3 American Family Field Seating Tips (Milwaukee Brewers)
Posted by Kurt Smith
American Family Field (home of the Milwaukee Brewers, in case you weren’t aware of the name change from Miller Park) has an impressive seating bowl, with four whole tiers of seating. I talk about cheaper seats elsewhere, but here’s three American Family Field seating tips for the lower levels.
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Improve your chances of catching a foul while the tailgate continues…
American Family Field Seating Tips, #1) Field Level. The lowest level seats at American Family Field have a low slope, but the view is just fine. The seats closer to the outfield are angled towards second base for less neck strain. All the seats between the bases cost the same; you have to get close to the corners to see a price drop.
The first five or so rows of each Infield section is considered Diamond Box, and command a significantly higher price. So if you want one of the better seats, try a third party seller like Gametime.
The Field Box seats, like most all seats at Brewers games, are surprisingly reasonable in today’s baseball climate. There are some 25-26 rows in most sections.

A well-populated section of Brewers fans. Good place to be.
American Family Field Seating Tips, #2) Loge Level. The Loge section is the second tier, from foul pole to foul pole, and follows the same pricing pattern as Field Box; infield and outfield seats, and the lower row seats are Diamond seats. The price disparity isn’t as large here though.
Loge seats can be the best value in the ballpark. In many ballparks the second tier is the suite or club level, but at the Brewers’ ballpark they’re for the common folk and are physically only slightly higher than field level. Great view for the price, especially on bargain nights.
The higher rows of Loge Box seats can suffer from view problems with the overhang of the Club Level; generally about the 18th row up might give you problems seeing the scoreboard.
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I half expect to hear cartoon music using these.
American Family Field Seating Tips, #3) Club Level. The Club Level is the third tier above the Loge Level and are fairly high up for premium seats. The seats there cost a bit more, but you have access to the climate-controlled, carpeted Club Level concourse, which is nice on a cold (or hot) day. You’ll also have access to the huge SKYY Lounge on the Club Level, overlooking Helfaer Field.
There are plenty of deluxe (for a ballpark) food options—carveries and stations for pasta, burgers and stir-fry foods to choose from. In the infield seats you can request waitress service.
Getting to the Club Level is an adventure; you can use either the escalator that finds its way up through a maze of impressive structure, or use the clock tower elevator next to the front entrance. Should you land a Club Level ticket, it’ll be helpful to have it within easy reach, since the Brewers are big on ushers checking tickets at this level.
The Club probably isn’t the best place for families; they don’t have the playgrounds that the lower concourse has, and the kids might not enjoy it as much. Better to save this one for a client or a date.
There you go folks; three levels of American Family Field seating for those of discriminating tastes. You can always save a few bucks with the cheap seats though…there’s plenty of them here!
Interested in more American Family Field tips for your next Brewers game? I’ve got ya! Check out Brewers tailgating tips here, some tips for newbies, what to know bringing the kids, and this amazing list of Brewers game shuttles!
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