Prepaid Baseball Game Parking With SpotHero
Posted by Kurt Smith
If you’ve read my ballpark tips for a while, you know that I will always recommend whether to use your car or public transit to a game. But if you’re driving and parking at or near the ballpark, you should always have a plan. You do NOT want to be driving around Baltimore or Boston looking for a decent and affordable spot. (I speak from experience!)
Using SpotHero makes the process simple, and even fun if you do it right!
Sitting in ungodly slow traffic with a full bladder in Toronto or Washington can make for a memorable ballgame experience for the wrong reasons. You could also, of course, seriously overpay for parking if you go without a plan (see: Fenway Park).
So while I offer a lot of advice here, it does come down to booking in advance. This is especially the case if the ballpark is in the heart of the city, as many of the newer ones are. If most fans going to the game use public transit because of traffic and costs, SpotHero is your best bet for parking.

You can do better than this. Stick with me.
What I love about SpotHero is that I can choose well ahead of time where I’d like to park, and I choose my spot based on a number of factors.
In Baltimore, for example, I find a garage near the Inner Harbor for a nice waterfront walk before or after the game.
In Pittsburgh, I find a spot near the other side of the Clemente Bridge, for a stunning approach to the ballpark.
In Boston, I get a spot near the Prudential Center…it’s a long walk, but I can also use Commuter Rail (or a Boston Pedicab!) and get off a fly ball away from the ballpark…at a lot where people paid five times as much as I did to park.
In Atlanta, I just want to be able to find my car after the game.

And of course, you get the bonus of parking your own car. No one likes to park someone else’s at the game.
You can choose your spot based on the easiest exit, be near other city attractions or eateries, or simply go cheap.
Here’s a favorite trick of mine in several cities: if you’re making a day of visiting the city with your baseball, you can land a spot near a public transit station that will take you to the game and back (or the other way around). In some places, you can park close to the ballpark before the event rate kicks in, and enjoy a day in the city before the game. I’ve done this numerous times and saved a bundle.
SpotHero provides other details too, including if your car will be under elevated train tracks and may get oil spilled on it. (That’s a thing in Chicago. True.) Each spot description shows a star based review, whether you have in/out privileges, and even a photo of the lot or garage entrance so you know what it looks like, which is very helpful in a big city.

This is a pretty sweet evening rate for baseball parking. Even in Canadian dollars.
Order the spot, get the address, put it in your map app, and go. Show your barcode at the entrance and you’re in. Easy peezy.
As some of you know, I used to be a fan of ParkWhiz. They aren’t bad, but I’ve definitely found that SpotHero offers a larger selection and is better for baseball game parking. When I found myself using SpotHero instead of ParkWhiz based on that, I switched my affiliation, and now SpotHero is the Official Prepaid Parking of Ballpark E-Guides!
(Again, that’s not really a thing, but it sounds good.)

So many choices. Who wants to think about it on game day?
In a downtown city ballpark especially, try SpotHero for your ballgame parking. Or any prepaid parking, for that matter.
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If you go to baseball games, you’re going to spend money...on tickets, parking, food, and souvenirs, not to mention hotels and travel expenses if you’re going on a baseball road trip.
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