relatively cheap and usually includes two game tickets, plus souvenirs like a drawstring bag that you wouldn’t think to buy otherwise; both clubs include discounted ticket opportunities. The Phillies don’t have many “run the bases” days, but the fan club offers front of the line access for it, and that’s well worth it if it’s in your plans.

“Go ahead, swing for the fences kid!”
Kids under two get in free, but they have to sit on the parent’s lap (which is mighty difficult for nine innings), and you can either check in a stroller or fit it under your seat.
There are Phanatic Kids Corner stands selling smaller dogs and PB&J sandwiches at reduced prices for kids, so you can save a few bucks on food that way…and don’t forget about bringing in your own snacks.
Finally, you can bring the kid to the Guest Services booth and get them a First Game Certificate…they’ll treasure that forever.

If you didn’t know who he was, you probably wouldn’t let him in either.
Citizens Bank Park Guide, Part 6: Photo-Ops + Other Tips
I’m listing some of my favorite photo-ops at Citizens Bank Park, you’ll want some shots of these things when you go:

It’s even cooler at night, just saying.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #1) The Liberty Bell. Try to get video of this after a Phillie hits a home run or the Phillies win. It’s also cool to get close to it and see how huge it really is.

This statues talks about as much as Lefty did. He let his curveball do the talking.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #2) Phillies Statues. Steve Carlton, Mike Schmidt, Richie Ashburn, Robin Roberts, and longtime announcer Harry Kalas are all enshrined at the ballpark; Harry’s statue is inside the ballpark near the restaurant that bears his name. Everyone in Philly loved Harry.

Blending a ballpark in with a bunch of tall buildings is harder than it looks.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #3) The City Skyline View. The Phillies got some grief for not placing the ballpark in the heart of the city, but this view works. Check it out from the upper level concourse in left field. (Nice view of the Walt Whitman Bridge there too.) Worth the trek up the ramps.

Does anyone think the Athletics should move back to Philly? I’m in that camp.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #4) The Philly Baseball Walk of Fame. Some very good teams played baseball here; not just the Phillies but also Connie Mack’s Athletics. You can find this in Ashburn Alley, on the other side of the batter’s eye wall. It’s a fun timeline to read.

I was these kids’ age when most of these guys were playing.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #5) The Diamond Club Mural. You may need to ask permission from an usher if you’re not a ticket holder to see it, but inside the Diamond Club is a very cool mural of a clubhouse full of Phillies greats; in the picture are Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton, Ryan Howard, Chase Utley, and of course, the Phanatic, Harry Kalas and Richie Ashburn. Pete Rose isn’t in the picture…he’s represented by fallen rose petals.

It would have been a bear writing a fan’s guide for this one.
Citizens Bank Park Photo-Ops, #6) Connie Mack Stadium Replica. Connie Mack Stadium was my father’s favorite ballpark; I unfortunately was born too late to visit it. But they do have a replica in the Hall of Fame Club, again, you might need permission to go in and see it.
And last but most definitely not least…

I think Stallone chose to film Rocky in Philadelphia because he liked the Phanatic.
Citizens Bank Park Video-Ops, #1) The Phanatic. The Phillie Phanatic, the best mascot in sports, drives his ATV out on to the field in the middle of the fifth as the cleaning crew smooths out the bases…he’s always a blast to watch, carrying on and behaving like a Philly fan (check out my interview with original Phanatic Dave Raymond here). He also dances on top of the Phillies dugout in the late innings, and his antics can get R-rated at times. Get some video of him if you can…you’ll laugh.
Feeling smarter about your next Phillies game? Great! Just a couple more things.

Personally I liked the Spectrum better.
Xfinity Live! across the street is kind of a sports mall food court, with Philly sports-themed restaurants like the Spectrum Grille and the Broad Street Bullies Pub, and very large TV screens showing games featuring local teams, anything a fan needs for a post-game party or to gather with other Philly fans.
It’s definitely not the cheapest place for a post-game meal or drinks, but it’s easily the most convenient, and you have choices for whatever grub you’re interested in, including Geno’s Steaks and Lorenzo and Sons Pizza.

Oh, like your city doesn’t do this stuff…
Finally, about those Phillies fans. For half a century now, the story of Eagles fans throwing snowballs at Santa Claus has been cited as proof that Philadelphia is home to the meanest, most hideous sports fans. I’ve written about the Santa Claus story here; give it a read if you’re not familiar with it. The actual story is probably very different than what you imagine, and it’s actually pretty funny. R.I.P. Frank Olivo.
In truth most Phillies fans are perfectly well behaved and can be as passionate as any in the game. Yes, there are some obnoxious ones, like there are in every city, but you probably won’t encounter much more than good-natured heckling if you come here wearing Mets or Nationals gear. (Cowboys or Penguins gear might be a different story.) Don’t poke the bear and you’ll be fine.

Don’t forget the space. You’d be surprised how many fans leave out the space.
If any fans get on your nerves or you have some other problem, you can send a text message to the staff and they’ll come running. The ushers and staff are very nice here, and will make you think Philly is full of nice people after all.
Which it is.
I hope that this Citizens Bank Park guide has been helpful to you and saves you some time, money, and aggravation at your next Phillies game…because after all, this is supposed to be fun! Have a look below at some more tips for the home of the Phillies…and please support our sponsors.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you at the yard!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Ultimate Citi Field Guide: New York Mets Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
This is your complete, all-inclusive, Amazin’ly helpful Citi Field guide – everything you need to know about getting tickets, seating, getting to the ballpark and food at the beautiful home of the New York Mets!
Citi Field is well worth a visit for any baseball fan…it’s a eye-catching ballpark with terrific sightlines (in most cases), and possibly the best food selection in the major leagues. Oh, and a good team to boot these days. Sure, go to Yankee Stadium if you want to see the history and all that, but don’t make a trip to New York and miss out on the first class ballpark in Flushing.

Here’s a few helpful ground rules for a game at Citi Field.
I’ve gathered plenty of knowledge about the place and am happy to share it with you…there’s a lot to know, especially about getting here and the food, so let’s break this down:
Finding The Best Deals on Mets Tickets
Choosing A Great Seat
The Best Way To Get To Citi Field
What To Eat At Citi Field
Citi Field With Kids
Great Citi Field Photo-Ops + Other Tips
Lots to cover here, so after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started!
Gametime has your cheap Mets tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

The “secret” spot for getting tickets.
Citi Field Guide, Part 1: Finding Cheap Mets Tickets
OK, so your first job is to get tickets to the game. You have numerous options for getting Mets tickets, and you can save a bunch of money choosing the right one. And that depends on whether you’ve chosen a low or high demand game.
High demand games are Opening Day obviously, as well as any contests against the Yankees, Red Sox, or Phillies, so pick a game against Oakland or other west coast opponent if you want a cheaper ticket. Similarly, Friday and Saturday games sell many more tickets than weeknight games, and July and August games are more populated than April or May games. You could find a steal on tickets for a game against Colorado on an April weeknight.

There’s nothing like free swag to make a ballpark your Friday destination.
As you’re reading this, you should sign up for the Mets’ ticket alert newsletter. The newsletter will alert you to dynamic pricing bargains, pre-sales (where you can often get tickets for Yankees games at face price), and giveaway nights. The Mets offer discounts that you’ll see in the emails, including waiving ticket fees on occasion. You also might score a nice deal on your birthday.
If you order through the website, you’ll probably need the MLB Ballpark app; have the tickets loaded onto your phone and you won’t need to remember to bring them.

Did you know that Mr. Met gets cash rewards with his Citi card? You can too!
Remember the name of the ballpark…if you aren’t a Citi credit card holder, I highly recommend that you sign up and ask for one. In fact I ordered my Citi MasterCard for this very reason. Citi cardholders get deals on tickets, food and merchandise, and you may have access to pre-sales before non-Citi people do.
You can also sign up for the Mets fan club, Club Mets, which includes tickets and other benefits that make it well worth the price. Get the kids into the Mr. Met Kids Club too…although you might have to go to a few games to make that worth it.

Go ahead, try it! Come on, you want to be cool, don’t you?
Aside from the Mets’ website, you can also obviously buy tickets at the box office like we did in the days before electricity. Remember that there’s more than one ticket office at the ballpark, and if the front gate ticket office has long lines you can find another gate and ticket office. Or use the ticket kiosks…you’ll be amazed at how fast they spit out your tickets, and for some reason people don’t use them.

Take a left here.
For a high demand game, you’re best off planning ahead and getting your tickets from the Mets as soon as they go on sale; for low demand games you can choose a third party site like Gametime and wait as late as you can for prices to come down (they usually shut down sales two hours before game time). Try to get tickets from a season ticket holder; these tix include some nice club access, great on hot days or cold nights.
If you choose to go third party, remember the fees and go all the way to the checkout screen to compare. See what you’re really paying; there can be a sizable difference.
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your New York Mets gear…
Order your caps, jerseys, and more now at and save!Click here to order your Mets gear today!

Be smart. Bring a seating chart.
In my Mets game travels I haven’t seen a whole lot of scalpers; you can generally find a few on the way to the ballpark from the 7 or LIRR stations. In those paths, incidentally, you might find someone with extras willing to part with them at a better price. There is a radius around Citi Field where scalping is illegal, and the train stations are within that radius, so be mindful.
If you do use a scalper, check the date and the opponent on the ticket, and look for any type of uneven cuts or anything.
I’ve written more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here; but as you probably know, there’s no checks in place on Craigslist. Most people selling tickets are legit, actually, but treat them as you would a scalper and check the tickets carefully, especially for a big game. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t buy it.

Hmmm…so many seats to choose from here.
Citi Field Guide, Part 2: Choosing A Great Seat
OK, so you’ve decided to get tickets, now you have to decide where to sit. This is a big decision, believe me…part of enjoying the Citi Field experience is choosing a good seat. I speak from experience on that.
If you’re interested, and have plenty of time on your hands, I go into much more detail about Citi Field seating here; but for this guide, I’ll try to keep it simple and help you get the best bang for every budget.

This is a good reason to work harder.
If cost is no issue to you (baseball can always find a way to test the meaning of “cost is no issue”), go for the Delta Club seats; they are large, padded, and behind home plate, and they include access to the Delta Club and its chef-prepared food offerings. But if you want club access with good food and don’t quite want to pay that much, the Hyundai Club seats have a sweet birds’ eye view, and a club with food and non-alcoholic beverages included in the ticket.

Because gourmet food just makes baseball better. And vice versa.
The food for both of these clubs is high quality, and you can also order food service and have it brought to your seat. If you get the really high end Clover seats in front of the Deltas, your ticket includes complimentary food from anywhere in the ballpark, but you’ll pay a price for that.

Where you can easily turn away from an annoying fan on your left.
For medium budgets…again, you’ll be defining “medium”, but just saying…the Field Level seats at first and third base and beyond are a decent deal. For some games, just being one section over from the Delta Clubs can be a triple digit difference in price. The field level seats are angled toward the infield, so you can a comfortable view without turning your neck.

Cookie Crumz cookies with Mets sprinkles, a reason to get Highball Club access.
(photo courtesy of Maggie Wiggin)
If your budget is small to medium, I recommend going for the Promenade Box seats, closer to home plate if you can. It’s a good view for upper level seating, and you’ll have access to the Jim Beam Highball Club, which is worth it just for the outstanding food offerings.

Walk by quickly so people behind the glass can watch the game with their chicken and biscuit sandwich.
The 400 level of seating is considerably pricier than the Promenade Reserved 500 seats in the section above them, but you also have the peace of mind of no obstructed view (more on that in a bit). If you still want the club access without the additional price, you can try to get Promenade Reserved seats from a season ticket holder. (This is one of my favorite Citi Field tricks.) Season ticket holders get access to the Caesars Sportsbook restaurant in left field, the Highball Club, and the Piazza 31 Club. Try ‘em all out for size.

“No Pepsi, Coke.”
The Coca-Cola Corner seats are the sections underneath the big Coca-Cola sign in right field; these are pretty affordable seats. The view isn’t great, and the sun beats down hard on these sections well beyond any other section. But there’s a fun play area and a separate concourse.

Don’t let the dudes wearing suits fool you. They probably got left field landing tickets too.
The Coca-Cola Corner seats, like the Left Field Landing seats also on the Mezzanine (Excelsior) Level, also include access to the Piazza 31 Club behind home plate. This is helpful not just for better food choices, a nice view of 7 trains coming in, and a space to duck out of the climate, but also to avoid having to move to another level just to get to the other side. Useful knowledge if you use the wrong entrance.

Not great seats, but some people buy them. The Mets are appreciated around here.
If you just want as cheap a seat as possible, the Promenade Outfield seats are the cheapest in the ballpark as of this writing, and for good reason…they’re high and far, especially in left field, and on a windy day the upper left field seats can be unnerving.

This can put a damper on your Mets game experience.
You also might have to deal with the obstructed views from glass landings on the Promenade Reserved level. To keep it simple, stay out of the low rows (1-3), or at least look for a high-numbered seat in a row. Seat 1 is always on the home plate side. If all else fails, you can call the Mets Fan Assistance (646-438-5000) and they should help you find a better spot.

It’s not an ideal standing room view, but you can toss some cornhole bags if you get bored.
Finally, for standing room at Citi Field, you have counters to lean on throughout the lower level concourse, so you can usually stake out a relatively comfortable spot. Lots of SRO types get their Amazin’ Mets pass, which includes entry to all of the games in a month for a reasonable price if you use it a lot.
Center field is a popular spot for standing room, probably because of the superb food selection. (I’ll get to that, I promise.)

Didn’t “LIRR” play guitar for Primus?
Citi Field Guide, Part 3: The Best Way(s) To Get To Citi Field
I stated in my guide to Yankee Stadium that it takes skill to drive a car in New York City, and Queens is no different than the Bronx in this regard. If you’re a first time visitor to this ballpark especially, I highly recommend against driving to a game, but if you insist, I’ll help you with that.
But first, the best, easiest, and probably cheapest way to get to Citi Field is by train…either the MTA 7 train, or the Long Island Rail Road.

The purple 7 is synonymous with Mets baseball.
The 7 train is cheaper, but it’s considerably slower and gets much more crowded; it’s elevated most of the way through Queens from Manhattan, and the ride isn’t appealing to the eye unless you like graffiti. It’s 19 stops from Times Square to the Mets-Willets Point station; if you can get on the express (the one with the diamond around the 7), it’s just nine, so use the Express if you can. The MTA usually runs several express trains back to Manhattan after the game…definitely wait for a diamond train if you can.
The nice thing about the 7, other than sharing a ride with lots of Mets fans, is that the train drops you right there at the ballpark, and it’s pretty cool to watch Citi Field come into view, so get a seat on the left side of the train if you can.
The 7 train is nowhere near as bad as Braves reliever John Rocker was once reported as saying (Google it if you want to know). Just be aware that for Mets games it gets packed, especially after the game. You’ll probably be standing after the game unless you wait for a few cars to leave.

The easy-to-find stairway to the Mets ballpark!
All of this is why I prefer the LIRR; the Mets-Willets Point station of the Port Washington Branch is a few more steps away from the ballpark, but the LIRR train is a much more pleasant ride. It’s a couple bucks more than the 7, but you’ll likely have a seat (and a more comfortable one than on the 7), and it’s just two stops from Penn Station in Manhattan and can be used from many points in the other direction.
Believe me when I tell you, the LIRR is worth both the extra few bucks and the extra walk, even if you have to do it on both ends. Standing on a 7 train for 19 stops after a ballgame can be rough. (Done that, and I’m happy to share tips based on hard experience too.)
Wherever you’re coming from, those are basically the two trains you should find your way to. Unless you are indeed taking on the monumentally frustrating task of driving your car to and from Citi Field.
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Pretty much your main roads to get to Citi, right here.
The first thing you need to know is that traffic backs up considerably within an hour before game time (naw…really?). In my experiences I’ve observed that the worst traffic backups come from the Whitestone Expressway (25A) north of the ballpark; the Van Wyck Expressway (I-678) and Grand Central Parkway both dump traffic onto Whitestone at their Citi Field exits. If you can avoid that junction, do it, or just get here earlier if you can.

See how they’re blocking your way out?
Similarly, after the game the Citi Field parking lot is, of course, a parking lot, and can take a very long time to exit. The Mets’ “A” parking lot north of the ballpark is where the employees park, but you can get a spot there if you’re early enough, and it’s an easier out onto the major roads. You should be able to buy a pre-paid parking pass from the Mets, but jump on that as soon as you can.

Apparently the Mets give themselves a good grade for their parking.
You can also pre-pay for your parking; while you won’t find much in the way of garages close to the ballpark, you should be able to find something in NYC you can use close to a 7 station, and from there take a cheap train ride to the ballpark. You’ll still come out ahead in cost and aggravation if you do it right.

Don’t mind the puddles. It’s cheap and close.
Finally, here’s my favorite Citi Field parking trick…the Southfield commuter lot across the street from the ballpark doesn’t kick in its game rate ($30 as I write this) until 9:00 for day games or noon for night games…so get there early, park for a fin, and take a train somewhere in NYC and enjoy a day in the city and a deli sandwich or something. Come back to the ballpark, enjoy the game, and it’s a short walk back to your car next to the suckers who paid $25 more.

Ballpark in view, just make sure your parking brake is good.
You can find some free street parking west of the ballpark; the side streets along 114th and 114th Street itself usually have some space where you can park with no meters. It requires crossing a freeway exit ramp to get there, but it’s easy enough with basic caution, and this spot is almost as close as the $30 west lots at the ballpark. I’ve read accounts of people having success with this, but this is Queens, so try it at your own risk. I wouldn’t park a Benz there.

They inexplicably don’t yet have Citibikes at Citi Field yet. But here’s a picture of what they look like in case they ever do.
Honestly, Citi Field isn’t a place where I’d ride a bicycle to the game, even though the Mets have bike racks. But if you do try it, there’s plenty of NYC bicycle maps available on the web to plan your route; it’s 9.3 miles and about an hour ride from Grand Central if that’s your starting point.
I also recommend against taxis or rideshares…it will be a long ride with the meter running, especially after the game. Find a way to get to the LIRR if you’re willing to shell out that much.

Citi Field has you covered even for waffles and ice cream. With Mets colored sprinkles again.
(photo courtesy of Maggie Wiggin)
Citi Field Guide, Part 4: What To Eat At Citi Field
I’m happy to help you decide what to eat at Citi Field, but there are so many great options here…the Mets might have the best food selection in baseball. So I’ve devoted an entire blog post to Citi Field food…with appetizing pictures and everything. You can read that here; there’s much more detail about the restaurants and healthier items too.
But for this guide, I’ll go over just a few things you should know to help make the truly challenging decision of what to eat.

Equally impressive without the wax paper.
First, the center field food court…called the Taste of The City…is the spot for the classic NYC eats, and there’s a bunch of them. Most prominent is the Shake Shack and their Shackburgers, which are so popular that people will miss World Series innings waiting in line for one.

Sometimes it’s as simple as keeping the buns warm.
You can also find Pat LaFrieda’s steak sandwich cart here. LaFrieda is one of the prime purveyors of beef in NYC, which is probably saying a lot, and if you like caramelized onions, you’ll like this sandwich.
There’s also the Metropolitan Fry Factory, with crazy editions of loaded fries AND deep fried hot dogs, and the Tater Kegs from Amazin’ Chicken Co.
In the right field corner is the World’s Fare Market, where you can find healthier items. The Lobster Shack with expensive but tasty lobster rolls, and also a market with sushi and gluten free items.
Believe it or not, I am just scratching the surface and haven’t covered a wealth of other items, but this Citi Field guide is already clocking in at 4,000 words and there’s other stuff you need to know. Again, have a look at the full food post here (there’s even pictures of dessert waffles!).

Pat LaFrieda beef and Nathan’s fries…that is a first class meal regardless.
But I will add this…even the basic stuff at Citi Field is pretty good. Nathan’s hot dogs (and their equally iconic fries), Premio sausages and Pat LaFrieda beef burgers are all very good, and the Mets even offer some great condiment stands with things like sauerkraut and NYC onion relish. There is no shame in going for the generic food items here.
So to keep it simple: think center field food court, right field market, and Hudson Club. And generic = just fine.

It’s a train stop away and has good cheap dumplings, but it’s a lot of work to get it to the ballpark.
Finally, you can bring your own food into Citi Field (the Mets allow a 16*16*8 bag and don’t specifically prohibit food), but there isn’t much as far as takeout joints within a stone’s throw from the ballpark. Or a $3 train ride for that matter.
You could find some good ethnic eats on Main Street in Flushing a train station away (it’s actually not a long walk), but this is a lot of hassle just to save a few bucks. Bring a bottle of water since you’ll be thirsty and maybe some peanuts.

Dunk the Cardinals fan! Well, okay, dunk the Mets employee with a Cardinals jersey!
Citi Field Guide, Part 5: Bringing The Kids To A Mets Game
The Mets made their ballpark kid-friendly, with lots of activities both in the Mr. Met area in center field and also in the Coca-Cola Corner concourse. Kids can dunk a Mets employee dressed in the visiting team’s gear, play on a wiffle ball field, and toss cornhole bags in the Corner.
Sunday is by far the best day to take the kids, with a bunch of activities like face painting and a promo item for the little ones. (Arrive early for the swag.) Plus they’re usually day games, so the kids get home at a reasonable hour. Sundays include kids running the bases (the “Mr. Met Dash”), which is always a popular promotion.

You can find these booths at the ballpark, but you’ll already be there then.
If you’re bringing the little ones, have a look at the Mr. Met Kids Club and see if it’s worth your while. With membership your kid gets ticket vouchers, discounts on gear, and front of the line privileges on run-the-bases days…and you’ll want front of the line access for that. You can even take the kids to a Brooklyn Cyclones game with your free vouchers.
You can find discounted food items and kids meals at generic food stands, especially near the kids area in center field. Remember the bag policy; if you need to save money, bring your own bags of snacks for the kids to munch on.
Keep in mind the shade areas as well. If you’re sitting in right field and in the Coca-Cola Corner especially, bring a hat and sunscreen for the kids.
Finally, I wouldn’t take kids onto the 7 train, not because it’s dangerous but because trains get very crowded especially after a game, and it’s tough enough to keep an eye on little ones in NYC. If you can, either drive to the game and get there as early as you can, or use the LIRR.

Wait! There’s still some stuff to see!
Citi Field Guide, Part 6: Citi Field Photo-Ops + Other Tips
If you’re a Mets fan especially, or a baseball fan in general, the Mets Hall of Fame and Museum is worth a visit. It’s got plaques of Mets greats, the 1969 and 1986 World Series trophies, a jersey worn by Tom Seaver and multiple other tributes to great Mets moments.

We miss you, Tom Terrific.
It’s on the right as you enter the Jackie Robinson Rotunda gates, and you should go through as soon as you get in because it can get crowded. Conveniently, after jogging your Mets fan sentiment, the Hall drops you right into the Mets gift shop.

Jackie signs the deal with Branch Rickey’s favorite cigar manufacturer.
Despite the fact that he didn’t play for the Mets, it’s fair to recognize Jackie Robinson, since he broke the color barrier here in New York City, in the National League. The Jackie Robinson Rotunda inside the main entrance gates is indeed impressive and a fitting tribute to one of baseball’s greatest heroes. You can check out the nine values he was committed to and see beautifully arranged large scale photos of the man and his life.
Along with the Jackie Robinson Rotunda, there are some popular photo-ops at Citi Field, and I’m throwing in one most people probably don’t think of, at no extra charge.

Still the Ultimate Answer.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #1) The 42. Inside the main entrance in the Jackie Robinson Rotunda is the number 42, about six feet high reminding us all of the Ultimate Answer. This is a very popular photo-op, though, so you might want to wait until after the game to pose with this one.

Two world class ballpark enthusiasts at the Shea Stadium home run apple.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #2) The Shea Stadium Big Apple. The Mets brought over the home run apple from Shea Stadium; it’s on the plaza in the path from the 7 train station to the ballpark, so you can’t miss it. It’s a favorite spot for traveling fans to pose, like I did with my good friend Joe Mock of Baseball Parks here.

Unfortunately you can’t test drive it in the concourse.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #3) The Mets Hyundaimobile. As far as I know, this car is still inside the ballpark, just outside the Hyundai Club level. If you’re a Mets fan, you’d love driving it.

Preserving the memories of Ebbets Field. Except it’s in Queens. And a different team plays there.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #4) The View From The 7 Station. Citi Field is a quite impressive on the outside, and approaching it from either the 7 or LIRR gives a sense of both its size and its classic ballpark structure. You get something of a sense of what Ebbets Field was like except for the big parking lots.

Fortunately, they didn’t bring New Coke to Citi Field.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #5) The Coca-Cola Sign. If you can, you might want to actually get some video of the Coca-Cola sign in the right field corner, especially at night…the sign changes colors, has white suds flowing through it, etc. It can be fun to watch if the Mets aren’t holding your interest.
And don’t miss this one…

As you can see, this modern urban ballpark blends in seamlessly with its surroundings.
Citi Field Photo-Ops, #6) Bonus tip! The View of Queens. Take a trip to the concourse behind the Coca-Cola Corner and take a look at the neighborhood this beautiful ballpark is in…muffler and auto glass shops for blocks. One of my favorite things about Citi Field is this beautiful ballpark in the heart of a hard urban community. It’s classic NYC.
Finally, I’ll concede that Citi Field does have some flaws…like some less than stellar seats and insufficient access by car…but it’s truly a beautiful ballpark to walk around in and the food selection is second to none. It’s a great place to see a game if you know what you’re doing, and it’s an ideal counterpoint to its neighbor in the Bronx. Citi Field has grown on me a lot, and it will on you too.

Now you can do Citi Field right!
I hope that you’ve found this Citi Field guide to be helpful in saving money and avoiding the pitfalls…if you’d like to know more about the Mets ballpark, you can check out this much more detailed seating guide with lots of helpful tips, and this complete guide to the duly impressive food menu at Citi Field. If you’re doing a NYC baseball trip, be sure to read my guide to Yankee Stadium too!
Thanks for visiting…please support our sponsors, and I’ll see you at the Yard!
Note: This Citi Field guide contains affiliate links. If you use the links to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission at no extra cost to you. We appreciate your support!
Cheap Red Sox Tickets – How To Save Money at Fenway
Posted by Kurt Smith
Cheap Red Sox tickets? Really? Yes. Believe it or not, you can find them. Especially with all the tips I’ll be sharing with you in this complete and helpful guide. I’ve used several of these tips to save money on Red Sox tickets, and you can too…and have money left over for a Fenway Frank!
If you want some help choosing a great seat at Fenway Park, check out my very detailed seating guide for Fenway here. If you’re going all in, check out my complete guide to Fenway Park here. But wherever you sit, read on to find out how to get the best deal on Red Sox tickets.
Gametime has your cheap Red Sox tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

Ah, to be among the privileged…people with Red Sox tickets.
Believe me, it really helps to know ALL of your options, but here’s the table of contents for you, in case you want to skip some bits (but don’t):
My Best Tip For Cheap Red Sox Tickets
Buying From The Red Sox Website
StubHub, Gametime, ACE and Other Third Parties
Choose The Right Game AND Opponent
The Red Sox Box Office and Game Day Tickets
Red Sox Nation and Kid Nation (Get a FREE Red Sox ticket!)
Cheap Red Sox Tickets in The Scalp-Free Zone
The Red Sox Community
Red Sox Ticket Scalpers
Finding Cheap Red Sox Tickets on Craigslist
To Sum All This Up…

“Get ya wicked smaht Red Sox news heah!”
If You Want Cheap Red Sox Tickets, Do This Now
Anytime you’re planning to go to a game, it’s always a smart idea to subscribe to a team’s ticket alert newsletter, and the Red Sox ticket alert is no exception.
It’s not so much that the Red Sox offer a lot of ticket deals, although there are some. But in many cases buying Red Sox tickets at face value is the cheapest way to get them, and the newsletter will help you with that…you’ll know about pre-sales, Sox Pax, Christmas at Fenway events, group tickets, fan clubs, military and student discounts and much more. Students get standing room dirt cheap at most games, for example.
The e-mail newsletter is especially useful if you want to see a game against the Yankees. You can jump on pre-sales and get tickets at face, which is usually as cheap as you’ll find, especially for weekend contests. The newsletter will also alert you to Green Monster ticket sales well ahead of time, and it’s probably the easiest way to get your hands on those too.
It doesn’t happen often, but on occasion, the Red Sox waive ticket buying fees, and that’s a considerable amount of savings. That also saves you the time and boredom of waiting in line for Game Day tickets (more on that in a bit). The newsletter will let you know about this too.
So be sure to subscribe!

A color-coded Fenway Park seating map, with appropriately red-colored “sunburn sections”.
Buying Tickets On The Red Sox Website
The Sox have a nifty 3-D seating map on their website, featuring a scale picture of Fenway with clickable sections, panoramic views and prices from each section…but just so you know, they don’t reveal obstructed views.
Remember there are fees for buying on the website, and they’re ridiculous. For high demand games you might be better off using the box office if you can, even on game day…for low demand games you’ll probably find a better deal with a third party.
The Sox website is best for when you don’t live close and want a high demand game. Typically the cheap Red Sox tickets sell out fast, so the Sox make lower demand games available first, such as April and May weekdays. Again, get on any pre-sales you can for Yankees games or July or August weekend games. Remember, subscribe to the Red Sox newsletter first.
You can now enter Fenway by scanning the tickets on your phone, if you have MLB’s Ballpark app (and you should). If you don’t like your seats…and at Fenway, that’s a distinct possibility…you can upgrade them through the app if something is available.

They outsource their ticket sign holding, and pass the savings on to you!
Cheap Red Sox Tickets From 3rd Parties – Gametime, Ace, Etc…
I’m a big fan of Gametime; they guarantee the lowest prices, and they’re fantastic for last minute tickets, which I frequently recommend. That’s why I’ve made them an affiliate…click here to try them out, and let me know what you think!
In the past, I went through a third party site and got a pair of Right Field Box seats for $26…and the list price for this was $87! Full disclosure, this was a weekday May game against Oakland. I’m not claiming you’ll always find cheap Red Sox tickets with Gametime or another third party. But always check, especially for low demand games, because you may find a steal like I did.
Here’s a key tip: being MLB’s official ticket reseller, StubHub usually has the biggest selection of third party tickets, and you may find a deal there. But in some cases, you may find the very same or similar seats offered through another third party. This was the case in the game I just described…and the third party I used offered me a slightly better price.

“Our ticket selection is huge!”
As far as Ace Ticket…they’re well known in Boston, and are actually pretty good as ticket resellers go. One great advantage of Ace is their prime location, in the path from the Kenmore station to Fenway. You can pick up tickets that you’ve ordered there at no extra charge. ACE makes a point that they don’t add a StubHub fee, which isn’t chump change. If you’re there on game day, you might be able to haggle closer to gametime.
Your best bet with third parties, usually, is to get tickets at the last minute (up to two hours before game time, last I checked). But I wouldn’t always count on this. If the game is really important for you to attend, keep checking for a deal you can live with starting about a week out.
Finally, if you have the luxury of comparing third party sites, be sure to go to the checkout screen on each one and see the full price you’ll be paying…the difference in fees can be significant.
You may need the Ballpark app on your smartphone to scan your tickets, so be sure you have that.

In 2014, the Royals were pretty popular. Even in Boston.
Use The Red Sox Schedule: Choose The Right Game AND Opponent
If you only care about visiting Fenway Park, and you’re visiting Boston on a budget, picking the right contest makes a world of difference in your ticket price. Obviously, you shouldn’t pick a game against the Yankees on a July weekend.
Like most teams, the Red Sox offer dynamic pricing. Opening Day, all Yankees games, and Saturday games in June and July are the most expensive. Second to that are weekend games in June, July and August; then weekends in April, May and September, etc. In the bottom tier are “Sox Saver” games: weeknights in April, May and September. If you can handle the weather, you can often find a great deal. For afternoon games the weather might not be bad at all.
But again, check third parties on these too. If the Sox are having a disappointing season, you could find some steals in September.

O’s fans don’t see this very often, so maybe it is worth the trip.
Your choice of opponent makes a difference too. If, say, the Orioles are good (OK, I’ll wait till you’re done LYAO at that one), it can drive up demand for Orioles games at Fenway. The Mets and Phillies can also draw sizable crowds, regardless of their fortunes.
Save for the Angels and East Coast hero Mike Trout, West Coast opponents usually draw the smallest crowds and offer the cheapest tickets.
But hey, you might be reading this because you want to find cheap Red Sox tickets for Yankees games, right? Even if “cheap” in this case is relative. And Ballpark E-Guides never backs down from a challenge!
To see the Yankees at Fenway (or the Cubs, when they visit), you’ll save a lot by planning ahead.

Does this really even need to be said in Boston?
If I lived in Boston, I would visit the box office the day tickets go on sale, and get tickets at face price with no fees. If you live elsewhere, visit the Red Sox website that day, and get your tickets at face value with the fee…which will still be cheaper than the third party markup in almost every case. You can also try the game day ticket option (more on that shortly), but you may be waiting in line for a very long time.
Or plan ahead even further back in time, and get Sox Pax tickets in December…maybe show up for Christmas at Fenway. Sox Pax include a Yankees game and one or more low demand games. Good if you can do the other games…or give the tickets as Christmas presents…but I wouldn’t do this one if you plan to resell the low value games, since you probably won’t get what you paid for them.
As always, pay attention to your newsletter…
Never Drive To Fenway Park Without A Plan…
Book Your Parking Spot NOW With My Friends at SpotHero!

With a helpful mini-jungle gym for the kids to play on while they’re waiting.
The Red Sox Box Office and Game Day Tickets
As I’ve said, for cheap Red Sox tickets for Yankees and other high demand games, if you or someone else can go to the box office for you on the on-sale date, do it…there are no fees at the box office.
At the box office you can actually talk to a person about what seats are available, including seats in front of each other, which isn’t something you can yet find on the Sox website. It also doesn’t hurt to ask for ticket specials, especially for military members.
Then there’s that popular game day tickets option that savvy Sox fans use.
The Red Sox make a handful of tickets available a few hours before each game. These are usually tickets that the visiting team or someone else can’t use—a player may have brought his wife and can’t sit her next to his Boston girlfriend, for example.
So a few hours before each game, a line of folks forms at Gate E on Lansdowne Street to buy any extras the Sox have lying around.

It’s tough waiting in line just steps away from the smell of sausage vendors.
I’ve talked to a few Sox fans about this; they say it’s generally best for one person, since you can only buy one per person and must immediately enter the ballpark after buying them. Lots of folks claim to have gotten very good seats for face value this way.
The Sox allow the line to start forming five hours before game time, but people do line up sooner than that for big games. Fans camping out before playoff games is common.
I can’t guarantee that you’ll get into the park this way, but no one has yet told me they were turned away. As long as you don’t arrive an hour before a Yankees game you should be fine. Keep in mind that you’re looking at a total of maybe 11 hours at the ballpark should you choose this option. I don’t mind that myself; just saying.
The best part? You may land a great seat at face price. With no online fees. Face value with no fees = relatively cheap Red Sox tickets.

Sure, it’s great to get ticket deals. But a secret entrance is even better!
Join The Nation – A FREE Red Sox Ticket!
Red Sox Nation is the team fan club, and gives fans chances to score the hard-to-get seats like Monster seats at face price or lower. There are several levels of membership, some of which cost a nice chunk of change, but even the lesser ones still might offer you cheap Red Sox tickets for decent contests.
Nation membership also includes discounts on gear and nearby restaurants, so it should pay for itself fairly easily. The Red Sox even offer a kids’ membership that includes a free ticket (!), and they may have a free ticket-included membership for adults by the time you read this.
If you plan on going to a few Red Sox games in a season and want something resembling cheap Red Sox tickets, have a look at Nation membership. Could be well worth it for you. Again, check your newsletter and grab a membership when it’s available; these sell out too.

The trick is actually finding this sign.
Cheap Red Sox Tickets – In The “Scalp-Free Zone”
A little known option to Fenway newbies is the scalp-free zone set up by the Red Sox, which is currently at Gate C on Lansdowne Street, although the location does get moved on occasion. Here fans with extra tickets are permitted to sell them at face price or less; a Red Sox official will monitor the transaction and escort you into the park so that you don’t try re-selling the seats.
There aren’t many tickets sold here—the Sox estimate it to be about 30-50 a game—but it’s definitely worth a shot before you try a scalper. It’s also a nice legal place where you can get rid of your own extras if you have them.
The Red Sox deliberately keep this option low-key, because they don’t want it to attract too many buyers. That’s why you need this blog my friend.

With the help of the Green Team!
Help Your Fellow Bostonian
Just putting this one out there.
In happier times, the Red Sox don’t offer a lot of discounts or deals on tickets. But they do have contests and events you can participate in, like Christmas at Fenway or the Picnic in The Park, that could get you entered in drawings for tickets. They’re usually in the Community or Fans sections of the Red Sox website, so it’s worth the trouble to have a look.
If you’re a conscious student and will work for baseball, there are universities that work with the Sox to keep the ballpark clean and the trash sorted out in recycling. You get entry into the park (standing room), a T-shirt and a food voucher, and you can see a game just for doing some cleanup between innings. Save the planet and see a Red Sox game for free. Win-win!
Check out the Fenway Park Green Team program here.

This gentleman is holding up the universal symbol for “I didn’t read this post”.
Red Sox Ticket Scalpers
There are always plenty of scalpers at Fenway, even though scalping is illegal in Massachusetts. Like with brokers, you could be paying well above face value for tickets depending on demand—you might as well use Gametime.
If you try this, bring a seating chart to get an idea of where your seats are, and check the ticket for the correct date and opponent, and that there isn’t an “OV” stamped on the ticket. OV means Obstructed View…you definitely don’t want that.
Ticket prices plummet after the game starts, but that’s no fun unless you’re late to begin with. Brokers generally line up near the Kenmore MBTA station, and in the path from there to the ballpark. You can haggle, but these guys are tough, so you may be dealing with a few of them if you walk away. If you’re lucky, you may find someone with extras, especially for a rainout makeup game. Hold up the number of fingers to show how many you need.

“I’ll text you when I’m at the face painting station. Look for a guy with a misspelled word on his shirt.”
Finding Cheap Red Sox Tickets on Craigslist
I’m sure there are fans that can tell you stories about the deal they scored on Craigslist for any baseball tickets, and I’m sure probably 98% of those cases are legit. But you don’t want to be in that 2%.
I talk more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here, but basically the same rules apply that you would use buying from a scalper: meet with the seller in person in a public place, check the tickets for smudged ink, scissor marks or other anomalies, and bring someone with you for the transaction. Get as much information about the person as you can, and especially find out if they are season ticket holders if possible.
Trust your gut…just as with a scalper, if something doesn’t seem right, walk away.

And congratulations on scoring Red Sox tickets!
To Sum This All Up…
…for cheap Red Sox tickets, plan ahead as much as possible. Subscribe to the Red Sox ticket alerts, and pay attention to their e-mails, choose the lowest value contest you can, and compare prices with Gametime and other third parties. You can score great deals on Red Sox tickets, but it takes a little work.
Hopefully what you’ve read helps…take advantage of all your ticket buying avenues! Bookmark this and review it next time you’ve got a Red Sox game at Fenway in mind.
Hope you enjoyed these tips. Thanks for reading, and for supporting my sponsors!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, this website earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Yankee Stadium Guide | New York Yankees Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
If you’re planning a visit to Yankee Stadium, or if you’d like to know more about saving money and other tips, Ballpark E-Guides is here to help. This is your complete Yankee Stadium guide – covering how to get tickets, choose a seat, get to the stadium, and what to eat…and best of all, ways to save money on all of it!
If you’re serious about this and would like even more details, I can help you with that too…I’ve written this helpful guide for Yankee Stadium seating, details on the many ways to get there, a complete and very helpful primer on parking, and a long list of available food items. Oh, and of course you’ll want to save money on tickets. But this page will cover all the basics you need to know.

One ground ball, one blooper, one flare a week…or one ticket…and you’re in Yankee Stadium.
I’ve broken this down into chapters for easy reference:
Getting Yankees Tickets
Choosing The Best Seats
Best Ways To Get To Yankee Stadium
What to Eat at Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium With Kids
Photo-Ops and Must-Sees
So now after this quick word from our sponsor, we’ll get started!
Gametime has your cheap Yankees tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

“Get your Yankees barcodes here!!”
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 1: How To Get Yankees Tickets
I’ve listed a few tips for saving money on tickets here, but if you really want to go all out, check out my complete guide to finding cheap Yankees tickets!
The Yankees are among the toughest tickets in baseball most every year. They usually average over 35,000 a game, and are always near the tops in attendance even in lean years. Cheaper seats especially move very quickly, so plan ahead. High value games include games against the Red Sox, Mets and Phillies, Opening Day, Old Timer’s games, and weekend contests in the summer draw quite well too.
For high value games, you’re best off getting tickets early through the Yankees, via their website or the box office. The Yankees have an excellent seating map that actually gives the locations of available seats, which is terrific for getting an aisle seat or seats in front of each other. They will even let you select a price range for tickets.
The Yankees no longer accept print-at-home tickets, so when you order from the website you have to do it well enough in advance to have them mailed to you, pick them up at will call, or you can download the tickets using the MLB Ballpark app on your smartphone and scan them.
You can, of course, buy tickets at the box office and avoid the convenience fees, but I recommend against doing this on game day…there is a not insignificant price increase on game day, and lines could well be long.
For low demand games, such as midweek contests in April or May against bad teams, the Yankees offer some pretty fair deals on tickets for MasterCard holders, so get a MasterCard if you don’t have one. If you’re visiting New York for a Mets game, get a Citi MasterCard, because that will help you save money at Citi Field as well.

StubHub briefly had an outpost at Yankee Stadium. It was promising for about ten minutes.
But for low demand games, you should definitely shop around third party sites, like StubHub and others. As you’ve seen, I have a favorite third party seller (and affiliate) in Gametime; they often have the best deals, and they have a buyer’s guarantee as well.
Remember when shopping third parties to go all the way to checkout to compare prices, and check the total price. There could be a big difference (another reason I like Gametime).
There are plenty of scalpers roaming around the Stadium; especially in Macombs Dam Park across the street or near the train station on 161st. Some of them have been known to hang out in Stan’s Sports Bar nearby. For high demand games especially, be sure of some basic things when you look at the ticket…check the date of the game and opponent. If you can wait until after the game starts, prices drop quite a bit.
I talk more about buying baseball tickets on Craigslist here, but the short version is to use the same diligence you do when scalping. There is a small chance you could get scammed.

Just in case you didn’t know the web address.
Tightwad Tips – Saving Money on Yankees Tickets
Before you pay face price for tickets through the team, take a look at specials that the Yankees offer first. Some very good bargains to be had…
Cheap Yankees Tickets, Tip #1) Use The Team Newsletter. You should subscribe to any team newsletter if you would like to see a game, but the Yankees newsletter especially is full of terrific offers.
The team offers half-price tickets, discounts for kids and seniors, and even some $5.01 (sponsored by Levi’s, get it?) tickets for low demand games. Remember the MasterCard though. Always pay attention to the newsletter before paying face price; you can definitely find some deals there.

A key benefit of fan club membership: ushers won’t pretend they can’t see you.
Cheap Yankees Tickets, Tip #2) Yankees Universe. The Yankees have several levels of Yankees Universe fan club membership, with varying prices, but they all include tickets…often for good seats…to a game that make it well worth the cost. The MVP level membership includes those padded field level seats, and the membership price is much less than the face price of the tickets would be.
You get extra stuff with membership too, like a separate entrance to use (which you’ll appreciate, believe me), gear and bobbleheads, and deals on available premium tickets.

The Yankees often celebrate the last year they sold $10 tickets.
Cheap Yankees Tickets, Tip #3) The Pinstripe Pass. If all you want is to get into the stadium and socialize, the Pinstripe Pass is for you; it’s an inexpensive ticket and includes a free drink…which at Stadium drink prices, makes the ticket almost free.
It’s a standing room ticket, but if you need a place to sit, the party decks have some barstool seating, and the ushers aren’t too strict if you manage to find a spot in the upper Grandstand.

The more blue the sections in the map, the more the fans in that section care.
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 2: Choosing The Best Seat
Where you sit at Yankee Stadium depends on your taste and budget, of course. I have gone into much more detail here about the various levels of seating at Yankee Stadium, but for this overall guide, I’ll keep it somewhat simple.
There are four tiers of seats at Yankee Stadium; the Field Level has comfortably padded seats throughout and generally go for triple digits in price. To get inside the moat for the Legends seats behind home plate, if you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it. Lots of amenities come with those, including high end grub, which is why you never see people sitting in them.

Just slightly above the really expensive seats!
The Main Level is the tier above the Field Level; these are generally very good seats that are almost as close to the action and much cheaper. Behind home plate these are club seats, which are higher in price but include entry into one of the fancy clubs and complimentary popcorn (whoopee!).
The next tier is clubs and suites, so the Terrace Level and the Grandstand Level in the upper deck are pretty high up and Grandstand seats especially might not be for the acrophobic. Terrace seats cost significantly more than Grandstand seats but are closer to the action; again, behind home plate the Terrace Level is Club seats.
The Grandstand is probably the best value for penny pinchers. The seats are high up and you may need binoculars in the outer reaches, but there’s good deals to be had on seats here, especially for low demand games. If you are up near the top, you get to see the frieze up close and you’ll be protect from the sun, which can be really welcome in the summer.

Yeah, it’s hot, that’s why no one is sitting there yet.
Finally, the Bleachers at Yankee Stadium were brought over from the old Stadium; but here they are placed behind the much more expensive Field Level seats and the bullpens. They’re the cheapest tickets other than the Pinstripe Pass, with good reason…they’re hard metal and backless and can be very hot. The right field bleachers are home of the Bleacher Creatures; they’re generally not a place for kids or people wearing opposing team’s gear.
Yankee Stadium actually has several levels of standing room…you can learn more about that here, but one piece of advice: avoid Terrace Level standing room at all costs. It’s behind the handicapped seating and offers terrible views.
In all cases, seating is most expensive behind home plate and decreases quite a bit as you get towards the outfield…and outfield seats can lose the view of the scoreboard, if that matters to you.
The sun sets on the third base side, so keep this in mind in both weather extremes; there’s much more heat in the first base side. For night games, it can get blinding in right field.
That’s the basics…again, for more detailed knowledge, check out my Yankee Stadium seating page.

Seriously, just let someone else drive.
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 3: The Best Ways to Get To Yankee Stadium
If you’ve never been to New York City before, there’s one thing you should know: it takes real skill to drive a car here. The best way to get to Yankee Stadium in most cases is via public transit, although driving a car to the stadium isn’t as terrible as it could be. If you do choose to drive and park, here’s a much more detailed parking guide (including free street parking!), but I’ll cover that more in a bit here.
So anyway, Yankee Stadium is very well served by the MTA. Three MTA subway lines—the B, D, and 4—take riders to Yankee Stadium from Manhattan and Brooklyn. They all stop at the 161st St./Yankee Stadium Station, which is right at the main entrance of the ballpark.
All of them get the job done just fine, but I prefer the 4 for a few reasons:

Unlike from the B or D, you know exactly where to go from here!
1) The View. The 4 becomes elevated in the Bronx, as opposed to the B and D which remain subway trains. From the 4 platform you can see the Stadium come into view, which is as it should be.
2) Less Confusion. The B and D lines don’t always stop at the Stadium; both lines run the same route but stop at Yankee Stadium only at certain times of day.
I think I have this figured out, but I’m never sure: the B goes to Yankee Stadium during rush hour on weekdays, and the D goes there at all other times. At any time you can use one of them, but I’m never sure which one…maybe look for fans wearing jerseys and follow them.

See, we’re leaving already!
3) Speed. The 4 line has more stops but is an express train most of the time, including when you will likely to be headed to the game and need it most. From Grand Central to 161st is 13 stops, but on an express train it is only five. Not so the B or D.
4) Great Pizza. Here’s a bonus tip for pizza lovers. The 4 and 6 trains share the same line (Lexington Avenue), and using the 4 after a day game allows you to hop off, and get on the 6 to Little Italy and Lombardi’s Pizza. (I’m not a one-trick pony!)
One last thing; if you’re coming an hour and a half before game time or less, any train you use will start to get packed with fans. If you can, try to hop on somewhere south of Grand Central for a better chance of landing a seat.

As with the 4, it’s easy to find the Stadium from the Metro-North station.
In addition to the MTA subways, there’s also the aptly named 153rd Street/Yankee Stadium Metro-North train station just a few steps away from the stadium; this station is served by Metro-North’s Hudson, Harlem, and New Haven lines, and it’s just two stops from Grand Central Station.
Metro-North runs game day service directly to the Stadium on the Hudson Line, and there is a shuttle train that runs from both Grand Central Terminal and the Harlem 125th St. stations in midtown Manhattan, which takes just 16 minutes from midtown.
Unlike with the B-D-4 subways, you’re far more likely to find a seat with Metro-North, and a more comfortable one at that. It’s a bit more expensive than the subway, but it’s well worth it if you have the means. Tickets are cheaper when bought in advance.
One thing, don’t dilly-dally after the game, because the last post-game train leaves 45 minutes after the last out, and it does take a few minutes to walk there.

Just saying, the people on the train above these cars are getting there faster.
OK, so do you still want to drive and park with all of these convenient trains to use? No problem, I’ve got your back.
Yankee Stadium is actually pretty easily accessible from I-87 considering its location. Obviously traffic gets worse on game days, but if you’re early enough you should have little problem getting to your spot before game time.
I use Google Maps to route me through traffic, but there are some alternate routes you can use…for brevity I’ll direct you to my Yankee Stadium parking page to see those. (I even indexed it for you!)
Did I mention booking your parking beforehand? I am NOT kidding on this one…definitely reserve your spot before you go. The Yankees have a link on their website to their garages.
Never Drive To Yankee Stadium Without A Plan…
Book Your Parking Spot NOW With My Friends at SpotHero!

Try not to get distracted by bacon on a stick…oh, who am I kidding.
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 4: What To Eat and Drink
There’s quite a selection of food at Yankee Stadium, and the Yankees do introduce cool new stuff every season, but there’s also some constants that stick around. Again, much more details in this Yankee Stadium food post, but let’s briefly cover things here. First I’ll talk about some classic mainstays, then I’ll mention some new things:

Nothing makes food look tastier than radioactive green neon!
The Yankees still offer Nathan’s hot dogs, which you can’t blame them for; they’re the only hot dogs people will willingly eat 70-something of in an hour. Incidentally, Nathan’s fries are no slouch either, so you could do worse than just a dog and fries at a Yankees game.

There’s just something about beef in NYC.
Lobel’s sandwiches are more expensive than you’d expect even for a ballpark, but they’re made with premium beef that you can actually watch being cut in front of you. The Lobel’s sandwiches are a mainstay here and one of my favorites.

The scouts call this one a “can’t miss” prospect.
The garlic fries are very popular here; they’re covered with parmesan cheese, oregano and drizzled with olive oil. I’ve tried these and they’re indeed awesome, but I wouldn’t get them if you’re on a date unless you’re sharing.
Here are some recent additions to the menu at Yankee Stadium:

It’s the rolls. Chicks dig the rolls.
The Kings Hawaiian folks have brought their amazing bread to Yankee Stadium; offerings featuring this stuff include (as of 2022) a sweet and smoky chicken sandwich and a Kanak Attack burger.

Ballparks must have BBQ, because Boog Powell.
Mighty Quinn’s BBQ has an outpost at Yankee Stadium; their brisket is smoked for 20 hours (hopefully in a row), and they offer pulled pork, chicken wings, you get it. Great for your BBQ fix at a game.

No, this Jersey Mike is not Mike Trout.
Jersey Mike’s cheesesteaks are still available at Yankee Stadium to my knowledge. I have a Jersey Mike’s near me where I live, and I am a fan…and it’s no small thing to make a standout cheesesteak in South Jersey. You should be fine with this.
I’ve asked the Yankees for permission to use the photo since I don’t have one, but they’ve added Bobby Flay’s burgers to the menu…and since he is not only a NYC chef but also a Food Network guy, I trust his stuff is probably pretty good. Especially the Nacho burger and Bacon Crunch burger.

Well worth a visit to see the signatures.
Finally, there are two restaurants attached to Yankee Stadium (not counting the clubs); there’s a Hard Rock Cafe and the ever popular NYY Steak. The Hard Rock offers typical if limited Hard Rock fare, and the NYY Steak has filet mignon, New York strip, etc. at prices that are probably lower than you’d expect for a New York City steakhouse.
You can also bring your own food into Yankee Stadium last I checked. I talk more about some options you have with that here…you can save a ton of money and get decent grub for the game this way.
There’s a few things for you to chew on, but I’m barely scratching the surface of what to eat in this Yankee Stadium guide…if you’d like a much more detailed version of what’s on the menu, check out my Yankee Stadium food guide here.

Cheap souvenirs for the kids even!
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 5: Visiting With Kids
Visiting Yankee Stadium with kids is easier than it once was; there are the aforementioned cheap Yankees tickets options and more things to do for the young ones these days. If you’re making a day of a Yankees game with the family, here are a few things you should know…

Featuring the Yankees Shrink-a-tron, which reduces ushers to 1/10th their actual size!
Yankee Stadium With Kids, Tip #1: The Kids Clubhouse. It’s not as big and fun as some ballparks’ kids sections, but the Yankees did finally add a spot with a lot of soft surfaces and games and slides for the little ones. Kids can throw pitches, run bases, and put their faces in photos. The kids area is in right field in the upper level, and you can usually find cheap tickets for nearby sections.
In a recent visit I took my kids and this was their favorite part of the venture (they’re too young yet to appreciate a well-executed sacrifice). There’s also a nursing area in the same spot. Not a bad view of the Bronx from there, if you like looking at the Bronx.

Much cheaper stuff in this and other stores; it’s a good reason to park close.
Yankee Stadium With Kids, Tip #2: Park Close And Arrive Early. Yankee Stadium is shoehorned into a very congested area, and it’s the very urban part of New York City. Trains going by are loud, and as game time approaches it gets very crowded.
It’s definitely not cheap to park close to the stadium, but if you don’t have the option of using Metro-North or the MTA, you won’t want to be too far away, especially if you’re not familiar with the area.
You can let the little ones play in Macombs Dam Park for a while to burn off some energy before the gates open, and if you use the River Avenue garage, you’ll be close to souvenir shops that are much cheaper than inside.

OK, so it’s not Dollywood, but give the Yankees credit for the effort.
Yankee Stadium With Kids, Tip #3: Take Advantage of Specials. The Yankees do make some tickets affordable for families. There are discounted tickets for kids on weekends, and Yankees Universe memberships for kids that include tickets and fast track entry into the Stadium. If you want to take the kids to just one game, I highly recommend looking into Universe memberships especially. It can save you quite a bit of cash.

I love these models. They make architectural firms very rich.
Yankee Stadium Guide, Part 6: Photo-Ops, Museums, and Other Tips
Of course you’ll enjoy the ballgame, but there are some Yankee Stadium photo ops you should take the time to visit, which is another great reason to arrive early—forgive me if they’re fairly obvious.

Always my Pop’s favorite player, even though he hated the Yankees.
Yankee Stadium Photo Ops, #1: Monument Park. Get to Yankee Stadium early, or use a gate close to center field (I think Gate 8 is closest), and make Monument Park in center field your first stop. Monument Park is where the busts of the greatest Yankees are found, with tributes to their careers, along with pinstriped retired numbers. The big bust of Boss George Steinbrenner was added overlooking all of them, which I think is kind of comical.
Again, get here early though, because it fills with visitors very quickly, and the line may be so long that you might not make it in before it closes 45 minutes before game time.

Mickey Mantle said you could smell liquor on Don Larsen’s breath that day.
Yankee Stadium Photo Ops, #2: The Yankees Museum. The excellent Yankees Museum is located near Gate 6, up a ramp to the Main Level. It features artifacts all through the team’s great history, dedicating them by the stars or each era, e.g. “The Derek Jeter Era” of the late 1990s and early 2000s.
You’ll see a very old flyer advertising “See Babe Ruth In Action”, World Series trophies through the years, Thurman Munson’s locker, and a long glass casing of baseballs signed by Yankees from all eras. In the center of the room are two statues, depicting Don Larsen throwing the final pitch of his World Series perfect game to Yogi Berra. Well worth a visit for any fan of baseball history.
The Yankees Museum is open throughout the game, so you can visit it if the climate is too rough or the Yankees aren’t having a great day. The game is broadcast in the room. No flash photography.

Photos several times larger than the people looking on.
Yankee Stadium Photo Ops, #3: The Great Hall. As if Monument Park and the Yankees Museum wasn’t enough, the Great Hall serves as another reminder of all of the players you either loved or hated depending on your world view.
The Great Hall is where two of the main entrances to the Stadium are, so it gets crowded before the game, but it is spacious enough to accommodate a typical Yankee Stadium crowd. You can look around and see larger than life photos of Billy Martin, Goose Gossage, Reggie Jackson and many other Yankee greats.
The Great Hall is actually best viewed from above, in front of the entrance to NYY Steak, which is where the above photo was shot. You can overlook and people watch from this vantage point, without anyone bumping into you.
Anything else you need to know? No? Well great…I hope that this Yankee Stadium guide has been a great help to you in planning your next game. I have added much more detailed posts below if you’re interested in finding out more.
Thanks for reading. Be sure to drop me a line and let me know if you enjoyed it, and please support Ballpark E-Guides sponsors!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Wrigley Field Guide | Best Chicago Cubs Game Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
Here it is my friend…your completely useful, completely informative, and completely entertaining Wrigley Field guide – with all the info you need for your next Cubs game (or any other event) at the Friendly Confines!
I’ve written other helpful stuff about Wrigley, from the impressive Wrigley Field food menu, the best ways to get to a Cubs game, to this helpful guide to Wrigley Field parking, and a detailed guide to Wrigley Field seating. And if you’re serious about saving money on tickets, this post is for you.
But this Wrigley Field guide covers all of the most important stuff. With lots of nice pictures. Please support our sponsors using the links below.
I’ve broken this down into chunks for you…
Finding Cheap Cubs Tickets
Choosing A Seat At Wrigley Field
The Best And Other Ways To Get To Wrigley Field
Wrigley Field Food
Bringing The Kids
Other Stuff
Gametime has your cheap Cubs tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

Did you bring your Cubs parka?
Wrigley Field Guide, Part 1: Cheap Cubs Tickets
Cheap Cubs tickets is something of a relative phrase. But that’s all the more reason to read this useful Wrigley Field guide.
You can, with some effort, save a lot of a money on Cubs tickets…by being aware of all of your ticket buying avenues, choosing the right contest, and paying attention to things like the Cubs ticket alert newsletter. (If you haven’t already, subscribe to that now.) I will be putting together a full primer about finding cheap Cubs tickets soon, but here’s some basic help.
I’ll start with how the newsletter can help you. For high demand games, you are best off planning ahead and paying face value for tickets if you can. Your newsletter will (for free!) inform you of when tickets go on sale, including pre-sales. This is an opportunity to get tickets for high demand games at face price, which will likely be the cheapest price.
If you live in Chicago or know someone who does, get your tickets at the box office and avoid the considerable online fees.

OK, so I haven’t been to Wrigley since Anthony Rizzo was a Cub! Does that make me a bad person??? (Don’t answer that.)
High demand games are July and August weekend games, and games against the White Sox, Cardinals or Yankees. The easiest games are April weeknights, and when your behind is stuck to your frozen seat you’ll know why.
So if you want cheap Cubs tickets, and you have a choice, choose a weekday game over a weekend, and try for something in May (or September if the Cubs aren’t contending). If a weekend is your only choice, try for a Friday or Sunday.
You’ll need the MLB Ballpark app if you don’t get your tickets in person. The Cubs don’t allow printed tickets, because of their concern about fraud (whatever). You need the app anyway, for this reason: If you go the third party route, StubHub isn’t a bad choice, but search around, because other agencies might be offering better deals.
I always include Gametime in my searches. (And they are also an affiliate.)
Gametime, like StubHub, shows you available tickets from online sellers, and you can list them by price, and even choose from elite sellers. For low demand games especially, you can often find tickets for significantly less than face price, so check with Gametime first.

Gazebo + Bike Racks = Legit!
If you decide to try the many agencies near the ballpark, take a seating diagram with you so you can see where your potential seats are. They are very skilled hagglers, these guys…as are the scalpers…so wait until close to game time to get a better deal.
There are lots of scalpers here, but honestly, unless you have sick haggling skills like my buddy Andrew Van Cleve (who once lived near Wrigley Field), I would choose another route.
Here’s a key tip: Most of the agencies near Wrigley have their own websites, so if you’re using StubHub in your search for tickets, try comparing the price of your ticket to an equivalent ticket on the agency website. I’ve read that some agencies will list their tickets on both outlets, but it will be cheaper on their own site, and you should be able to pick up the tickets at the game.
And one last killer tip: bleacher seats during the season are general admission, so if you need more than one, try searching for some combination of the total you need for a better deal…e.g. if you need five, try searching for three singles and a pair. You might save quite a few bucks this way.
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your Chicago Cubs gear…
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I guess it kinda doesn’t matter when you’re at Wrigley. But we’ll discuss anyway.
Wrigley Field Guide, Part 2: Choosing The Best Seat
If you really want the nuts and bolts of how to choose a great seat at Wrigley (and it’s worth the trouble, especially if you’re a first timer), check out my extremely detailed Wrigley Field Seating guide.
But for the purposes of this simpler Wrigley Field guide, I’ll break it down by budget:
Friends of The Ricketts Budget: If money isn’t an issue, the Cubs have added a bunch of high end seats as part of the recent renovation; these include most of the closer seats between the dugouts. The visitors’ dugout is on the first base side, if you’re seeing your team at Wrigley.
These seats include all kinds of amenities like access to the swanky new clubs, so if you can afford a ticket at this price, you don’t need me to help you save money at Wrigley.
Large Budget: If you have triple digits to drop on Cubs pasteboards, the Bullpen Box, Club Box and Field Box seats are the closer lower level seats, and for low demand games you can find much better prices. Seats in the infield cost significantly more, as they do on the upper level, so if you’d rather be low than behind home plate, go for the outer Club or Field Box seats.
Avoid the first few rows of Field Box seats; there’s a walkway between Club and Field Box sections, and the foot traffic can be annoying.

This is the view from the Bartman seat. Do you think you wouldn’t have gone for the foul ball?
If you’re looking for the Steve Bartman seat, go to Section 3 and ask an usher…they can always point you right to it. (Wikipedia is no help with this.)
Medium Budget: For the folks who still prefer a craft beer to wine and cheese, the Terrace and Upper Box seats are within your range. Both have their advantages, but they’re very different. Choose the Upper Box for April or September games; the Terrace sections are almost entirely covered and get little sun, and that matters here.
As I’ve said, Upper Box seats are a great value, even at the current price; the upper deck at Wrigley is as close to the action as at any ballpark.
Small Budget: If you’re going for cheap seats at Wrigley Field, you can start with the Upper Reserved sections, especially the ones in the outfield; but a small step above them in price are both the Bleachers and the Terrace Reserved seats, both of which are much better.
If you do go with the upper level, be aware that there are only nine rows, so if you get Row 9 you will be at the very top of Wrigley Field. This isn’t such a bad thing, but if you struggle with steep steps you won’t like it. Stick with Terrace Reserved if that’s a problem for you.

Shade. It matters here.
With Upper and Terrace Reserved seats, you will very likely be covered by a roof. Being in the shade in Chicago can get chilly at any time; I’ve shivered there in late June. Just be prepared; put on an extra layer of clothing or two, or sit in the uncovered bleachers.
I talk more about the Wrigley Field bleachers here; but remember a few simple things: bleachers are general admission, so get there very early (I’m talking three hours before the gates open for high demand games). The seats are also metal and backless; bring a cushion if you’ve got a sensitive behind.
The bleachers feature seriously dedicated Cubs fans, some of whom probably drink more than they should. It might not be the best place for kids or fans wearing opposing teams gear. If you catch a visiting home run ball, throw it back. It’s not worth what you might endure if you don’t.

Here’s the trick…just get the seat next to the support pole!
Avoiding Obstructed Views: With Terrace and Upper Reserved, you also have obstructed views from support poles. I’ve written more about that here; but if you want to keep it simple, avoid low numbered seats and low numbered rows in Upper Reserved; in the Terrace try to stay between rows 10-15. (Or get the “Preferred” seats with little to no obstruction; worth a couple of extra bucks.)
One last bit about seating: the sun sets on the third base side, so the shade comes early there. For chillier evenings, the right field seats that aren’t under a roof will be warmer. Again, this is Chicago, and you should be mindful of this.
The bleachers aren’t covered at all, and the Cubs offer sunscreen dispensers there.

We’re here! Okay, where do we park?
How To Get To Wrigley Field
I’ll cover the basics of getting to the Friendly Confines here, but I cover this topic in much more detail in this post, well worth a read!
Most Wrigley goers, including the esteemed author of this respectable Wrigley Field guide, will tell you that the easiest way to get to Wrigley Field is by using the CTA Red Line. It’s cheap, it drops you right at the ballpark at Addison station, it runs 24/7, and there’s even a bunch of places to fill up your goody bag (yes, you can bring food into Wrigley Field).
If you use the Red Line, here’s a couple of tips: stand on the ends of the platform where the cars are less crowded; and try the station before Addison after the game if you want a seat (e.g. use the Sheridan station if you’re heading towards downtown).
In addition to the Red Line, the CTA has several other rail routes you can use to avoid standing on a packed train.

Not the same Addison station where Wrigley is. Don’t walk it from here.
You can use the Blue Line to the Addison Station (it’s not the same station as the Red Line Addison, by the way) and the #152 bus, which also drops you at the ballpark, or use the Brown Line…which takes you a couple of blocks from the ballpark at the Belmont station, on a much less crowded train. Much more pleasant ride, this, through some attractive parts of Chicago…I’ve used it and thought it was preferable to the Red Line given the choice. The Brown Line doesn’t run 24/7 however, so check the schedule.
Metra Rail can take you from most of the suburbs of Chicago to downtown, but you’ll still probably be using the Red Line to get to Wrigley.
If trains aren’t your thing, you have a few alternatives, some of which are equally inexpensive and almost as convenient.

No, you can’t leave your car there for the weekend.
First, you should know about the free Wrigley Field bus that the Cubs run for night and weekend games, from the remote lot at 3900 North Rockwell Street as of this writing (check the Cubs website on this, it moves from time to time). Free parking and free bus? U can’t touch that. Remember though, free attracts a lot of people, and this bus is always crowded.

Definitely beats the Wrigley parking price.
Then there’s the Pace Wrigley Field Express, another public transit route to Wrigley. The Pace buses run from two locations in the suburbs, and drop you right at the ballpark…and much more cheaply than paying for gas, tolls and parking. I’ve used the Pace Express to get to a White Sox game and it was great…just a few bucks and free parking, and lots of fans to talk baseball with.
Note: As I write this, Pace doesn’t have the staff to run the Wrigley Field Express, but they’re working on it and I’m sure it will return at some point.
Finally, if you do decide to drive and park, you can either use the aforementioned free remote lot, or use the lots near the ballpark, some of which are owned by the Cubs.
Remember though, driving and parking is more challenging. If you are driving to Wrigley Field, I very strongly recommend that you book a spot beforehand.

It may be hard work to guard this sign, but someone’s got to do it.
You can also read my much more detailed guide for Wrigley Field parking, including traffic tips, other ways to park for free, and a bit about the very cool Reggies Rock Bus.
Wrigley is a popular Uber destination, and Lyft has Wrigley listed in its “discount zones”. A shared ride from Wrigley after the game can still be expensive though; you may want to walk a couple of blocks away from the crowded streets of Wrigleyville first.
And finally, as you know, this Wrigley Field guide goes the extra mile…if you want to avoid all this and ride a bicycle to Wrigley, there’s actually a free bicycle valet near the Addison CTA station, and the Cubs will look after your bike free of charge. There’s also Chicago’s Divvy Bikeshare shared bicycle service; they have two stations very close to Wrigley.
You’re now a expert on how to get to Wrigley Field, and that’s no small thing.
Never Drive To Wrigley Field Without A Plan…
Book Your Parking Spot NOW With My Friends at SpotHero!

I should really leave this to professionals.
Wrigley Field Food: A Taste of Chicago
The Cubs have definitely stepped up the Wrigley Field food game; the link you just passed is a much more detailed primer on all things food at Wrigley these days (and it’s kind of funny too).
Chicago as a city worships three of the best American foodstuffs: hot dogs, pizza, and beefy sandwiches. At Wrigley, all three are represented pretty well.
Let’s start with hot dogs. You have ample choices for encased meat at Wrigley; my favorite is the Chicago Dogs stand…a simple but hefty dog that you can adorn with the Chicago dog necessities: chopped tomatoes, sport peppers, mustard, sauerkraut and neon green relish. And grilled onions, for an extra touch.
But if you’re in the bleachers…and this is a very good reason to be…you have the option of Hot Doug’s, a former Chicago-based stand that sells dogs with unusual toppings and named after Cubs greats, like the “Champ Summers”: a spicy Polish sausage with Goose Island beer mustard and crispy fried onions. They rotate the dog types for every homestand; Hot Doug’s is very popular.

Poppy seeds, grilled onions…this can really soften the blow of a Cubs defeat.
And don’t forget about the High Plains Bison! You can find those stands in the main concourse as well, for leaner meat and a just-as-tasty dog.
Now then…being in Chicago, you can’t mess around with pizza, and while I was saddened to see that Giordano’s and their out of this world deep dish is no longer available at Wrigley, we do have Home Run Inn pizza here now. Home Run Inn has nine locations in the area, and this being Chicago, that suggests that they can’t be too bad. The pizza is pretty much everywhere and easy to find.

Is it me, or does the sun shine brighter on Italian beef?
(photo courtesy of the Chicago Cubs)
Then there’s the Italian beef sandwich (just call it Italian beef when you’re in Chicago); a sandwich of thinly sliced and soaked Buona roast beef covered with giardiniera, which includes hot peppers, carrot slices, celery and other stuff to make it at least a little healthier. I always get an Italian beef when I’m in Chicago…when done right they’re a staple of a good life. If you can’t find one, head over to the Sheffield Counter in right field.
Aside from these Chicago staples, Wrigley features some terrific other options; at the aforementioned Sheffield Counter they include offerings from local chefs, including a phenomenal-looking cheddar burger, disco fries, and Garrett’s popcorn…Garrett’s is another very well-known name in Chicago.

A big ass pretzel for big ass Cub fan appetites.
If you have a big appetite, look for the North Side Twist; it’s a very large and expensive soft pretzel that comes with several dipping sauces. It’s a lot of carbs, but you can walk it off here. Or try the Big Slugger nachos, a helmet full of nachos with a ridiculous amount of toppings. (Wash the helmet before you wear it.)
Again, much more about Wrigley Field food in this post, but two more quick points:
First, you can bring your own food into Wrigley, so take advantage of the bunch of local eateries in town…including Al’s Italian Beef on Clark Street…and get some great grub cheap for your goody bag.

I felt truly empowered when I learned this.
And second (pay attention, this is a good one!), for the first hour after the gates open, you can score 25% off most food items, and that’s not insignificant at a ballpark!
That should be helpful for grabbing some grub at the Friendly Confines.
If you’re interested, there’s something of a decent craft brew selection at Wrigley…there’s multiple Goose Island options, and 3 Floyds, Bell’s, Hamm’s and Naturdays are available in the various craft beer stands around the ballpark (check out the “Retro Beer Cave” in the upper level of the bleachers).

Stuffed animals are usually a hit.
Bringing The Kids To Wrigley Field
Enjoying a Cubs game at Wrigley Field with kids can be a challenge. It’s a bit tough to keep them entertained, for example, with little playground space inside. But it can be done. Here are a few things parents should know about bringing the family to the Friendly Confines:
Wrigley Field With Kids, Tip #1) Try Terrace Reserved Seats. You may want to sit in the Terrace Reserved sections (be sure to avoid obstructed views), especially on hot summer days. They have several advantages over the similarly priced bleacher seats…they’re in the shade, and you’re less likely to hear the colorful language of some bleachers fans.
And by Wrigley standards, the Terrace Reserved seats are more affordable for families, no small thing here.

Even though, in most aspects of their life, they’ll be expected to grow up a bit.
Wrigley Field With Kids, Tip #2) Join The Kids Club. The “Clark’s Crew” Cubs Fan Club membership for kids includes a game ticket (woo-hoo!), and the kid gets cool stuff like a backpack and lanyard too. The benefits are well worth the cost. Membership includes newsletters and merchandise discounts, and front of the line access on run the bases Sundays.
Speaking of which…

I’m sure he has an important point to make.
Wrigley Field With Kids, Tip #3) Go On Sundays. And Go Early. The Cubs offer a chance for the kids to run the bases at Wrigley Field (and that’s pretty cool, isn’t it?). Just get there early, so you can get a wristband for the kid when you come in.
Some Sundays are giveaway days, where the Cubs hand out stuff to young fans like lunch bags and wristbands. All pretty cool, but remember this…
Wrigley Field With Kids, Tip #4) Keep A Close Eye On The Kids. The Wrigley concourses get very crowded, especially for the last hour before the game starts, and it’s easy to lose track of someone small. Be sure the kid knows what to do in case you get separated…show them what Cubs employees look like and all that. It’s a crowded place outside too, so just be aware.

And counting.
A Few More Wrigley Field Tips For Newbies
Wrigleyville is a very crowded place on game day. There are lots of bars, restaurants, T-shirt and ticket hawkers, street performers, etc. It’s fun for the kids, especially with the new Park at Wrigley, but again, be sure to keep a close eye on them.
With everything that goes on in Wrigleyville and many games selling out, expect to take a while leaving the ballpark and the area, especially if you’re sitting in the upper level (this may be why the Red Line is so popular).
Many of the houses on Waveland and Sheffield that featured rooftop bleachers have had their view obstructed by new scoreboards, and the Cubs have bought up most of the remaining ones. So you can still watch a game from some of the Rooftops, and it often includes extras like beer and food in the price. It might be worth trying for the experience, but it’s not a great view in most cases. Still, you can duck out of the elements anytime, which is nice.

You’ll be feeling good about this in the 11th inning.
If you’ve parked for free on a nearby street especially you should be mindful of how long it takes to exit the ballpark, because you WILL be towed if you leave your car there past the deadline (usually 5:00-6:00 PM). If you want to exit more quickly, use the right field or left field corner exits rather than the “Marquee” exit behind home plate. The right field corner is closer to the Red Line station.
Always be prepared for the weather. With the wind blowing in, and so many seats in the shade, you’ll see bundled up people in the seating bowl and shirtless people in the bleachers, which block the wind from Lake Michigan. It’s that much of a difference and another reason the bleachers are popular. Be as prepared as you can be on colder nights.
Finally, be sure to take a picture of the press box of whoever is singing “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”.

You can’t be a worse singer than Jeff Gordon was, so don’t be shy!
There you have it my friend…your complete Wrigley Field guide, with everything you need to know. In case you didn’t click on any of it, there’s plenty more below for specific stuff…like hot dogs. Enjoy.
If this has been helpful to you, please share it with other baseball fans, and use the included links to this website’s sponsors and affiliates…thanks for your support!
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3 Ways To Score Cheap Reds Tickets
Posted by Kurt Smith
The Reds are pretty good about making the majority of seats at Great American Ball Park affordable for fans. But it also helps to save money by planning ahead…so here are three tips for scoring cheap Reds tickets:
Gametime has your cheap Reds tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

Imagine all this news in your inbox!
Cheap Reds Tickets, Tip #1) Use The Newsletter. The Reds‘ e-mail ticket alerts offer some truly great deals for fans, and I can tell you the Reds put more offers in their newsletter than most teams do, even when they’re competitive on the field.
Deals include half-price tickets for kids on Sundays, added concessions value and discounted tickets for members of the local library or other Cincinnati institutions. The Reds are very generous to newsletter subscribers, so be sure to sign up.

Of course, if you applied online, you could have gotten a cheap ticket to get to this booth.
Cheap Reds Tickets, Tip #2) Join The Club(s). The Reds have three fan clubs for kids of varying age levels; you can find them on the Fans page of the Reds website. Membership includes ticket vouchers that are alone worth the price, but you also get a lot of privileges and gear to go with it.
For adults, if you’re early enough, you can join the Rosie Reds Club, which is a separate entity but also offers ticket deals for members.

The Reds reward good deeds.
Cheap Reds Tickets, Tip #3) Help Your Fellow Cincinnatian. In the Community section of the Reds website are several opportunities to score Reds tickets through being a good citizen. The Reds offer tickets to fans for donating blood, participating in the “Redlegs Run”, or recycling your electronics.
Nothing like getting ballgame tickets for helping your fellow human.
Cheap Reds Tickets, Tip #4) Bonus Tip: Try Gametime! Gametime is my favorite third party website for Reds tickets, and I’m not just saying that because they’re an affiliate of mine. Anytime I’m looking for deals on baseball tickets, I check Gametime first.
There you go, four great tips for finding inexpensive tickets to see the Cincinnati Reds. There are plenty of other ways to save money for a game at Great American Ball Park. Click here for some more great tips for your next Reds game, including where to park, and Follow Ballpark E-Guides on Facebook for tips, tricks and hacks for your favorite ballpark!
Never drive to a Reds game without a plan…
Book your parking spot now with my friends at SpotHero!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Super Cheap Seats at American Family Field
Posted by Kurt Smith
If you’re looking for cheap seats at American Family Field, you’re in luck…there are a lot of them. The Brewers have a good amount of even really good seats that are affordable, but here are two options you can get with just what’s in your pocket.
Gametime has your cheap Brewers tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)

These poles actually go all the way to the ground. Or so the tour guide said.
Cheap Seats at American Family Field, Tip #1: The Uecker Seats. The Brewers offer their fans an opportunity to see a game for one dollar, in the humorously named “Uecker Seats”.
I’m dating myself with this, but I remember the Miller Lite commercial featuring “Mr. Baseball” Bob Uecker, in which he gets ousted out of his seat (to which his reaction is “I must be in the front rooooow!”) and placed in the worst seats in the ballpark, where he screams at the umpire.
It was funny, and the Brewers picked up on it when they opened American Family Field in 2001, declaring the highest seats behind home plate the “Uecker Seats”. These seats are blocked by pillars that hold up a portion of the ballpark’s massive roof, so sitting here closer to the aisles means a partially obstructed view.
But the seats are just four quarters. You can’t beat that.
In order to get a Uecker Seat, you have to get in line and buy them at the box office, pay cash, and enter the ballpark directly after buying the ticket. If you have a group they need to be with you.

For a buck, you can see two-thirds of the field.
But once you’re in, you can stand just about anywhere, and many people simply move to a better seat during the game. But if you’re not close to the aisles, the view from the Uecker Seats can be perfectly acceptable (better than in the above photo, obviously).
The only caveat with the Uecker seats I have is this: for a high demand game, and the Brewers have quite a few of them, you will need to get in line early. This means you might not be able to enjoy the tailgating, and the smell of the sausages cooking may get to you.
Incidentally, the Brewers just added a statue of Uke sitting in the seats named for him. A great photo-op.
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Order your caps, jerseys, and more now at and save!Click here to order your Brew Crew gear today!

Great view of the slide though.
Cheap Seats at Miller Park, Tip #2: Bernie’s Terrace. You should actually avoid Bernie’s Terrace, unless, of course, you just want to get into the ballpark cheaply.
The Bernie’s Terrace seats are so named for their proximity to the platform where mascot Bernie The Brewer sits. Bernie stands there during the game, waiting for a Brewer to knock one out of the park (or hit an inside-the-parker, as happened my last trip there).
When this happens, he slides down his slide onto the lower platform. It used to be into a vat of beer, but the Brewers became concerned about their image when moving into American Family Field (?) and cleaned it up a bit.
So sitting in the Bernie’s Terrace sections (441 and 442), you’d think you’d get a good close up view of Bernie sliding. Depending on where you are, you might or might not. But your real concern will be that the affable mascot’s platform creates a ridiculously obstructed view. Sitting in the upper rows of Section 442, you will lose almost half of the entire field to this.
Not to mention that you will be about as far from home plate as seats get at a Brewers game. Not a great way to watch a ballgame, so if you’re serious about seeing the game, you’ll want to avoid Bernie’s Terrace.
The nice thing is that next to the Uecker Seats, they are the cheapest tickets in the ballpark, cheaper than standing room even. And you can order the Bernie’s Terrace seats ahead of time from the Brewers’ website or box office.
Many people buy the cheap seats at American Family Field and just find a better place to sit. For lower attendance games, this is fairly easily done, so long as you don’t try to sit in a Field Level seat behind home plate. But you’ll have a much harder time doing this for a Cubs game or a weekend game.
That’s just two great deals at Brewers games; there are a whole lot of other ways to save a few bucks. Check out some more Brewers game tips here, including tailgating tips, parking tips, what to know bringing the kids, and this amazing list of Brewers game shuttles!
And be sure to Follow my Facebook page for great ballpark tips!
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Cheap White Sox Tickets – 3 Useful Tips
Posted by Kurt Smith
When the Pale Hose struggle at the gate, there are numerous ways to find yourself some cheap White Sox tickets. Here are a few of my favorite tips.

They’re very nice people here, but check your inbox first.
Cheap White Sox Tickets, Tip #1) Get Team Ticket Alerts. I recommend this for every team, but the White Sox in particular offer very nice deals to their e-mail subscribers: monthly ballpark passes, flash sales of 200 or so tickets at a very nice price, and a “Sox Save of The Week”. No need to pay face price, especially when you can be flexible about when you go. Click here to sign up…
Don’t wait till you get to the ballpark to get your Chicago White Sox gear…
Order your caps, jerseys, and more now at and save!Click here to order your White Sox gear today!

“I don’t know about the window with no line. What if it’s for farm vehicles?”
Cheap White Sox Tickets, Tip #2) Use The Box Office. Except for Opening Day and Cubs games, most White Sox games don’t sell out, and there’s no online fee for buying tickets at the box office. If you’re buying multiple tickets especially, the online fees add up, and they’re not necessary. Just go on game day and get tickets there.

You don’t have to work quite so hard to get in the ballpark.
Cheap White Sox Tickets, Tip #3) Donate Blood Or Something. The White Sox hold community events and they offer free or discounted tickets to charitable groups…more so than most teams. Check the community and group tickets section of their website, because you may find a great deal for philanthropic sorts.
Gametime has your cheap White Sox tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)
Cheap White Sox Tickets, Bonus Tip!) Try Gametime! My friends at Gametime usually have among the best deals on White Sox tickets, and I’m not just saying that because they’re an affiliate of mine. Click here to check out their inventory of White Sox tickets…but remember that you can’t print them now.
There’s three ways to save money on White Sox tickets, but there’s plenty more deals out there…stay tuned. If you’d like to know some things about seating here, check this out.
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
Tropicana Field Seating Tip
Posted by Kurt Smith
Here is my best Tropicana Field seating tip: Don’t pay more than you have to.
OK, let me start this by saying I don’t necessarily condone moving into a seat that you didn’t pay for. It really isn’t fair to people who did pay for those seats, especially when they are the premium seats that cost a second mortgage.
However, I don’t recall ever minding someone keeping a good seat warm that belonged to me, so long as they get out of it immediately and didn’t break wind too much.
My philosophy on moving to a better seat is this: it’s okay so long as you don’t get greedy. If there’s 10,000 people in the ballpark, and you move from a seat that’s in the upper level in the outfield to an upper level seat behind home plate, that’s not going to bother me.
If I paid for the Legends seats at Yankee Stadium and someone who bought a bleacher seat distracts an usher enough to sit next to me, I might not be too happy about that. And there are some premium spots on the Tropicana Field seating chart.
(continued below)

Chance of catching a foul ball: Excellent.
Anyway, to my point. The Rays average about 15,000 a night for most games. When the ballpark is barely half full on a good night, and if I wasn’t planning to sit in a premium seat, I would just get the cheapest ticket in the ballpark (which, at present, is for the tbt* Party Deck in left field) and move somewhere behind home plate out of everyone’s way.
In my last trip to the Trop my seat was behind home plate anyway, and it wasn’t too expensive. But the three of us moved around and checked the ballpark out from different perspectives (all part of the job) with no problem whatsoever. By the end of the Tampa Bay loss we were sitting in seats that probably cost three times what I paid.
My guess is that by the second or third inning, you can improve your lie to a much better seat, so long as you’re not trying to get the field level seats in the infield. Just be ready to move if the nice usher asks you to.
Gametime has your cheap Rays tickets…with a lowest price guarantee, panoramic seat view photos, and great last minute deals…even after the game starts!
(See why Ballpark E-Guides loves Gametime here!)
More about Tropicana Field:
Visiting Tropicana Field – Five Tips For Newbies
Free Parking at Tropicana Field
Three Foods to Try at Tropicana Field
(Note: this article contains affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to make a purchase, Ballpark E-Guides earns a commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!)
How To Save Money On Playoff Tickets
Posted by vlm
The MLB Playoffs are here, and of the six division winners that have already punched their tickets to the postseason, only one…the Boston Red Sox of all teams…have seen a World Series championship since 1988.
Four of these teams haven’t even won a World Series in the ballpark they currently play in…that includes the Cubs…and two teams still haven’t grabbed a World Championship ring in their history. So playoff tickets will be in high demand.
Actually that’s a bit of an understatement. Cubs World Series tickets, should they make it, are starting at $2,000 for standing room.
It may be a little late for some of these tips to be useful, but file this away for next year, because if you’re seeking playoff tickets you can save a boatload of money by planning ahead:
1) Pay attention to the team newsletter.
You should always be signed up for a team’s ticket alert newsletter for any ballpark you plan to visit, of course, but the newsletter will let you know a) when season ticket holders can buy playoff tickets, since they will get first crack at it, and b) when the rest of us can buy tickets through the team, which will most certainly be cheaper than going through the markup.
Most teams give playoff ticket opportunities to folks who put down a deposit on a season ticket plan for the following season. This might be worth considering…you may want to get a friend or two in on it or sell your unwanteds on StubHub. If a team that hasn’t been good in a while suddenly goes deep into the playoffs, chances are good that tickets for the following season will go for much dough on the third party market.
But even if you have no season ticket aspirations, there will be some tickets still available through the team, and you’ll get an e-mail letting you know when they go on sale. You’ll have to be ready to jump on it as soon as they do, but the markup especially for teams like the Cubs will be significant…count on it being at least double the face price.
By the way, the team might hold a contest or an auction for playoff tickets, as the Cubs are doing…
2) Keep checking with the team.
It does happen; players and officials return their extras. Maybe not as much for critical games, but you never know. The point is to remember that playoff tickets especially will almost always be cheaper going through the team than through an agency or a third party.
3) Go for the “if necessary” games.
In my searches I noticed that when teams are making division series tickets available, the tickets for the first two “necessary” games go far more quickly than the game five or whatever tickets. So look into this option if you don’t absolutely have to go; you’re more likely to land a better seat at face price.
The team will refund whatever amount you pay for games that don’t get played (I presume that includes the fees), small consolation for missing the playoff game, but at least it’s safe.
4) Remember the third party market rules.
If you have to go through StubHub or Gametime rather than through the team, you’ll be paying more, obviously, but you at least don’t have to submit to the team’s season ticket demands.
Remember basic rules for using third party sellers: wait until about 2-5 days before the event to pick up tickets, or till the last minute if it isn’t that important to you, and be ready to snap up a good deal if one appears (hard to gauge, I know, just be realistic).
Also, be sure to go all the way to the checkout screen to compare prices; Gametime includes the fees in the displayed cost if you toggle “all-in pricing”, but StubHub does not, and you may be very surprised at the difference between ticket prices in similar sections.
You can set alerts on StubHub, but thus far that hasn’t worked very well for me recently. Couldn’t hurt though.
5) Be extra wary of scalpers and Craigslist.
I’ve written before about buying tickets on Craigslist and the potential for fraud, and how it’s generally not worth worrying about being scammed. It’s the same with scalpers. There are some things to know dealing with both, but the large majority of the time they are legit.
During the playoffs, though, when the stakes are higher and the costs of tickets skyrocket, you will occasionally read stories about scalpers and people on Craigslist selling fake tickets. I’m betting we may hear a story about this in Chicago. Just be extra careful.
6) Consider going on the road.
Let’s say you’re a die-hard Cubs fan who can’t put a second mortgage on their house to see a postseason game at Wrigley. Why not look into a trip to D.C.? Or L.A.? Or for that matter, Detroit? The Tigers could still make it as I write this, and we could see a World Series between two teams that are just a four-hour drive apart.
Since you’re reading this now for next season, if you think going to see your heroes on the road might actually be cheaper than seeing your team at home, sometime in mid-August…mark August 15 on your calendar…you should subscribe to the team newsletters of any team you think might make the playoffs. Remember, tickets will almost always be cheaper through the team.
Again, these tips may probably only be slightly helpful now, but if you want to get playoff tickets without losing your shirt, most likely you’ll have to plan well ahead anyway (I’ll re-post this earlier next time). So look into splitting a season ticket deal with a friend (you should probably share the postseason tickets too, just saying), subscribe to team alerts, and get your best practices on with StubHub.